Big News

One of my favorite eDecorating clients ordered up a baby girl's nursery a few weeks ago. Here's a little peek at sweet Penelope's soon-to-be-started room:

Penny's Nursery

In related news, it was fun for me to do a girl's nursery because...

SURPRISE! I'm pregnant! With another GIRL!!!!

Baby Ultrasound

And we couldn't be happier.


  1. Congratulations!!

    I'm loving Penelope's room- especially the paisley!!

  2. Congratulations!! So happy for you! Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy!

  3. That is big news, Congratulations!! The picture is adorable!! And the nursery is fabulous. Can't wait to see what you do for your own little Peanut.

  4. That's great congratulations!

    The room design looks great, super practice for you own one!

  5. congrats...............

    how exciting!!!!!

  6. Congratulations! The nursery is beautiful!

  7. Congrats! I have 2 girls and would LOVE to have another! Gorgeous nursery for Penelope...can't wait to see what you do for your own little girl!

  8. Congratulations!!!

    And the nursery is just beautiful. I love everything about it.

  9. congratulations!! here's to an easy, healthy pregnancy with no morning sickness and minimal weight gain, zero stretch marks and a quick and painless delivery!

  10. Congratulations! Such wonderful news! And of course the nusery is fabulous. I've been addicted to your blog for the past several months and just wanted to say you are an inspiration!! Thanks for sharing your talents with the blogosphere!

  11. Oh, WOW! Congrats Jenny! Watch all that heavy lifting now...

  12. Congratulations!!!! So happy for your baby news :) and penelope's design is fabulous!

  13. Oh my goodness!! Congratulations! And beyond gorgeous nursery ideas!

  14. Congratulations! I LOVE that nursery. Perfect for a girl.

  15. Congratulations!!! That is wonderful!!!!

  16. Aw, 3 girls?! That's awesome!! Congratulations!! Happy and healthy rest of the pregnancy to you:)

    Thanks for posting baby Penelope's nursery...its so cute. Love the combo of green and aqua with the pink!

    Have fun in Arizona, enjoy the heat:)

  17. Jenny, congratulations! Three girls! I love it - I grew up with 3 girls and it was just the best! p.s. what is that fabulous paisley fabric in those bright colors? So refreshing!

  18. Wow...congratulations!

    HOW do you do it all?

  19. Sweetie!

    Congrats I'm so excited for you! Another girl! Amazing!!!!!! I'm one of three sisters and I love it. Super excited for you and please send some baby dust my way!!!

    Also super excited that at some point down the road you'll be in NY so I see your precious girls!

    Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!!!



  20. Congratulations! You did an amazing job. Remember to participate in my giveaway starting today.

  21. Wow! That's fabulous news! So many great things happening for you and your family...congratulations!

  22. Congratulations! And the room you designed is adorable!

  23. Congratulations!!

    Love the nursery design board you did too.

  24. Congratulations! How exciting! I can't wait to see what you do in your own nursery!

  25. Three girls? How fun! I can't wait to see what you've done with the rest of your new place.

  26. oh my goodness! what a good secret-keeper you have been! congratulations! your little girls are so lucky -- I have two sisters and wouldn't trade them for the world, we are the best of friends.

  27. How WONDERFUL! I can't really relate to having girls, since I have three boys, but I am THRILLED for you!

  28. Hooray!! I was just wondering about what you were having last night when Erin told me she saw you. Jealous. I miss you Jennica. I hope that I get the same result as you when I have my ultra sound at the end of August. If not, I'll just have to love on your sweet little princess. I'm loving the new blog.

  29. Congratulations!!! I grew up in a family of three girls and it was wonderful!! My sisters and mom are still my best friends in the world!

  30. Congratulations! What exciting news!
    I'm in love with that desk and mirror. Wish I had better luck at antique stores & secondhand shops!

  31. Congrats! So excited for you! You need to tell me your secret for little girls!

  32. Wow! Congratulations!
    Your nursery design is so lovely, I am in love with that chandelier!

    How exciting that you are having another little girl! :-)

  33. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! Congrats! I'm so excited for you!

    A client of mine just purchased that pendant for her dining room, I can't wait to see it! I love it!

