Advice Wanted: Attention Mamas!!

One of the best parts about having a blog is having access to lots of people and their opinions. This post has nothing to do with interior design (other than the pretty nursery pics - the design is by Angie Hranosky) and that's why I'm posting it on a Sunday night. Thanks for letting me get personal here sometimes.

I am quickly approaching 39 weeks. The end of this pregnancy is very near. I had two very, very different labors and deliveries with my other girls. I expect that this one will be equally unique.

SO!! I want to hear your best advice on labor pain management! What worked for you??

My husband and I have started a list of things to try this time:

Bouncing on an exercise ball
Listening to calming music
Walking, Sitting or standing instead of lying in the hospital bed
Hypno-birthing/extreme focus technique

Not so much interested in the bath idea once my water has broken.

Any quick pieces of advice would be greatly appreciated! You guys are the best!


  1. I love your blog and have been "blog stalking" you for awhile. Thank you for all of your beautiful posts. They make me smile (and wish I was a designer).

    Anyhoo- my advice would be to not be scared of the shower. It was my best friend when I was in labor with my first child. I thought that I was in there for only 15 minutes or so, but my husband told me later that it was more like 2 hours. I had a ton of back labor, so my husband just pointed the shower head on my lower back and we worked through our contractions there.

    Prayers and blessing to you in this last week and in delivery!!

  2. I googled your blog:) So cute! I'm not a great source, but I found counting during contractions distracted me. My mom said she would sing Yankee Doodle during contractions:)

  3. Squatting is great! It really lets gravity lend a hand.
    Or, if you are on your back during pushing, it helps to have something to push off of. My hospital had an upside-down-U-shaped bar that ran over the bed and gave me something to really press against.
    Most important of all is having your supportive partner and trying to remember that even godawful pain is finite. Mazel tov!

  4. Prayers.

    I went into labor at 36 weeks 3 days so I pretty much prayed my entire labor for a safe and healthy baby. I seriously felt incredibly calm the entire time and we had a great birth experience. I had an epidural also because I had to. That makes it lovely too!

  5. Epidural! I enjoyed both of my sons' labors so much because I wasn't in pain.

    Enjoy your last few days of pregnancy! :)

  6. I went all the way to 41 weeks and 5 days - When I went into labor I took a long warm shower and tried to sleep for a little while longer. I did get an epidural and it was a good thing I took my time because my labor lasted 24 hrs.

    Good Luck Mama! I love your blog!

  7. Think happy thoughts. Seriously. I took Lamaze and one of the pain management techniques we practiced was visualization. I didn't use it like I should have with my first (and medication free) baby, but I really utilized when I was in labor the second time and surprisingly, it helped! I just imagined a beach and ocean, how it felt, how it smelled, what it sounded like. Maybe sounds strange, but for me it was a lifesaver!!

    My other suggestion is always be open to the options you have during labor. You may be convinced that you aren't going to use an epidural, or that you are-but let your body tell you in the moment which is best for you and your baby--not preconceived notions. Good luck!!

  8. I've been enjoying you blog for a few months now. I'm always so mesmerized by how your posts seem to read my mind ("I wonder if there is a simpler way to make roman shades?"). Your style speaks to me and has re-invigorated my own zeal for style (lets just say I was in a funk!). ALSO, we seem to have much in common! (as I soon learned when I shared my excitement with friends) I too am from Mesa MVT '97. And your cousin Bekah is a friend of mine from Oregon while our husbands attended optometry school. Such a small world right?!!!!
    ANYWAYS- back to the question at hand. After birthing 3 boys, whose pregnancy and labors are drastically different from each other, I feel the best advice is make a plan but plan to break it or in other words be prepared for change. Epidural/ No epidural? Those decisions are best made in the moment, when your body is dictating what you need. In the end your results is a beautiful baby no matter what pain management you choose. Good luck! You can do it!!

  9. I gave birth to my son naturally earlier this year. I enlisted the help of a doula, but my mom and husband were also on hand for moral (and physical!) support. I found that walking/standing was only helpful during the early/active labor phase (3-7cm dilated), by the time I was in transition, laying down on my side was the only thing I wanted!

    My husband applied counterpressure to my lower back during each contraction. That really helped.

    Extreme focus and breathing, especially near the end. My doula breathed and counted with me during every contraction. It helped me mentally to know where I was in the contraction, so that I wouldn't panic (it was my first baby, so maybe that isn't an issue for you.)

    Best of luck! (I love your blog, by the way! Have been a fan for a long time.)

  10. Bear with me, I think I'm about to write a novel-length comment.

    I've had 4 births, some medicated, some not, and you're right -- each one is unique. I hesitate to give suggestions, because what actually winds up helping is so completely individual and idiosyncratic. I think you're smart to start out with plenty of ideas to try, because sometimes what you'd think would help turns out not to be your thing at all, and some random thing turns out to be just the ticket.

    That said, here are a few things that helped me.

    1) Think of the pain as desirable, as the very thing that's making your body stretch and open up so your baby can come. Trust your body and the birth process, including the pain, to "work." This may sound really weird, but I would say things like, "Make it hurrrrrrt" and "Open, open, open, wiiiiiide open" to myself during contractions, and it totally helped. And I would focus on seeing if I could make the contraction hurt even worse than it did (I know, bizarre), because somehow that made me feel less frightened of the pain. Like I was choosing it instead of being completely overtaken and overwhelmed by it.

    2) My attending physician at one of my births had me kneel on the bed, holding onto a birthing ball in front of me for support, and really rock my hips back and forth during contractions to help bring the baby down into position. Yes, it still felt like the contractions were going to tear me in half, but at least I felt like I was doing something to help the process -- and it did help move the baby into a better position and make things move along better. And it helped give me something to think about besides just how bad it hurt.

