Peacock Blue

I have a slight obsession with peacock blue. At Brimfield last week, I found three (different widths) 10-yard rolls of vintage French grosgrain ribbon in the perfect shade of peacock blue. The color is haunting me.

This image from a wedding featured on Frolic stopped me in my tracks. Anyone know if this stunning fabric is new? I'm guessing it's vintage, but a girl can dream...


  1. Those colors are amazing. Wow.

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  4. I too fell in love with this chair and the fabric in particular. I found out some info about the chair and posted it here


  5. Girl, you are speaking my language. Peacock blue has always been my favorite color - I've painted walls that color and even did my wedding in peacock feathers instead of flowers. That chair is fabulous. Wouldn't it be great to see prints like that make a comeback?

  6. That is one beautiful shade of blue on that gorgeous chair.

  7. when scanning the "oops" paint at either home depot or lowel's a few months ago I found a whole gallon of that beautiful blue. I am tempted to paint one of my dressers with it, but I have a whole gallon and I want to do my dresser a mustard color. So I am holding on to it for a while. Maybe i'll do an accent wall in Jake's room when we get into a new house! Great deal for $6. I do this often, find a cool color of "oops" paint and hold onto it until I find the perfect use.

  8. Ok that is beautiful!! Don't hold out on is if you find out the origin of that fabric.

  9. Wow I love that shade of blue. Perfection. The fabric on that chair does look vintage. I'll have to check out Sharnel's post and she what she wrote about it.

    Any other exciting finds at Brimfield. I really want to go in July.

    Hmm perhaps a blogger get together!!!!

  10. Wow that is a beautiful fabric and settee. They totally work together.

    Tricia - Avolli

  11. I know. I am still not over that fabric. That ribbon sounds amazing!!

  12. A gorgeous chair and the colour is beautiful. Ax

  13. I LOVE that little bench, the color is just amazing. I wish I knew what fabric it was, sorry!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. looks like needlepoint- just stunning!

  15. Just came across this 30" peacock rug for $18 at Urban Outfitters... you might want to check it out =),-product.startDate&navCount=147&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=A_FURN_RUGS&popId=APARTMENT_FURNISH&prepushId=

  16. I'm pretty sure it is around 100 years ols , may be more and this is hand made tapestry . You are right it is gorgeous

  17. It looks like a Chinese needlepoint rug or a tapestry rug. They make reproductions of the antique English tapestries, and you can get a small-ish one to use for reupholstery. They are about the same weight as a kilim rug or a dhurri.
    I'm sure you could scour ebay and find one for a good deal - these colors in the pic are very common colors for that.


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