Lacquer Boxes

About a year ago, I was super inspired by this image of lacquer boxes in bold colors with sharp black borders.

The price tag was in the hundreds for these boxes though (I think from Vivre or Plantation Home?), so I went the DIY route with some basic wood pieces from IKEA.

I gave them all of the boxes two coats of turquoise craft paint.

Then I taped off the edges and painted in the black borders.

Then I spray painted everything with lacquer (though, if I was doing it now I would use my favorite Wipe-On Poly in gloss).

I don't think I'm tricking any visitors into thinking that I spent hundreds of dollars on these boxes in my office, but I like them!


  1. There is something very eye catching about lacquer boxes, I should give this a whirl.

  2. I think they are stunning- who knew Ikea.

  3. I think they look like a million bucks. :-)

  4. I get the feeling that the dropcloth is a permanent fixture in your yard.

    I keep swearing that as soon as I graduate from apartment living and have a yard or basement of my own I will be just the same.

    The husband rolls his eyes.

  5. I love this idea, I was going to do something almost like this. Now I think I need to do it more like yours, I love them!

    One question, did the boxes come with the silver label holders on them already? If not, how did you attach them?


  6. Love this Jenny. It's totally a project I was also thinking of doing. I adore those orange boxes from Plantation, but with that price tag a big no way for me as well.

    Love have yours came out. I will be going the same route as well!

  7. Ok, I must copy you on this one... I LOVE this idea. You are so creative, Jenny.

  8. This is such a great idea...and on a budget too! I've got some great boxes from a thrift store that have never looked quite right. I'm going to try this out! Thanks for the great idea :o)

  9. You should send this to

  10. You are a genius. I am always amazed!

  11. Great job!! I love them. You have definitely inspired me to do something similar to put on my ottoman. Thanks! Have a great weekend.

  12. I love the extra detail! You'll definitely trick visitors into thinking you bought them somewhere other than IKEA.

  13. I'm so glad you posted this because I was eyeing them in your office makeover post. I actually DID think they were those original lacquer boxes and am excited to hear they were DIY. I should have known better!

  14. these look so great and you certainly tricked my eye, thanks for the how-to as well. You are the DIY master, girl!

  15. These look awesome!

    I was thinking about buying colored hanging file boxes, but you've inspired me to do it myself! Now I just have to find the boxes...

  16. They look great! And who would want to admit to paying hundreds for those anyway? Not me...people would think I was nuts. It think they're prettier colors anyway!

  17. I love them, thank you for posting. I love that color. Dreamy.

  18. looks fabulous. I may need a few for myself now.

  19. Beautiful. I looked at those boxes and thought, I wish I could find something like that... Love that your diy's seem so doable. Thanks as always--you are such a snazzy lady!

  20. discovered your blog last night via say yes to hoboken--and I am absolutely in love! so many great ideas. thanks for sharing your brilliance--my four-year-old is currently standing at my knee asking if we can make pelmets for her windows like the ones you made for your girls. love the inspiration!!

  21. So pretty! Love it. You've given me an idea for Christmas present for my mom - she's trying to organize her sewing room.

  22. I want to know who would want to pay hundreds of dollars for boxes (really? they're just boxes for crying out loud!) in the first place? I'd smack the first kid who came along and slammed the lid down! Anyway, love your ideas and I've turned several people onto your blog since being introduced to it myself a couple of weeks ago.

  23. This project is on my to do list. I love the way yours turned out. They look great and beautiful in that space!

  24. Love this idea! You are so creative. I think I'll have to steal this idea and make some boxes for my crafting supplies.

  25. these are great! very clever. i love the labels you made for the label holders - what font is that?

  26. Snappy! Definitely going to try it myself when the home renovations taper off. Thank you for the inspiration!

  27. Such a great idea! I never would have thought that those IKEA boxes would be able to stand up to paint, but really, what can't you paint these days?!

    They look great in your office! :)

  28. Would you please share what color paint you used. Awesome job!

  29. I love them, and I think I would love a set in a pretty color.....add this to my project list!

  30. I bought several of these IKEA boxes intending to mod podge them with some great gift wrap I have, but still haven't gotten around to it. That said, I think I like your idea better!

  31. love your style! love your blog! going on my fave reading list on my new blog ;)

  32. These are great... you are so resourceful and creative!

  33. You are a*maz*ing!!! Wow!!!!
    Could you answer a few questions for me, please?
    1. What are the boxes made of?
    2. What are the paint color names and brands that you used?
    3. What is that fabulous font you used & where did you get it?
    4. Did the label holders come on the boxes and if not where did they come from and how did you attach them?
    Can you tell that I absolutely adore this project & want to copy it exactly?

  34. I forgot to add that I'm starting on your pelmet project tomorrow!!!

    Thanks again, so much, for all of the great ideas and for the BEST blog out there!

  35. I am a lacquer addict! Love these! Last year I got several sets of red and navy lacquer boxes from Crate and Barrel on sale after Christmas. Maybe I will try making these!

  36. Hi guys!

    Thanks for all the kind comments here!

    The IKEA boxes are all made out of unfinished wood. I didn't see a link to them on the website, but I saw the boxes last time I was in IKEA.

    They came with the metal label holders. I had to paint around them since I couldn't get them off the boxes!

    The font I used for the label is called Ecolier. It's a favorite for sure. I think I got it at dafont or one of those other free font sites.

    I wish I knew the exact paint color I used for the boxes, but the details are unfortunately a little fuzzy since I did this project over a year ago. I know I used acrylic craft paint and I think the name might have been 'Caribbean' something or another. And I think I cut it 50% with white craft paint.

    Hope that helps!!

  37. LOVE the boxes. Great idea.

    I found a set of orange lacquer boxes for $60 and I am still sick that I spent that much. LOL.

  38. Stunning ... I can't wait to try this project.

  39. They look great. Another item to add to my DIY list.

  40. Oh those are HEAVEN. Especially that they were affordable; that's a project I can get behind.

  41. Ooooo!! Those are YUMMY!! I'm storing that in my little brain to do at some point.

    Thanks for sharing!!

  42. These look so exppensive! A nice idea again... I must go to Ikea!!

  43. I JUST went to ikea this I have to go back to buy those!!!!!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!

  44. Oh, I like them! I love the labels too.

  45. They look fabulous to me! Great job.


  46. I love your work! :)
    thank u!

    I had to post it on my blog:

  47. love them - just beautiful!!! i have some painted show boxes you're making me want to lacquer!!!

    that last photo looks straight out of a magazine!!!

  48. So pretty, you did a fab job on those boxes!

  49. These look great. Love the combination of the blue and black!

  50. I love these! (Oh, and I am so inspired by the ottoman you made...Beautiful!) I'm curious: how do you make your labels on your boxes? Did you hand-write them yourself? I have terrible handwriting and all my labels look bad.

  51. These turned out beautifully! My husband did something similar with wooden trays. We did the hermes orange version first and then, later, a Tiffany-blue tray.

  52. Nice job, I'm looking for the same thing and now I might just tackle this project myself!


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