    2) Focusing on slow, deep breathing or on focal objects really helped me -- really keeping intense concentration on the process of taking the air in, imagining it going into all the parts of my body and "flooding" away the pain, and then super slowly blowing it all the way out. I practiced focusing on my breath for a while before labor too and that helped.

    3) I had back labor and I wanted nothing more than to have someone push on my lower back -- HARD. It was just about the only physical (rather than mental) thing that really gave me some relief.

    I hope you have a wonderful delivery. The great thing in this day and age is that whether or not you get to have the labor and delivery you envisioned, one way or another, the babies do get here.

    Thanks for your beautiful blog. I mostly stalk here and envy your style and design abilities. :-)

  11. Have had 3 induced labours. All 3 were 2 weeks overdue. The first two I had epidurals which meant that I couldn't move much (but had no pain). With the third I did lots and lots of pacing around the room. Round and round the room, occasionally kicking the chair that my husband kept falling asleep in! I suppose I got myself into a bit of a trance. My contractions were weak and the medication given to strengthen them meant the contractions were long and severe,so eventually,once again, I had an epidural.

  12. When a contraction intensifies, go as limp as possible, and **focus on relaxing the muscles in your abdomen** despite the pain/discomfort trying to tighten you up. "Relaxing into the contraction" was the best advice anyone ever gave me--it made my second labor manageable.

    I also told my husband to start counting slowly to ten, and my job was to relax into the contraction until he got to ten. It took lots of concentration, but it worked well.

    Good luck!

  13. a few things REALLY helped me:
    - to keep telling myself, "this is pain with a purpose". the more it hurt, the more i imagined i was accomplishing. for some crazy reason, this mantra helped me so so much.
    - i was able to get through it without an epidural and i swear it was because i had my husband narrate what the contraction looked like on the chart. for ex, if i said, "i am going to die, i cant do this anymore" he would look at the chart and tell me if the last one had been stronger, or that i was halfway through it, or this one was going to be really strong so scream first and then breathe, etc. this really helped...
    -i took a few showers. they honestly didnt relieve much pain, but i had to move around and it took up some time so that always helps. and the hot water felt as good as it could when you are in labor.
    -i was open to whatever i had to do. i wasnt too agro about my birth plan. i knew what my ideal was, but i was ok if the plan had to change...

  14. I'll pipe in.. my advice is to stand as much as you can.. sitting and laying was so much worse for me. Or bounce on a ball.. but bending over the bed with my hubby rubbing my lower back was wonderful. Or having him across from me and staring him in the eyes and him letting me know that it would be ok.. I could do it..

    I had an epidural pretty early on with all my kids except the last was about 45 min. before I had her (not my choice). I'm a huge wimp so that worked well for me.

    Good luck.. it will work out ok. :o) (haha my word verification is luckof

  15. I notice that Epidural is not on you & your DH's list. Well, I recommend getting the epidural. My take on it is there are no gold medals for unnecessary suffering in the delivery room. Here are my stories.

    I'm a proud mama of 2. With DS I was induced at 41 wks and had a glorious epidural. I felt no pain during the 12 hours of labor and 3.5 hrs of pushing. It was a dream. I credit that epidural with giving me the strength & energy to endure all of that pushing, and helping me avoid a c-section.

    With DD I went into labor 2 days before I was scheduled to be induced at 41 weeks. Less than 2 hours after I felt the very first pain of a contraction which let me know I was truly in labor, she was born. They tried to get my epidural to work, but I was already too far gone for it to work like I knew it could.

    Moral of the story: if you want a working epidural, get to the hospital early and often! Best wishes!!

  16. I walked a lot initially during labor and then when the contractions started getting stronger I pretty much concentrated on my focal point and breating. I found that concentrating on taking and releasing each breath was very helpful. My first baby was a posterior presentation so I squatted. It sound bizarre but it helped so much with my labor and moving him through the birth canal. Second baby was easier because the labor was faster. I wandered around for a while then spent the balance of my labor on my side.
    I read some of the comments regarding the epidural. While I think that it is a good choice for some women, an epidural can very often delay delivery and extend the length of labor. All in all, I personally knew that I could do it the way women did long before there were pain meds.
    Best wishes for a fast, easy delivery and a healthy, happy baby!

  17. I did yoga before both of my births (the last one was on Nov 23rd, so still fresh in memory :)), and breathing really helps during the first phase. It's important to breathe all the way down to your stomach to remove some of the pain though. It also helps to stand during the contractions. Not for pain relief, but to make the process go faster. Acupuncture also helps a lot (for me at least) during this phase. 4-10 cm were really tough the last time, because they only took an hour, so the contractions were very intense and close. It made it difficult to breathe properly, so I insisted on an epidural (which the midwife didn't want me to take). I did get the epidural, but not until the contractions were over... (I had reached my 10 cm when the doctor came - still wanted it though... lol.. Didn't let her know the contractions were finished either, was just so exhausted.) However, it made the actual birth beyond amazing. I didn't feel a thing, and she was out in 5 minutes ;)

  18. I am not brave, requested a epidural!!!... sorry....

  19. SHOWER!

    I took a plastic outdoor chair and set in the shower and just sat there for i don't know how long.

    Then when it started to get cold, I got out and walked around and ate green olives (then threw them up-so DON"T do that part.)

    So i was in & out for about 6 hours and just slipped a rob on in between.

  20. um...that would be slipped a ROBE on.

