I've been writing Little Green Notebook for a whole year now and I think it's high time for a give away.

My very favorite book written on upholstery is called Upholstery Basics. If you are at all interested in learning how to reupholster your old or outdated furniture (anything from a simple dining chair to an ornate antique sofa), this book is indispensable. I love it and refer to it almost every time I pick up my staple gun. It looks a little old school, but I promise that it's worth it's weight in gold upholstery tacks. {heh}

Want a copy for yourself? Leave a comment on this post BEFORE MIDNIGHT on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st and I'll randomly draw the winner's name.

image via Calico Corners
I might include a little something extra, too, so tell you friends and spread the word.

And on a mushy note, thanks for stopping by everyday (or as often as you do). I love writing this blog and I appreciate every single email and comment that I get from readers. You guys are awesome.


  1. I would LOVE that book! It would definitely come in handy with my many projects, although I won't make you ship it all the way over here. :)

  2. I would LOVE a copy of that book. I am actually always on Craigslist looking for old furniture to inspire me for when I have a house again have motivated me!!

  3. I think this is my first comment on your blog, but I've been reading for a month or so. I love your style and the way you use pictures on your site to illustrate your ideas! Thanks for being so inspiring!! Congrats on a year of blogging!

    kcdesc0011 @ hotmail . com

  4. Hello!! A friend introduced me to your site and I really love your posts-- thanks for all those ideas! :) I've never attempted an upholstery job before but is sounds like fun-- would love the book :) Please blog often!

  5. Hello, I found your site through a cup of jo a couple of weeks ago.
    I'm loving your site.
    This book is right up my alley. I've been wondering how to learn upholstery, and here it is in a book with your recommendation.
    Congrats on your first year of blogging!

  6. Thanks for all the inspiration! Love your blog (and would love this BOOK!)

  7. If it is going to be random then my plea won't mean a thing. but if I don't get this book in the give away i'll be sending you oddles of e-mails asking for help with the two wing backs I might be getting out of my in law's garage very soon..... ok-if I don't win it then I'll buy my own copy...and either way-book or no book I'll be e-mailing you when i start the chairs. A LOT.

  8. count me in! i would love to learn more reupholstering tricks. your blog is great.

  9. I happened upon your blog this last month and I love it! It's a great inspiration for my home...thank you!

    joellenzafacon at gmail dot com

  10. wow. a giveaway? how much better can your blog get? :) hope i win!

  11. Remember when you almost stopped this blog for fear that no one was reading it? I'm so glad you kept it up, and apparently a lot of other are glad too.

    Love ya!! Carolyn

  12. Sounds like a cool giveaway! I would love it as I have not a clue how to upholster a thing and desperately want to do it. Ditch the random and just pick me!

  13. I'm dying to do something new and {flaunt} my husband's request that anything I buy off craigslist be in usable condition - no painting re upholstering or repurposing. So what if I have one year old twins and can't get much done. A girl's got to have hobbies!

  14. I found your blog via Carolyn and have had it on my reader for a few weeks now. I have shown it to others - because what you post about happens to come up in comversations I have - and they have loved it to. I have been planning to email you about some help I need with my place, I just have not had to time to take the pictures yet - but I will. Anyway I just wanted you to know I am here and reading and I try not to read many blogs by people I don't know because I usually I leave feeling worse about myself, but yours doesn't make me feel that way.

    *Wow - I guess I win for the longest comment ever. Is there a prize for that?*

  15. oh I need this so bad. I have a hideous green couch that needs a lovely new cover!

  16. i've been lurking for a long time. i'm excited about the book. i'm looking into doing our glider....

    the blog is great!

  17. I wondered where you learned all your great upholstery skills. Thanks for writing a great blog, it inspires me to try new things and gives me great ideas! I found your blog when a girl (Christine) I went to college with recommended it.

  18. Hey, the book sounds like a winner! If it is what has helped you with your amazing skills then I think any of us would be so lucky to receive it! ...Crossing my fingers!

  19. Sign me up for the drawing! you're awesome and so taleted!

  20. oh, there is a chair i have that desperately needs a new look. this may help get it out of the garage, ha!

  21. your blog is great. the book would be of help considering I have the hickory couch you highlighted in your last post and hate the current fabric on it! :) Keep up the fabulous decorating ideas.

  22. i'm getting ready to reupholster an antique bench and i'm on the lookout for a cheap chaise lounge... this book would be perfect for my upcoming projects!! megan

  23. Wow, that book would be awesome!! Your blog inspires my creativity. I have always been so scared of reupholstering myself, but your blog has been motivating me to try it out. I hope I win!

