pve design

Patricia van Essche hardly needs an introduction in the world of design blogs, but I'm thrilled to welcome her as the latest LGN sponsor!

It has been a joy getting to know Patricia a little better as we've emailed each other over the past few weeks. She seems like such a lovely person, inside and out!

Here's a little about pve, her work and what inspires her, in Patricia's own words...

Some favorite images of mine are actually from when I first began to draw...which my Mom has. I never stopped drawing, painting, illustrating - I have always been passionate about art and other creative types. One thing I wished I had learned early on is that style is not in copying, it is finding what works, what is unique and what comes easy. If things are forced and they do not come naturally, then it usually leads to disaster.
That said, it all takes tremendous courage to be different, to stand out, to be unique. I was always drawn to "lifestyle" - be it a farmer, or a prince, deep down we are all people with hearts. I love those that live a life full of passion, making a house a home....on and on.

Having worked for Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and other top designers really helped me to see how they took their vision and made it a brand.

I see lifestyles in my "pictures" - I love fine lines, a bit of wit, color and to laugh at life.
My three kids and husband keep me motivated and are great critics when I am knee deep in artwork. I am juggling my work and my family and some days are wonderful and then there are the occasional blips which keep me firmly grounded. I think "faith" and "hope" always guides me to stay the course with my work. I work from home and there always seems to be something to handle, a broken dishwasher today, a pile of laundry the next and a pile of artwork too! I feel totally blessed with a full life and the gift to do my art every day.
(To those of you who are waiting for work, please know how I value each of you.)

I can just see me like Lucille Ball, eating the chocolates on the conveyor belt....well I cannot eat my artwork, but I can draw pretty fast. :)

Patricia's beautiful work has a very loyal following, and rightly so! Wouldn't you love to own an original pve design? I think a custom illustration of a home or interior with special meaning would be an amazing gift for a loved one!

Please contact Patricia here for rates. And don't forget to check out her blog, if it's not already a daily read.

Thank you, Patricia!!


  1. I admire her so much! And you, also Jenny!! It's so nice to find such inspiring and lovely women in this crazy world.

  2. Beautiful! I would love a drawing of our family homestead!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Patricia illustrated my purple garden, which I love. It is hanging (framed) on my kitchen wall - so pretty with the sun streaming in. She also did my Purple Flowers blog banner - Love love love it! She's a very kind person with a great sense of humor!

  4. I love the PVE blog! She is so incredibly talented!

  5. Does she have an etsy shop or a place to buy prints??

  6. I've always wanted something like that done of my first home. Thanks for the tip!

  7. Beautiful work. I love the line drawing look...

  8. I adore Patricia and her art! She is so special. By the way I love your site as well and will be sure to come back.

  9. I'm happy lovely Patricia led me over to your blog. It's wonderful.

    Patricia did a perfect portrait of Edward. It's on my sidebar and we love it!!

  10. I love PVE's quest to inspire an artful life. She's beautiful on the inside and out! Lovely.

  11. I LOVE her work.

    cristin @ simplified bee

    ps- giving away Charlotte Moss' book this week, please drop by!

  12. Love her work, love her as a person, she became a friend in the last months and I am so glad to have met her!
    She is sweet, caring, incredibly talented and very smart!
    I cherish our conversations about life, art and the art to live as well!

  13. I love your blog! Thank you so much for the inspirations.

    What an amazing artist. I always appreciate hearing about other wonderful blogs and businesses.

    Thank you for the continual posting, I know it can be a lot of work! But I love checking your blog to see what beautiful new idea/design you are kind enough to share!

  14. I'm a proud and lucky keeper of a PVE original! She IS as nice as she is talented!! 'Tis true. So glad to see her on your blog.

  15. Beautiful artist. Thank you for introducing us to PVE.

  16. I come via PvE~ what a lovely, inspirational blog. So happy to meet you.

  17. Love her work...

    Kathy :)

  18. Beautiful! I would love a drawing of our family homestead!
    Work From Home


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