  21. For our fifth child, I had a homebirth and standing in the shower with the hot water beating on my back felt wonderful. The midwife also had me squat by my bedside during a contraction and then stand and relax in between. Slow and steady breathes are the key. Don't talk, it messes up the intricate rythmn of breathing and surrendering to what your body was created to do.
    You;re right, lying down or sitting on the bed are terrible positions and cause pain. If you need to sit, sit on the toilet. Not very glamourous and it increases pressure but boy does it speed things up!
    Blessings on the babe,

  22. Hey Jenny! I still owe you an email- which I'm dying to write and catch up with you, but we're on flu#3 around here.
    But I wanted to say GOOD LUCK! before you go into labor. Soon you'll have another sweet little baby, can you bellieve it? She'll be so beautiful, just like Claire and Grace.
    I recommend standing in the shower, and make it a hot one because the baby will be fine :) I brought a chair in and just sat, or turned around in it and let the water beat on my back.
    People who go natural the whole time try to relax teir body as much as possible during each contraction. If you tighten your muscles during contractions you work against your body's progress and the labor is longer and harder. Easier said than done, but just practice now totally relaxing your body. Try going mentally around to each body part during a contraction and focus on loosening it.

    Good luck, you'll do great!

  23. Hey Jenny,
    I have had 3 very different labors as well. I have to say, my "favorite" (ha!) was going natural. It was the easiest to recover from. My advice to you is to just keep walking with your hubby. I walked circles in my house and held his hands. By the time the pain got to be too much, it was time to push. I had no idea I had made it that far!

    I know your not keen on the bath idea, but warm water REALLY helps those contractions. Maybe the shower?

    Good luck and congratulations to you and your family!

  24. I figured out only too late into my first labor that I LOVED the birthing ball (exercise ball). So when I went into labor with my second daughter, I used it from the start because I knew that my body liked it. I swayed, bounced, rocked, etc. and it was awesome.
    Also, with my second, I worked much more on my relaxation and breathing. I really focused on keeping my hips spread and relaxed and visualized making room for the baby to come out. Sounds weird, but after a friend suggested it, I tried it and it truly worked wonders on keeping me relaxed and progressing the labor quickly.
    Good luck!!

  25. My last labour was so much better than my first , I don't know why , the only thing different was that I had practiced squating right up until the end ,it sure didn't hurt , and when my labour started I made sure to completely relax during the pains to allow them to work and to open the cervix , I also visualized that , my labour was 4 hours of pains and 10 minutes of pushing , that was all it took.

    Hope things go smoothly and quickly for you ,

  26. I didn't have access to a tub, but I did take a long, hot shower when I was somewhere in the 5-7 cm dilated point. The water really helped relieve lower-back pain. Of course, don't think this kind of freedom of movement is an option with an epidural???

    Other than that, I just refused to fear the pain. Sounds dumb, I know!

    Take Care, and good luck!

  27. How exciting! I had two natural labors. I found nothing helped to get through painful contractions like breathing deeply into the pain. Once in active labor I didn't want to mess around tubs or anything else - just wanted to be ultra-focused on getting through each wave of pain. Just what worked for me....Good Luck!

  28. low grunting/moaning. it's amazing how if you do it too high it doesn't help but once you find the right tone, deep and low it really makes a huge difference! good luck!!!!

  29. Our third (girl) was the only one I went into labor with, the other two I was induced...
    I labored at home, all day, it wasn't too bad, called the office after hours so they would send me directly to labor and delivery...
    once I arrived at the hospital things moved quickly...I walked, stood, and swatted...I should mention my doctor was wonderfull, she stayed with my husband and I most of the time and talked me through the different stages of drugs...The third baby usually is in a hurry to arrive...
    Wishing a quick and happy delivery!

  30. I just had my first baby (girl) 2 months ago....I was induced at 41 weeks, and got an epidural around 5-6 cm was fabulous! I literally felt no pain the entire time, even during the pushing. And I only pushed for 40 minutes before she came. I also had a midwife deliver my baby, which was fantastic...she stayed with us the whole time, and helped make sure I didn't tear. GOOD LUCK! And congratulations!

  31. Jennica,

    All three of my labor experiences have been pretty different. With Claire, I had contractions (hard ones) every night for two weeks. But she just wouldn't drop, even though I was dilate to about an 8. Long story. Bad stomach muscles :)

    Having birthed three kids sans epidural, I can say that your husband is your greatest asset.

    You have to work together. I stand for as much of labor as I can. Let gravity help you out, right? I stand, and put my arms around Clarke's shoulders and sway back and forth and down a bit to work the baby down. And I BREATHE LOW. Whoever else said that was totally right. It is so crucial. It focuses your body so you do not become hysterical. Breathe low. Not up high.

    Let Michael keep you distracted with talking. Promises of new clothes. New ebay purchases. Whatever is going to get your mind a little off the pain.

    And then tell him that he needs to remind you of what you should be doing: breathing low, etc.

    And he needs to cheer for you. Tell you how amazing you are. Because you are. And he should keep that up everyday for the next year. Okay, forever. But you will really need a cheerleader with three. Life becomes a little crazier and less manageable and you need someone who will always believe in you and tell you how awesome you are doing (even if you didn't make dinner, and the house is a mess, and all you did all day was keep your kids alive :)

    You will do awesome. You are so tough. Take something pretty to look at. And cover up your clock :)

    Good luck. However you get that little one here - I am sure she'll be cute!


  32. I have no advice since I've never been through it. but I just wanted to comment — so weird that you posted those pics! I saw those on another blog and they've become my inspiration for the nursery I will someday have. Love your blog! Keep it up!

  33. Have your husband push with al his might on the small of your back if you have pressure in the front during contractions. If it is back pressure then have him push your hips together. My husband said his arms were so sore and tired the next day after each of our two babies were born. This pressure really counteracts the pressure and pain of labor!

  34. I don't really have any advice b/c I was a screaming, cussing mess with baby number 1. I'm expecting #2 in January. But I'm excited to see what your readers say...maybe this time will be more serene. Congratulations and I'm excited to "meet" her on your blog!

