Graduation and a Client's Before/After

Posting will be light this week, but for a good reason: my wonderful husband is graduating from law school on Thursday!!! We have family in town for the festivities and we're also gearing up for our big move, so please forgive my absence while I'm enjoying our last few experiences in Cambridge. {tear}

In other news, I was so excited when my eDecorating client/fellow blogger, Kari, emailed me pictures of her great bench before and after. Check out the instructions on her (adorable) blog, here.


  1. Wow, that looks fabulous! All the best with your move! Tracey xx

  2. Congrats on your hubby's graduation. Such exciting news! I also love the bench! I was thinking of doing a little project like that as well with two old outdoor side tables the previous owners left in our house.

  3. That bench is fabulous! I just love the fabric that was is perfect!

    Congratulations on your husbands graduation. He couldn't have done it without you (no really!). Have a fabulous time this week celebrating with your family!

    My best,

  4. The little bench looks fabulous! Congratulations to your husband.

  5. Congrats to your husband! I believe I know a person or two in his law class, as they are graduating on Thursday as well.

    Love your blog by the way!

  6. Love the fabric on the bench. I am happy to discover you - best wishes to you and your husband on your new adventure!

  7. the bench worked out so well - i love it when someone is creative like that!

  8. love the stool. I have nominated you for a Splash Award. check out my blog Wed am for details.

  9. when i was talking to you sunday, i guess i didn't realize you guys were moving out so quickly, too?! i hope your move goes smoothly and that you won't miss Cambridge too much. i'm going to miss it. and congrats on graduating. yay! awesome!

  10. I love this fabric. We have this fabric in the aqua colorway in our studio pillows and upholstered makes such a fun and cheerful statement! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Congratulations to Michael (and you too). and a tear for Cambridge at the same time. It won't be the same there without your family I'm sure!
    I'm loving your blog and all your ideas and inspiration- Can't wait to hear more about your business and see more room decorating storyboards. You're so good at that!

  12. congrats to your husband and you. Good luck on your move too. I love your blog.

  13. I just discovered your blog and I absolutely adore it! So inspiring!

  14. wow, that looks awesome! love the chalkboard and the chaing mai dragon...

  15. Congrats on the graduation!! I am so happy for you guys. Can't wait to see all the exciting stuff you will do from here. I am devastated that you guys will be leaving. It sucks!:) I love the stools.heneri

  16. Congrats on the graduation! What an accomplishment! I love those ottomans so much. I am going to have to search for some on C.L. Hope you have a great week!

  17. oh soooo pretty!!!! love the fabric!!!! great job & congrats to hubby!!


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