Shoes Off, Please...

Since we're on the topic of housekeeping - what's your philosophy? Do you ask guests to take their shoes off when they come over?

I think this is a cute idea for like a mud room or back door area. I like that the lettering is painted the same color as the wall, making the pretty loud message a little more subtle.

by designer Samantha Johnson via Desire to Inspire.


  1. this is adorable, but with hardwoods and two kiddos i am not big into the whole shoes off thing.

  2. I'm with you, Paula, I'm not huge on the "no shoes" rule at our house. But, I know a lot of people that are religious about it. I thought these letters were a cute way for those who do care to remind visitors subtly. Thereby avoiding the awkwardness... "I'm sorry, but could you take your shoes off" etc.

    I also saw in an old MS Living (or maybe it was Blueprint?) where they designed, printed and framed up a cute mini poster, asking people to remove their shoes. That's another route.


  3. I love No Shoes in theory, especially with a crawling baby around, but in practice, it always feels rude to ask someone to take off their shoes. We got our carpets cleaned once, and I asked a couple of visitors from church to remove their shoes before coming in, and felt SO bad when I realized one of the men had a hole in his sock. I know he was aware of it too, and even though we joked about it to lighten the mood, I still felt horrible. I just can't ask anyone to remove their shoes after that.

    BUT it would be nice to see a sign like that in someone else's house. It would take the guesswork and awkwardness out of the initial moment when you step through the door, with your toe on your other heel, and think, "Do I Or Don't I?"

  4. Yes that is a lovely sign.We are actually a no shoes house but it certainly can be awkward sometimes asking the initiated to go without shoes.


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