  35. I there I have just stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and love all the decorating advice you throw out there, THank YOu. I have 15month old little girl, Cecelia. I went in thinking that it will be 20 hours of pain, the worst pain, I ended up with 4 hours of no epidural, two pushes and walking around 1.2 hour later pain. I kept telling myself while in labor that this pain has a purpose and at the end the purpose was the most beautiful little girl I could ever imagine. Always keep in your mind why you are there and what the end result is. I stayed in the bed the whole, time and did breathing, i had all lights off and now music, I also rememberd to laugh once in a while, because i didn't want her to be born into an unhappy place. Yes, it hurt, but it was one of the best experiences of my life. Remember though you can't control this type of experience so just go with the flow and make sure you epidural works if you want one, unfortunatly mine failed! Good Luck!

  36. Another stalker here!! I think the best thing you can do for yourself is to realize that you CAN do it.

    I have four children. My first two with epidurals, last two without. I was so scared when I got to the hospital with #3 and realized that I was not going to get an epidural...literally so scared I thought I was going to die! It was some serious pain and I screamed (more out of fear than pain, I think), but I did it. #4 was a very similar situation, only this time I knew I wasn't going to die :)

    Anyways, there are several wonderful things that you can do to try and manage the pain, but what works for one person, may not work for another. The best thing you can do is to just believe in yourself and your ability to do anything you set your mind to!

    Good luck with everything and thanks for sharing all of your great ideas on this blog!!! It is such a delight!

  37. First: You are adorable and so is your style.

    Second: The shower, focus point (red dot on green 7-up can), breathing, being "on top" of the labor. Realizing I was the boss.

    Third: my husband repeating these things (which I wrote on a card):
    a. your body was designed to do this
    b. you're stronger than you think you are.
    c. talking about the future, "tomorrow morning you'll wake up, holding that baby. The other kids will be with us. Tuesday, we'll be home watching TV together on the couch,..."
    d. counting down contractions and remembering you can do ANYTHING for 5 minutes.

    fourth: I am making some roman shades out of my old blinds in my new bathroom! thanks you!

    fifth: you'll do great! Yea you!

  38. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks. I actually met you at my in-laws' house last Christmas. Our husbands are friends from high school. (My husband is Stephen Nielson). I love your blog and have been so inspired!

    I had a little boy 5 weeks early this last May. I had planned a natural birth center birth but needed to transfer to the hospital because I was only 35 weeks. Thankfully I had a really supportive hospital experience that made the natural part easier.

    My prep for natural childbirth involved two hypno birthing courses (Hypnobirthing and Hypnobabies), countless books on pain management and lots of prayer. :) In the moment, regardless of all that hypno practice and study, the two sources that got me through were the books "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" by Ina May Gaskin and "Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn" by Penny Simkin. Their methods for managing the pain were all I thought of. I would highly recommend reading Ina May's if you have time but the highlights that helped me most were standing and squatting, low moaning, moving A LOT (I swayed back and forth leaning over the bed) and using the power of your mind and encouraging words to imagine opening and progressing. There's tons more in the book.

    Good luck! Ultimately it's about a healthy baby and mom. Luckily we have options so everyone can have choices about the experience they are hoping for. Sometimes that's natural childbirth and sometimes that's with much needed and deserved help. Good luck!

  39. And I reminded myself that everyone on this earth got here the same way. If their moms can do it, so can you!

  40. If not using an epidural I would suggest hypnosis. I was trained at a dental school in it and it really worked quite well to manage pain until the epidural.

    If you've never had an epidural they are very different now. I could move my legs very easily. Walked shortly after giving birth and enjoyed every minute of labor.

    Both children had Apgar scores of 9
    and are both healthy, strapping teenagers now.

    They both nursed voraciously 15 minutes after birth and were both nursed for a year, so you can see it had no effect on their health or alertness.

  41. This may seem really simple, but it helped me. I focused on always keeping my hands relaxed. Instead of squeezing my husbands hand I would pat his palm to palm. This helped me to stay focused on my goal of "uterus contract, body relax", I would focus on this during contractions! Good luck!

  42. My number one piece of advice, if you're choosing a hospital birth, is to hire a doula. Doulas (labour assistants) have been documented to dramatically reduce both labour length and requests for drugs. One doctor went on record as saying that, if a doula was a drug or procedure, it would be unethical not to use it. If you'd like more information on how to find one, drop me a line.

  43. 39 weeks: SOO exciting! I went 41 weeks and 3 days with my first (little one didn't want to come out! lol)

    I second MaryMary's advice - that really worked for me as well.

    My doula really taught me a lot about embracing the labor and being empowered by it: during contractions, don't fight them! Relax your muscles and let your body do it's work (you were BUILT to give birth - so a lot of labor is learning to TRUST yourself). Especially relaxing my face was hard - my husband would gently touch my forehead to remind me to relax: working with my body was the most important thing to a smooth labor!
    I couldn't sit on the bed, or lay down: learning forward on the bed or a ball with him putting pressure on my lower hips was THE BEST!

    *don't forget to eat something healthy prior to heading to the hospital: that extra strength and calories will help you a lot!!

    Many blessings and best of luck!!

  44. I have been following your blog for a few months now since moving into a new place which is rented. I get lots of ideas from you but when I finally buy my own place, I would like to engage your services for sure! (I live in MD too!) Re pain management techniques, I found going down on my fours, rocking back and forth with a warm water from a shower nozzle aimed at my back very effective. I was determined to go drug free and found that moving around, walking, etc helped the most. I was oblivious to music but they did dim the lights down. All the best for your delivery!

  45. Best of luck! We just had our second little guy seven weeks ago. I had an epidural for both but waited for as long as possible to get it. If that's not your route, I strongly recommend three things: first, yoga breathing. You know how you get through those painful yoga moves (where your muscles are shaking in pain) simply through breathing and focusing? That worked wonders for me during contractions. Second, think of the absolutely whiniest mother you know. It's the perfect way to have a stern discussion with yourself when you are about to lose your mind--if she could do it, so can you. Third, invite people into your room before the pushing begins. It makes you focus on talking to them vs. worrying about your contractions. A perfect distraction.

