GORGEOUS Penguin Classics

Are you a book junkie like me?

Remember last week when I posted about these great books from the Selby? Yeah, the French ones that I still really want even though I don't really understand French.

I knew the book covers reminded me of other books I had seen online, but couldn't remember where.

Then I saw this post on A Little Sussy, that reminded me of this post on Design*Sponge. Ah, yes. The gorgeous Penguin Classics with covers designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith.
The limited edition books were published by Penguin UK and were originally offered only at the UK-based bookstore, Waterstone's. The Design*Sponge post has the link to the books where they were sold for about $32 each. Despite the price setback, I was disappointed to discover the books are not on the Waterstone's website anymore. Sold out maybe? I was so bummed.

BUT! After poking around on the internet and searching for the books' ISBNs, I discovered that Indigo Books out of Canada now sells the series. The great part? They are on sale for $14.99!!

The best part? The price is listed in Canadian dollars, so the books are a little more than $11 US each! So exciting, right? Some of the best titles, all wrapped up in the prettiest covers you've ever seen. Heavenly.


  1. Thank you! I have been looking for these books since the DesignSponge post. I just ordered them.

  2. Did you have any problems with the website page showing all the books. I could only get three of them. It said there were 10 results (?).

  3. I love pretty books. But Thomas Hardy? Gag.

    Just kidding.

    These hardbacks are beautiful, but even at $11 a piece, it's a little steep. I actually LOVE the way old pocket paperbacks look on a shelf. Ebay has some great lots (a few right now are going 24 for under $10), and the covers are just insanely awesome. If you know of a good way to display covers face out, let me know.

  4. I love love love books. I couldnt ever read books online, there is something so pleasurable about a hot cup of tea and the crisp paper of a published tome...
    Need advice on dust covers though---hate them when Im reading the book, but keep them when I put them on the bookshelf---the dilemma is that the bare spines are always so much prettier!!

  5. Is the link you included at the bottom of the post for the actual books? It doesn't show the image of the book, so I just wanted to be sure that these are in fact the correct books with the beautiful covers... Thanks so much!

  6. Megan -

    The link is a list of all 10 books. It's a little scary ordering without seeing a picture first, but I verified the ISBNs over and over and feel 100% confident these are the exact hardbacks shown in the photos of this post.

    I'm so excited about my order. I got an email notification of the shipment today {seriously AWESOME customer service}. If you want me to email you when I get the order, I'd be happy to help calm your fears!! Just let me know.


  7. Just curious, how much was the total order of all 10 books with shipping included? If it's not too bad, I think I'll order them too!

  8. Jenny, thank you so much for tracking these down!

    Melinda, I just ordered the whole set for CAD$177, which includes shipping to the U.S. That's about $140!! You can't beat that.

  9. I am loving these beautiful books! Is it too good to be true?! When you get your shipment, would you mind emailing me about them? I just want to make sure they are the same books as pictured.
    I AM worried they will sell out quickly, but I guess if they do before you get back to me, then it wasn't meant to be...

  10. I was wondering if you could post the isbn's for the books, or just point me in the right direction of where you origianlly found them.

  11. Here are the ISBNs. I copied these from the Design*Sponge post's comments section.

    Madame Bovary (9780141040318)

    Great Expectations

    Sense & Sensibility


    Tess of the D’Urbervilles

    Pride & Prejudice

    Crime & Punishment

    Jane Eyre

    Picture of Dorian Gray

    Wuthering Heights

  12. Tx for the information. It APPEARS that Penguin has done a second publishing because you will note that the Publication date is shown as 9 February 2009. Also you will note that when you look at the description of the books, it has the ISBN numbers as has been posted here AND another ISBN number associated with each of the books.

    I found all of them on that site EXCEPT couldn't find one with the ISBN shown for Wuthering Heights.


  13. Whoops. Sorry about that. Here is the corrected Wuthering Heights ISBN:


    I'll post pictures of my books once they are delivered.


  14. Loves it!!! Great find! Thanks!

  15. Do these editions contain a footnotes section like most other Penguin publications?

  16. Please post a picture, commenters or Little Green Notebook, when you receive these...they are like little works of art! I am seriously tempted.

  17. Has anyone received these books yet? I love them!

  18. Yes! I got them a week ago! They're just as gorgeous as they look online. The order came in about 2 weeks in great condition. They're lining my bookshelf now :)
    There are no footnotes for the person who asked.

  19. Thank you for telling me where to get them in Bandelle's blog. I just ordered them, and I am sure I will be very happy when they arrive :)

  20. These are more beautiful that I imagined. I just received books 1-4. I should have just bought the whole set! Thanks so much

  21. I was delighted to find these books at my local Anthropologie store today after discovering they were sold out online. They are lovely and a welcome addition to any home library.

  22. As a note: these books are now on Amazon!

  23. Lovely books! Barnes and Noble makes a similar collection of leatherbound classics: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s?sort=DD&size=38&sid=577536&srt=dd&startat=1&store=book&sze=10


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