  34. :-)


  35. Wow! Congratulations; wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy!!

  36. CONGRATS!! How exciting and fun!!

    I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy!!

  37. Congratulations@ Hope you are feeling well!

    LOVE this room. I'm particularly loving the 3 fabrics. Can you tell me what they are and where to find them?

  38. Congratulations!! Three little girls will be so much fun. Michael is going to be incredibly outnumbered :) We are so excited for you guys.

  39. Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you!! I can't even imagine how much you have going on right now - you are a rock star!

  40. Jenny! Congratulations. Really you would think I "really" knew you with how excited I am.

    Oh, and the room is beautiful too.

  41. Congrats! Love the little girls...especially when it comes to decorating.

  42. i recently came upon your blog and i'm so glad i did! i love penelope's nursery! the colors are so pretty together. congratulatons girls are so fun! ~jamie

  43. woo hoo!! how exciting!!

    that's like the perfect sonogram =)

    (and nursery)

  44. Congratulations Jenny! You've got a lot of things happening around your house right now!
    The vintage desk is awesome for Penelope's nursery.

  45. SOOOO EXCITING!!!! Congrats and hope you're feeling super!

  46. Congratulations! I have been reading your blog religiously and just LOVE your work. Your energy and happiness shines! Good luck with a healthy pregnancy. :)

  47. Thank you all so much for the sweet thoughts!! There were a few months in the beginning of this pregnancy that were rough (morning sickness and exhaustion), but lately I've been feeling great. Especially now that we know from the ultrasound that she is healthy! (such a huge relief - I'm a bit of a worrier)

    BTW, the paisley and turquoise fabrics are both available at Calico Corners and the pink giraffe print is available through Premier Prints. Glad to hear you guys like Penny's room. I think it's going to be adorable!


  48. congrats!! that is awesome :) girls rock!

  49. I haven't commented before, though your style has certainly inspired me. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to congratulate you, though. What wonderful news.

  50. Congratulations! I am the mon of two girls myself and I just love it. They have such a sweet bond.

  51. CONGRATULATIONS!! what a darling little girls room!

  52. congratulations to you and your family!

    btw, is that vintage desk a heywood-wakefield? reminds me of it, and that's an awesome set!

  53. Holy COW!!! Congratulations on girlie number three!!!! Josh's big bro has three girls and they are so cute together. It looks like a lot of fun to have tons of girls. That room is going to look fabulous. I love the colors of the paisley pattern. That desk is awesome too. Sending lots of love your way!

  54. Congratulations! As a third girl, I can say with authority that this one is going to be the pick of the litter!

    Love your new living room, btw. Everything turned out great. I just decided to redo ours. Now that I'm home all day all the things that I was able to overlook before are just driving me crazy. I'm sure I'll be getting lots of inspiration from your blog.

    We miss you in Cambridge!

  55. Congratulations.

    I am putting together my little girl's room and have already made curtains from the great paisley fabric (Hancock Fabric in Cincinnati), but have been looking for a rug. Where is the green grid rug from?

  56. Yeah! Babies and girls and nursery decor!

  57. Congratulations!! So happy for you!

  58. I miss like three days of your blog and I missed the big news!!!!! Congrats! I am (obviously) a big fan of big fams! :)

  59. That's wonderful Jen! Congratulations! We're expecting too, but I don't find out what the little peanut is for a few more weeks. Love the decorating!

  60. Congratulations on your little girl. I am 24 weeks with a little boy.
    Would you be willing to part with where you found that fabulous rug for Penelope's nursery?

  61. congrats on the baby girl!! how exciting!! glad you're feeling a bit better and the energy is coming back. being tired all the time is the worst.

    love your new living room decor. the drapes are fabulous!

  62. Jenny!!!! Big congrats!!I'm so excited for your third little lady! Girls, girls, girls!!

  63. Woah, somehow I missed that post! Congrats another on another beautiful Komenda girl, just like their mommy. We miss you guys so much.
    I'm so glad I was skimming back through for something and saw the ultrasound. Tell Gracie that Elijah says hi, poor kid thinks she's coming to joy school in a few weeks, I think it takes a while to sink in about friends moving away.

  64. congratulation!!!!!!!!!! she looks as if she was introducing her finger in her little mouth! adorable!VIR


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