    Hate to make it sound like an athletic competition--but kick some butt and have a wonderful time! We will all be thinking of you...

  46. Firstly, I love your blog and you amaze me with your talent and how much you can accomplish with two little girls!

    Now on to the baby talk! I had one natural delivery. For me, focusing on the pain was key. I would pretend I was staring into the pain, instead of trying to avoid it. Pain is progress.
    I think my husband kind of felt left out of it, because I was so focused, I really didn't rely on him. I tuned everyone and everything out.

    Pick a focal point and breathe!

    Side Note: We did not find out the sex of our baby prior to birth.

    When the baby was born the Dr. quickly reached down and placed the baby on my chest while announcing, "You have a baby girl!"

    I patted the baby, calling her my
    little Hannah Lou. Suddenly my husband yells while pointing at the baby, "That's not a girl, that's a BOY!!" It was very strange how in just a few minutes
    I had totally begun to bond to my DAUGHTER, and then had to quickly switch emotional gears. It all worked out and now my baby will be 16 yrs. old Dec. 19!

    Good luck and remember to breathe and focus!!

    Kristen W. in Atlanta

  47. epidural! :) I loved my epidural's. It was a party once I got it and made it so much more enjoyable for me (and DH!). But you have to do what works for you. Most people I've talked to actually didn't enjoy getting in the bath. Since it's hard and you have to kind of hold yourself up. ANyway, good luck!!

  48. EPIDURAL!!!!

    I had my first three kids at home. Loved it. But there were serious complications after my third. Nothing with the baby, but with me, so we had the last two in the hospital. If you can get an epidural without any other pain meds, it's like a miracle. You can be alert and "there" for the whole thing, but the pain is so minimal. It didn't affect how well I could push, in fact, I think it was easier because it didn't hurt. If any of my daughters ever want to do home birth, I'll support them, but if not, I'll strongly suggest an epidural for them.

  49. Maybe not a bath, but with my second child/labor my doula and husband ran hot water from one of those movable shower head things over my abdomen. It was AMAZING. This was toward the end during transition (I went the no drug route) and the pain was SO much more manageable with the hot water.

    Also, my doula did a little bit of aromatherapy with me and, I didn't have much faith in the idea, but the scents were actually really intense. Enough to be distracting from the pain AND actually helped me clear my head to refocus on getting through the pain.

    Also, I squatted during pushing. Your doctor might not like this, but my midwife was more than happy to do it this way and it helped so much that I literally only pushed twice for three minutes and out he came. Like buttah! Sort of. :) (I pushed on my back with #1 and it took over an hour.)

    So a lot of back and belly rubbing from Hubby and a lot of crushing of his hand on my part. :)

    Blessings to you and your coming baby!

  50. Oh I wish I could help you !!!! But I had 2 sections....

    I will pray that you have an easy delivery !!

    God Bless,
    Kathy :)

  51. Wow, really great comments here! I have a little girl at home (she will be one on Wednesday!) and am expecting a boy in April. I can attest to what many women have said - SHOWERS are the BEST!! Especially if you have a seat in your shower that allows you to rest on, or use to help you squat. I had a pretty tough delivery my first time (induced, then given drugs to stop contractions, then rushed in for emergency c-section)and I can saw that having a GREAT SPOUSE to help you through it is key. AND finding a nurse/doctor who really cares about you. Some are just so quick to shrug-off your needs and pain. The pain is so tough - because I had the c-section, the doctor's suggested I get the epidural to make the anesthesia process for the surgery easier. I was in a lot of pain after the c-section (it hurt to climb stairs and get in-and-out of the car for MONTHS after I the baby), but now looking back, I think "eh, that wasn't so bad" (although I'll NEVER admit it to my kids). Just remember why you are going through the pain, and FEEL ENTITLED BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT! DON'T TAKE GUFF FROM ANYONE WHILE YOU ARE IN LABOR, and you will get through it. You are a pro by now! And, like another person said, don't rule anything out, because each delviery is different, and YOU are the only one who knows what is right for you!

    My husband and I are remodeling our 1800's farm house, so much of the house is closed off - know of any great picture galleries where I can find shared-gender nurseries?

    Best of luck to you! Kids drive us crazy, but are totally worth it, if only for how much laughter they bring to our lives! I'll be thinking of you!

  52. Epidural!!!! I totally thought I could do "yoga breathing" and that labor would be no big deal. WRONG! I was such a wimp...I cried for the drugs pretty early on. Thank the Lord for them tho!

  53. My grandmother had 10 kids. My mom tells the story of when my grandma went into labor with my uncle. She was working the fields up till her water broke. She told my grandfather about how she was going home to labor and deliver. She got on her horse and went home. My grandfather got onto his horse and rode to get the midwife. By the time Grandfather and midwife arrived, my grandmother had delivered my uncle, and was smoking a cigarette while nursing him. She had delivered him on her own with no pain meds. She cut the cord and all. That uncle took care of my grandmother until her death at age 94. I use that story as my inspiration and focus when I labor and deliver. I don't like pain meds because I don't like that feeling of being loopy and out of control. I rather feel it all and not deal with the side effects of a sleepy baby and groggy self.

    Good luck!

  54. I just had my second child and I decided to go all natural this time around. It was amazing! We used the Bradley Method. There is a book called 'Husband Coached Childbirth' that we used. I would describe it as being a lot like yoga. There are a couple positions that you use that help you to relax, and there are massages for your husband to do that are super helpful, as well as lots of other helpful advice and tips. I ended up needing pitocin which made my contractions tougher but I have to say it was always manageable and I never felt like I couldn't do it. My husband did massage my belly when my contractions got close up until the point of delivery (which was AMAZING!). I highly recommend you picking up that book and spending some time reading it and going over key points with your husband or labor coach. It really made my experience wonderful.

