So... Whatcha think?

You likey?


  1. OMG!! I LOOOOVE what you did with your blog! So stylish.

    Mind if I ask if you did it yourself - or did someone design it for you?

    Looks great! Can't wait til you get your portfolio uploaded...

  2. Thanks, Sheri!

    There's still lots to get done, especially on the Pearl Street site, but I'm happy with the progress done so far.

    I definitely had help with the web coding aspect of the redesign - stay tuned for a post about that.


  3. I | L O V E | !!!

  4. I like the header, it is colorful & original.

  5. Oh Jennica, I LOOVE IT LOVE IT - the colors are just fab!!

  6. very cute, but maybe a bit hard to read since the font is so tiny.

  7. love, love the new look. Just fabulous!

  8. It's cute, but I agree with a previous comment that it's a smidge hard to read.

  9. LOve the new look! Most of all love all your great ideas.

  10. Love it! It looks great!

  11. Lovely, polished and uplifting.
    We'd expect nothing less from you!
    Looking forward to lots of posts once you are settled in your new digs.
    Stephanie from NJ

  12. Jenny,

    I LOVE IT! (Totally said in load booming Oprah voice!!!!!)

    It's perfect!!!!!!! I'm off to check out more of it.

    I'll email you with the info on who did my business cards.

  13. It looks really good. I kind of miss the simplicity your blog had before but this looks really good.

  14. omg, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new banner and the new look of your blog- it looks amazing!!!!!

  15. Very pretty!
    Though I have to say I loooved your Little Green Notebook header and will miss it.
    (boy, do I need to get busy fluffing up my own graphics!)
    Congrats and good luck as you grow your new business!

  16. great new header. i love whatever that fabric is!

  17. Looks good! I'll still miss your old green notebook header, but this is very pretty!

  18. Hey Jenny!

    I just bought a template from Rainy Day Templates too! LOVE Ellie. Congrats on the new blog! It looks terrific!

  19. Yes, very much! It looks beautiful!

  20. Very pretty!! Godspeed in this new venture. You'll do wonderfully!

  21. I LOVE IT! It's so bright and cheery!

  22. Cute Cute! I love checking out your blog and all the cute ideas you post! Thank you for all the time and energy you put into this! ;)

  23. Love it. Love the colours and the little touch of your name on the pencil.

  24. very, very pretty! and i love the navigation at the top now - makes it easy to get around the site.

    also, the font is terrific and very easy to read. if anyone thinks it is small (and that's gonna happen) they can easily enlarge the text using their keyboard shortcuts.

    again, well-done redesign!!!

  25. I have to say, I am not loving this at all. It's a bit overwhelming and it lacks organization. I appreciate wanting to use the bold colors, but the simplicity of the old look was easier on the eye. Sorry, but I vote for the old one or something a little more similar to that.

  26. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see your business site.

  27. You are really very talented IMHO. It's a delight to come to your blog.

  28. I love it too! It is just perfect. I am so excited for you. And you look super hot in that picture! And I really like the subtle color and print of the background. Very classy Jenny...very classy.

  29. Okay, so I just figured out that you are not in Cambridge anymore, but I still love your blog. I like the new header - the fabric is wonderful and I don't think it is hard to read. You are so talented and it will be fun to follow you.

  30. I love it. I am recent follower of your your blog. I love the fabric, the pencil and the name. They are great! Good luck with your new business! You'd be so great.

  31. Wow - a whole new look! I think I am one of the only bloggers out there who still has an 'out of the box' blog design. I look forward to hearing about the work behind the blog transformation.

    It is nice to see the face behind the blog! Coming from someone who likes to be anonymous, but is just about ready to be less so.

  32. What a pretty new header! I love seeing the actual little green notebook!

  33. Love the new look (although, I actually really loved the old look!). Great job!

  34. The new blog looks great and I will look forward to seeing what else you add to the Pear Street site.

    Noticed that you have joined Twitter. I've been there for a few months now and have a bit of a love/hate relationship with it. I've joined your followers and invite you to become a follower of mine as well.

    Tricia - Avolli

  35. it looks FANTASTIC, Jenny! really, really great.

  36. Just found you and A-D-O-R-E the blog (& your new header)!

    Can you tell me what camera you used for your photo? It came out perfection, and I'm in need of an upgrade.


  37. You did a fantastic job! I just love the color combination.


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)