Busy Weekend

Hi friends!! I hope you had a great long weekend!

There was no beach-going for us (though we did make it to a picnic on Monday). We spent most of the weekend here at the house, crossing off long-standing 'to do list' items.

Can you guess what the biggest project of all was?? Here's a hint...

Yup, we tackled the girls' room (finally). It was a sore sight to be seen on Friday afternoon and today it's looking pretty adorable. The best part is I spent almost no money - I did all the "shopping" for the room in my basement. I'm feeling so industrial lately!

The finishing touches are happening today in my down time and I can't wait to share some of the photos with you this week!


  1. Love all of these rooms with twin beds. I can't wait to see what you've come up with!

  2. Yay! I can't wait to see what it looks like! I love shopping around my home when re-doing a room!

  3. Can I come shopping in your basement, too? I love your blog! Thanks for the inspiration. Can't wait to see this new project.

  4. Love all the rooms. I am about to have to tackle my boys room again. He is almost ready for a big boy bed.

  5. Adorable rooms!! I spent the weekend tackling our guest bedroom!

  6. I love the 6th from the bottom! Where is that pic from?

  7. Can't wait! I featured you on my blog again today! Thanks a bunch, you rock!

  8. AWESOME collection of images, Jenny! These are terrific... I can't wait to see the finished product! And, shopping in your basement is even more interesting... Your girls are so lucky!

  9. Can't wait to see the girl's rooms. I love all these photos. Still not sure what to do for my little girl. Luckily, she won't be here for another 3 months or so. I still have time to study your blog some more!

  10. bring it girl!!!! i know it will be crazygood.

  11. twin beds are so cute when they have great headboards like these!

  12. loved all of these.. too hard to pick out of my favorites! cant wait to see yours! xo.

  13. so excited to see this! I am dying to do a project with with matching headboards.

    I owe you an email, coming soon.

  14. I can't wait to see the finished product! I love your industriousness. It is so creative!

  15. i can't wait either!

  16. Can't wait to see the finished results; in the inspiration photos are any hint, it's going to be amazing!

  17. Thanks for putting all of these inspiring photos in one place! I have two kids' rooms that need pairs of twin beds and I know that one of these photos (or the ones of your project) will move me to get on with it. Love your work!

  18. i'm reading through these after i've seen what you've done with the girls' room & i am so impressed. my favorite kinds of blogs to read are when people have great design ideas, do it themselves and do it without breaking the bank - so perhaps needless to say - i love your blog & think the girls rooms are ADORABLE!

    happy blogging!
    jen from lexington


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)