  55. Hypnobirthing is so AWESOME, Jen! I have used those concepts to get through so many other things, too. Good luck to you! Love ya! ~Sally

  56. I had gas and air(horrible stuff!) for the first two hours, But I'll tell ya, after my Epidural I slept through the night only to be woken up by my mid-wife telling me my waters had BROKEN in my sleep(!!!!). sat on a Birthing stool and she was out in 30 mins! I want to marry the person who invented that stuff! ..don't tell my husband:-)

  57. We used hypnobirthing, and it was key to managing my pain. I had only back labor,and was able to make it more than 24 hours before I wanted pain meds. You'll do great. The most important thing is just to not be scared,I think. Your body already knows how to do this, and your birth will be just beautiful!

    It might sound silly, but my husband told me later I was telling myself the whole time "I'm doing a great job." I had no idea-- guess it helped!

  58. Wow, did you get a TON of advice!!! I'll try to keep mine brief. I wasn't going to leave a comment but felt that as a fan of your blog AND and anesthesiologist who regularly works on OB, and a mom myself i had to. First I'll tell you what I recommend as a doctor, GET THE EPIDURAL!!!! Now I'll tell you what I recommend as a woman who has given birth, GET THE EPIDURAL!!! I really can't say anything bad about it. Nothing, not even a tylenol, is without a side effect profile, so I can't say there aren't any potential problems. And of course, without knowing any of your medical history I couldn't comment as to whether or not you have a higher chance of having complications. But, if you are otherwise healthy the risks are very minimal! I can say, after having had one, the process is virtually pain free and takes abut 10 minutes. Afterwards it's true that you can't get up and walk around BUT, you won't need to!! I took a nap and woke up when it was time to push (which took only about 30 minutes- which is nothing for a first baby and I was induced!).

    If for whatever reason you can't have one I would really recommend those tried and tested lamaze techniques. I actually did the panting/breathing with a focal object (for something totally different) and boy did that work! Also, I didn't have an epidural until I was about 4 cm (although I could have had one sooner) because I had found such nice relief with a hot shower. Most of the discomfort, at least in the 1st stage of labor, is muscular so the hot water really does wonders with loosening those tensions!

    Again, I would REALLY REALLY recommend the epidural!

    Is she no longer breech? Good luck, love the blog!! Keep us posted on how everything goes and post a picture ASAP!!! lol.

  59. Good luck!!

    I got in the tub till my water broke for the second. I was on the ball a lot with the first. My husband pushed on my back really hard during contractions. I've heard rolling tennis balls on the back feels good too.
    Right before I started pushing and the contractions were the worst I would repeat the Lord's Prayer over and over in my mind (it just popped in my head). If I got too distracted that I stopped, I would start all over again. It got me through those last 15 minutes before pushing!

  60. Like you I had two very different experiences with my labour experiences. With my first I never embraced breathing with my second I did and it made a huge difference. Seems simple, but something that I lost focus of during my fist labour. The key, i think, is trying to find what keeps you relaxed. I loved the exercise ball.I tried standing during my last labour and it made me feel really sick and icky. I stayed at home as long as I could and that helped a tonne. I honestly wasn't even sure I was in labour, but was an eight when we got to the hospital. I have a friend that always labours at home as long as possible and she has super fast deliveries. Hope you have a wonderful labour and healthy baby girl.

  61. i just went through my second labor and delivery 4 months ago--to a beautiful baby girl! My best piece of advice is GET IN THE WATER! Now, I am no hydro-birth fanatic or anything. My first L&D was an induction with pitocin, while strapped in bed. i eventually got an epidural. i knew i wanted my second labor to better, but i was still plenty open to an epidural. long story short? when labor started, i got in the bathtub at home. it felt great! even during the contractions, i managed OK, even by myself, becaue my husband was taking care of our older children (2 of them adopted.) guess what happened? the water helped SO much, I ended up (accidentally!) giving birth right there in the bathroom. it eased my labor pains so much, i didn't even realize i was about to have the baby! so, take my story however you want to--as a warning or wisdom! but the water sure helps!!!!

  62. I thought the birthing ball helped a little. Although I felt the best once I received my epidural which obviously isn't always the best solution. I ended up with two c-sections but all of my friends had epidurals and had natural childbirth. Did you use pain medication on your previous births?

  63. i know you have a bunch of comments already, but i wanted to say walking... stay on your feet. Laying down in that hospital bed is a sure-fire way to demand an epidural... ugh! and squatting beside your bed if FAB!

  64. That room is gorgeous!

    With my first pregnancy I was induced. Labor was horrible. Got an epidural. I lay there for 7 hours unable to move anything below my chest. It felt like an elephant was sitting on me. You can feel the pressure of the contractions, but no pain. Pushing out was easy.

    Second delivery: Went into labor naturally.(What a difference!) I was walking around at home during the contractions. When they got real bad I would either squat down or lean against a wall. When I got to the hospital, I got in bed, 3 (maybe 4) contractions later the baby was out. WAY easier than the first time. I think the standing and walking around (plus the weight of a 9 pound baby!) really helped my progress quickly.

    Good luck with your labor and delivery!!! You're going to feel like a superhero afterwards. It's awesome :-)

    I absolutely adore your blog!

  65. get a trusted, calm & experienced someone in there with you who knows about breathing and who can keep the focus going through the tough moments.
    best wishes!

