
As promised, my trip so far has been full of endulging (in mom's pies), decorating (for Christmas) and relaxing (all sorts).

Saturday night we went to see Australia.

It was breathtaking. You will cry and laugh and laugh and cry, over and over again.

And of course you will love seeing the leading lady's run-down ranch in the Outback transform into a beautiful English manor, full of antiques.

Have you seen it yet? Did you love it as much as I did?


  1. I cannot wait to see this. I'm the biggest fan of Baz Lurhman movies, and I HAVE to see this. I'm so glad I'm hearing good things about it.

    Did you ever get Cafe Rio? I went the other day, just because of that picture you put up, and THE GRILL WAS DOWN! No chicken. So so sad.

  2. I balled my eyes out. Absolutely obsessed. I think nulla is the next big thing. Did you know that they just randomly chose him? He has never acted before. They tought him.


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