Sometimes I hate winter.

Have you ever had one of those days? Where it's cold (really cold) outside? And your kids are going crazy and so are you (cabin fever). And you wished that you didn't live in really old and really small student housing?

Maybe you wish, like I often do, that you lived somewhere like this?

Somewhere with a lovely back yard with mature trees for this.

and definitely this.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend. In the meantime I'll be praying that spring decides to come to Boston about 3 months early this year.


  1. I love the little bench around the tree.

    Sending you warm vibes from Down Under.

  2. That tree house would be just another reason why I need to continue to be your neighbor forever!!

  3. Oh Jennica, you poor thing. That is a crazy amount of snow. That tree looks like it shouldn't be standing anymore.

  4. I have a love/hate relationship with winter or, more specifically, snow. Having just moved from a place where it is nice alot of the time I can say it's not all it's cracked up to be.

    Just wanted to say that I love your blog. I've just moved in to a new (to us) house and have already gotten great ideas from your blog. Thanks!

  5. PLEASE share where you found the tree house-castle link. I would commission one of my own. Wow. It's gorgeous on the outside

  6. lets trade. i am longing for more jacket weather.

    (as long as i can keep the tree fort.)


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