  66. My husband and I recently welcomed our second baby (and first daughter) into our home on September 24.
    I had decided to deliver naturally (I had an epidural with our son).
    With our daughter, I felt so calm and in control. The secret this time around (for me) was to really focus on breathing. With each contraction, I focused on breathing deep breaths, in and out. With the first baby, I tensed up and really dreaded each contraction. But this time, I just allowed myself to relax and breathe into them. I also focused on relaxing the pelvic floor (I really tried to focus on that and visualize the muscles relaxing...sounds weird, but it totally worked). I focused on breathing deep and breathing through each contraction. I can honestly say that even dilated to an 8, each contraction was totally manageable.
    Its important to find a comfortable position as well. For me, it was sitting crossed legged on the hospital bed and when a contraction began, sitting up straight and just focusing on breathing through it.
    Once my midwife decided to break my water, our daughter was born 45 minutes later. Those 45 minutes were the ONLY part of labor that I wasn't sure how to manage the pain. I kept my eyes closed the whole time and just did what my midwife said. My husband stood at my side and did what he could, but at that point, all I wanted to do was get the baby out. I won't lie, that part was difficult. I think, if I were to do it again, I would try to focus more on breathing the baby out. Not much you can do once the ring of fire sensation occurs except get through it. Anyway, the best advice I received to get through contractions was to just relax into them and focus and breathe. It made ALL the difference in the world. Honestly imagine your pelvic floor relaxing and your body relaxing into each contraction.
    Since you have had two babies already, you shouldn't have many surprises, so the fear should be gone and you should be able to trust your body.
    Best of luck!
    (oh and I absolutely LOVE your blog! So inspiring!)

  67. Okay - lot's of things distracted me from the pain, but the one thing that actually lessened the pain was having someone make a fist and push hard in the small of my back. That was the best!

  68. I had an unmedicated birth with my 2nd daughter and loved it. I did hypnobabies. I think the most helpful things for me were staying relaxed by doing deep abdominal breathing. Practice by moving your tongue behind your upper teeth, take a slow, deep breath in through your nose to the count of 4, then out through your mouth. When you breathe instead of filling up your chest, fill up your belly. Direct the breath to your belly if that makes sense.

    Second advice, stay relaxed by trying to keep your hands and face relaxed. If they are tense, then most likely the rest of your body is tense and your body is not able to do its work of getting the baby out!

    There are a lot of positive and inspiring stories in the book Ina May's Guide to Childbirth if you are looking for some last minute reading!

    Good luck!

  69. I usually don't comment on blogs. Mostly because i am just not sure if what I have to say is charming or witty enough for someone I have never met. But I could not resist this one. I love your style, by the way, and have gotten so many great tips! And what I wouldn't give for a peek in your basement... Seriously! It might make my husband understand the state of our garage a bit better!

    Anyway, I am a labor nurse and think you have some great advice from lots of mothers out there.
    My best advice, is stay positive and be open to change. Anything can happen in labor, so have a plan, but be open to the idea that plans change. As a mom and a designer, you know that things change on a whim. Ad although you may not end up where you thought they were going, the end result is usually better than you imagined!

    Best wishes to you and your little one!

  70. I've had 2 epidurals which were nice I admit, but I respect those that go natural. There's something earthy and real about it. My friends that have done so swear by having a doula with whom they trust and have a good bond. It's a bit late to search for that, but maybe not entirely out of the question. Since you asked, I hope you'll also share a run-down of your labor. We're all a litte invested now. :)

  71. I am a natural kind of gal, so I opted for no drugs. The recovery is faster - I also made it my business to deliver in record time...ha! I called my Mom who was making apple sauce and she was in awe of how fast it all happened. That said, she had seven!
    I think just knowing that a wonderful package is about to be delivered is enough motivation to make anyone push!
    Say the alphabet or sing a song...that helped me!

  72. You don't know me but I really love your blog. I love your style and find inspiring things to do to my future house by obsessing over your posts!:)

    For my first delivery I really helped. For the second delivery, I bounced and rolled on a ball and it REALLY helped. I bent from an 8 to a 10 in one contraction.

    Once I needed to get in bed, my husband rubbed my lower back really hard using a magazine between my back and his hand to allow for not "sticking" for both of my deliveries. It is an essential....diapers, clothes for baby, Country magazine!:)

    Many best wishes to you.

  73. Hi Jenny! You have no idea how much I enjoy your blog!

    I had epidurals pretty early on with both of my deliveries, so I'm not much help here, but my sis-in-law (4 natural deliveries) swears by laboring in the shower.

    Just wanted to say good luck, mama! I'll pray that your sweet new baby comes easily and that you're both healthy and happy!

  74. I see everyone covered most every idea, but with 6 kids I felt compelled to comment! Since all my births were medication free (nothing against it, just wanted to see how my body handled things and before I knew it, it was too late) I think mental power is everything.
    I imagined through every contraction that I was walking in the door of the home I love with my brand new baby, announcing to the other children standing at the top of the stairs that their new sister was home! It was such an emotional
    vision and it meant that our family
    would welcome home a new baby if I could just get her out! Fun!
    Cheers, and blessings.

  75. I love your blog! Your ideas are so inspirational!

    I just had a baby 8 months ago - no drugs. The thing that helped the most was being in the tub and being able to move through my contractions. The bed was my enemy!

    Good luck! You can do it!

  76. Forgive me if you've already gotten some of this advice (I didn't read through all the comments!), but I couldn't resist posting. I have given birth 3 times naturally, so here's what worked for me:

    1. relaxation during contractions. My mantra was, the pain is doing good work, so let it. So in order to let my uterus work hard I tried to relax the rest of my body. Works really well until you're about 8 cm dialated, then gets hard

    2. The shower is great, esp if you have a hose attachment and your husband can aim the water right at your lower back.

    3. my husband was by my side the entire time, massaging my back or just placing his hands on my hips, so that I could focus on where I had to relax. Was really helpful

    4. I also used the birthing ball, as well as being upright and out of bed.

    5. During transition (which is when you go from about 8 cm to 10 and ready to push) almost every woman gets the feeling that she really can't do it any more. This happened to me every time. My hubby reminded me that it meant that I was almost done, and it helped mentally if not emotionally, and I was able to stay positive and work through the end.

