Hanging Daybed

If my great desire for a back porch wins over my need for energetic city-living, you can bet that I'll be buying a few more power tools and taking on this DIY project from Lowe's.

{Or maybe just calling a carpenter?}

Love it. But it needs some paint.


  1. Cool idea! It looks more modern than a regular porch swing.


  2. How lovely would it be to take a nap on one of these, sigh...

  3. I second the nap comment! I could use one right about now, as long as it was on a beautiful, sunny porch like this one!

    Where is the nice weather? Surely not here in New York.

    Love your blog.

  4. cute idea, but i could just see my kids junping "on the bed".
    darling blog you have..
    off to peruse...

  5. it'd be a lot cuter with rope than with chain...

  6. OMG! I love that. I'll have to show it the hubs and see if we can do something like this in our home. Perfection.

  7. that is the most wonderful bed i have ever seen :)

  8. What a fun idea! I just wish I had a nice big porch to put it on! Someday my dreams will come true!

  9. I love this! I'm so excited for summer!

  10. I actually LOVE the chains! I saw some white plastic-coated chain at Home Depot the other day that would look so cool for this project!

    Thanks for the inspiration! Looks like my hubs is going to be a busy boy this weekend!! :)

  11. What a fun design. I am currently debating the city living versus more space question. Still not sure which it will be.

  12. Wouldn't that be just AWESOME? I agree on the paint thing, though. I'm sure you would make it FABULOUS.

  13. I love it, but my kids would have that thing swinging through the screens, I think! Imagine getting hit with a whole bed swinging at you. Yikes! Seems dangerous to me who has 2 boys.


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