  24. As you know, I've been reading your blog for a little over a week and I have to say that it rivals some of the most popular design blogs out there!

    I'm not afraid to paint but labor-intensiv upholstery is something new for me. Would be fun to own that book!

  25. Heaven Knows I need this book DESPERATELY. Does sounding pathetic help my name glow as you draw it? Hope so! I LOVE your site, but you already know that.

  26. me me me. i would love to learn. great giveaway!

  27. Oooh, me! ME! PICK ME! :)
    Seriously it will be so lucky if I win the drawing given our conversation today.

  28. ooh, ooh! great idea, jen.

    here is my official comment.

    (i have an amazing wingback i want to recover.... sigh.)

  29. (don't you love when "give-away" is metioned you find all the people who really read your blog... its kind of nice, huh?)

  30. who doesn't have something they need to reupholster! i stop in from time to time via terese's photo blog and love your style! keep up the great blogging!

  31. Hi Miss Fabriclicious!!!
    I've found your blog this weekend and have read it all already... Thanks to you, I am now the biggest fan of Craigslist furniture, just a shame my town doesn't have too much good stuff, but in Seattle there is tons!!! This summer I will be going there with a U-haul!!! lol
    I love interior design and love your style...
    Keep doing the awesome job! Love here!


  32. If I leave 20 comments will that increase my chance of winning?? Haha!
    I'm thankful for all you do on this blog! It is truly inspiring~

  33. I have loved reading your blog! I found you through my cousin-in-law Katy, and have been hooked ever since. You even inspired me to go and buy a few striped Ikea runners to stitch together into a 6'x8' rug for my baby's room. I don't know if you remember that post, but I love all of your ideas. I would also love (and use) that book!

  34. Ok, I'm going to be honest. I don't think I will ever reupholster a piece of furniture. Slipcover, yes, but not reupholster so please don't pick me. I'd like to think I would but I'm trying to be more realistic about these things. But I did want to tell you how much I enjoy your blog.

  35. I can't even remember how I stumbled upon your blog, but I stop in from time to time and I really enjoy it. I love to decorate and am ready to tackle some DIY projects that I've got rolling around in my head. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  36. I found this blog through a friend and fell in love! Thanks so much for your inspiring posts

  37. Love your blog and would love this book!

  38. Hi There! Just came over from Desire to Inspire, and I think I'll be sticking around, I love what I see! I've made more than a few slipcovers for my tired furniture, but would love another book for more details!

  39. I would love that book! I have a beautiful antique sofa I rescued from the curb that I can't afford to have professionally done right now!

  40. Just found your blog and it's going to be a daily read for me! Also officially tried some upholstering last week and it was moderately successful-I could definitely use the book. :) Thanks!

  41. Hi just looked at your site for the first time via desire to inspire. that kitchen post is fantastic. I'm looking forward to seeing lots more in your second year of blogging and congrats on year 1. would love the book. sheila

  42. Just found your blog today and I love it. You have so many impecable taste. What an amazing talent you have for fixing things up! We bought our first home and I am so exited to have all of your great ideas and decorating advice.

  43. I've always wanted to learn to re-upholster furniture, but it seems so intimidating. I would love a book on the basics.

  44. Happy blog anniversary! I really want to learn to re-upholster. I love the idea of re-purposing and up-cycling. :) Love your blog.

  45. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks and absolutely love it. It's given me so many great ideas and it's just refreshing to read.

    I'd love to win the upholstery book as I have a couch that mocks me every time I walk by.

  46. I just clicked through from Desire to Inspire and I'll be back! I think I'd like to ask for advice on a couple of design issues at my house too! Your site is a great resource.

  47. I hear you. I too have a old school sewing book I go to all the time. It's not beautiful, just straight forward and clear. Love the idea of a give away. Knowledge shared is a kind gift...

  48. throw my name in the hat. i'd love that book!
    -Caroline B in NC

  49. I would love to have this book! getting ready to re-do two chairs

  50. my friend kristine just told me about your blog today. yay! perfect timing since I'm trying to recover a chair in my living room.
    i hope i win! i love your blog.

  51. Your blog is so inspirational and happy! I would love a copy of this book, as I have thought often about recovering some things, and didn't know where to start.

    Thanks for spending the time to share your amazing creativity!! It's contagious!


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)