    Sounds like you already have some of these ideas. Can't wait to hear your news!

  77. i'm a guy so no advice really. but i wanted to say congrats and wish you the best of luck.

  78. Prayers, Walking, then Epidural - talk about miracle drug!

  79. oh my god where did you get that giraffe lamp!!??!!! too cute! good luck with your delivery!

  80. I may be repeating what's already been said, but for me, and getting ready for my third baby this coming February, these things have helped in the past:

    -walking (a lot...outside, weather permitting) or having some form of movement, rocking on all 4's, etc.
    -chose to not have an epidural with both labors, so focused on breathing quite a bit. Found a rhythym that worked for me during each phase of labor.
    -I am a big visionary person, so weeks and days in advance I would envision the labor pains and envision the birth... all with positivity to create a healthy mindset. (Still knowing that anything is possible!!)
    -Husband support was awesome. He was a great cheerleader and peace bringer.
    -Focusing on the end and not the process of labor. Remembering the great reward at the end of it all!

    Best to you as you anticipate greeting your new baby any day!!

  81. All the best with bubba. I found warm showers great, particularly on my lower back and the ball helped too.

  82. I'm behind in commenting, sorry! My most effective method was lots of walking with, essentially plies, during contractions to help move him and open up. I loved the birthing ball earlier but as he moved down I stopped finding it comfortable. I also danced at one point with my husband, toward the end when my legs were tired. And I began to push on all 4 before the serious, get the baby out pushing. That helped when my legs were completely shaky and I had no energy because I couldn't keep anything down:). Mostly I listened to my body and did whatever would open me up, move him down, and work with the contractions. Generally all of those things made the contractions hurt less. Also, a shower would have been great but it was freezing cold with puny pressure so it wasn't as helpful:). But, it would have been FANTASTIC with warm water and steady pressure.

    Ooh, and lots of prayer! I get freaked when he stopped progressing. We ended up breaking my membrane, and I was really set on a 0 intervention birth. But, it was a God thing, after some sweet time with the Lord talking it through I got over my plans for the birth and did what I felt was best for Ethan.

    Congratulations on your impending birth!

  83. Hey! It may sound weird but getting on all fours and rocking side to side. I had to have silence, everyone still, and every thing scent free.

    You will do amazing!

  84. You know, I was a midwife for ten years....
    Best: apart from all the very great suggestions: Go with the flow. Meaning, try your
    methods, breathing, relaxing, moving, as long as the baby is well engaged, massage of the lower back by hubby, picture the baby in your arms, the joy, it helps overcome the pain, make it reasonable, but stay open for all development and act accordingly. If you feel it becomes unbearable, and this is all so relative, take an epidural, the last thing is trying to be too brave!
    I like your openess, it will all be fine, usually third children fit right in from the very beginning!!! I have four, I know a bit about it!
    First child:a c-section,second a forceps, third natural with epi, fourth all natural, in the tub until the end....

    Good luck and good speed!
    I think about you! You might be home for Xmas....


  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. I did hypnobirthing with both my babies and I fully support it. I felt so prepared for events that you can never really prepare you- know what I mean?
    So along with that, I'd suggest light-touch massage from whomever is going to be there with you through the labor. Super-light fingers trailing over your arms, back, neck, etc. Wherever you want it, basically.
    We did this during pre-birth hypno-exerices and during the labors themselves. In a word- awesome.
    Enjoy your final days of pregnancy!

  87. What wonderful advice you are getting from so many great women! I love your blog, by the way. I am always inspired.

    I am currently pregnant with my fourth child which we are planning to have our second home birth with. All three births were so different but wonderful learning experiences. With every labor I learn a new technique that seems to help.

    A few of my favorites are:
    *Relax. Don't fight the pain. Breathe with it. Tensing up and fighting changes that sensation from intense feeling to pain.
    *A great accupressure spot to help relieve pain is on the ball of your foot. With my second labor, every time I had a contraction, my husband would push his thumb as hard as he could into the ball of my foot. It worked great! His thumbs were sore the next day but it was worth it.
    *A low moaning sound and also blowing raspberries helped. Ina May recommends these techniques because they open up the throat. I also second the suggestion to read her books. Great advice. If it gets too "hippy", just skip past that part.
    *My last piece of advice is a technique that was a life saver in my last birth. With you sitting up on a bed or chair, your husband places one hand on your back, behind your hip then takes his other hand and puts it on the front of your knee. Then he pushes your knee straight back into your hip. I'm not sure if that makes sense or not, but if you play around with it, you'll find the spot. It completely took me through transition like a breeze!

    Good luck and have fun!!!

  88. I have had 5 children naturally...all posterior (sunny side up) births which are supposed to be more painful but how would I know? :) The best birth was with my third child and what made all the difference? THE TUB. Get in there and stay in there...till they kick you out because you feel the urge to push. (My hospital did not allow water births at the time.) It seriously cut the pain in half. The ball was ok up to a certain point and then I hated it. Walking always helped to get through the 3-7 cms. Good luck.

  89. And sorry..just reread your post and missed that last sentence about not being interested in the suggestion doesn't help at all then!
    You'll do fine...
    Good luck and happy delivery.

  90. An alternative to an epidural, and which has the advantages that it does not affect the baby and you can still push, is intrathecal morphine. My water broke and I was not allowed to walk around for fear of a prolapsed umbilical cord. When contractions didn't come, labor was induced with pitocin. They ramped up the dosage until the contractions were continuous. The injection made the pain tolerable, allowed me to relax enough to dilate, and still made it possible for me to push and be active.
    Best wishes to you!

  91. I've been reading your blog from the newest to oldest and I love that you said you think this birth would be "unique". From reading the labor story, this birth was definitely unique!


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