Fancy Laundry Room

In my wildest dreams, I would be wealthy enough to be able to afford Gracie wallpaper in my laundry room. Though, I think I might stress about some rogue Tide flinging on to the paper!

Wouldn't you be happy to sort and fold in this room? Under that gorgeous Neirmann Weeks lantern...

Room designed by Draza Stamenich for the 2009 DC Design House, spotted on the fabulous blog Chinoiserie Chic.

A takeaway from this room that's more in my budget? Put dryer sheets and powdered laundry soap with a little scoop in some chic glass containers.

A couple of these gorgeous T-handle jars from CS Post (found via The Estate of Things) would fit the bill nicely.


  1. That puts my little laundry nook to shame, but even so, I still wouldn't like to fold laundry

  2. If I were that wealthy, I would do away with the washer and dryer and send my laundry out to be cleaned! Then I'd just have a little room with lovely wallpaper and no dirty socks.

  3. ohhh beautiful room! Thank you for the apothecary jar find too!!

  4. A great room - I would be in it 24/7 and there would never be anything in the dirty clothes basket! Love those clear glass jars - great idea!

  5. Beautiful! But don't you think your fabric on the walls trick would be a lovely one--there's bound to be some similar fabric out there!

  6. It was a beautiful room - although if anybody could recreate the Gracie wallpaper on a budget, it would be you! I keep waiting for Draza to put up a website.

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. She made a grand entrance! Happy 2010. Michele

  7. Hey, where is the water heater in that laundry room? It must not be anything close to mine! i think that someone with that laundry room does not do their own laundry! That being said, I do love having pretty rooms for not so pretty activities. My guest bathroom downstairs (that also has the laundry in it-but they are behind a set of doors) has a pretty tall boy in it with my sewing machine set on it to look like decoration (but I actually use the machine). A vintage mirror above the wash sink tops it all off. The bathroom door is a very old exterior door that the owners put in. Possibly my favorite place in this house.
    And congrats on #3. Mike was sure to let Nate know that the ottoman was still in good shape, then nate had to ask me what an ottoman was.

  8. Oh to have a LAUNDRY room !Not seen as a necessity in the 1800s in the UK. ZoeB

  9. Ha! I am doing (with the help of a couple of my kidlets) our laundry room now. So NOT as chic as that...but am loving the glass container idea! Will steal. Thanky very much!

    Read...and loved...your Christmas Eve story. Beautiful!

  10. If memory serves, they carved that laundry room out of a hallway just off the kitchen in the house. It wasn't it's own was a really smart move, though, because it felt distinct and not like a hallway.

    The photo must have been taken while standing in the kitchen...that's how small the space was!

    I loved that design house because it was small. So often, these things are new construction, with lofty ceilings and expansive spaces. This one was the rectory of a church in Georgetown. The rooms were beautiful, but they were accessible, if that makes sense.

    I don't know if it's still up, but the blog at DC Spaces magazine's website had many more pictures.

    I wound up buying a print of a painting I saw in the house. If you want to see the room where it was, I blogged about it:

  11. What a beautiful space, especially for a laundry room, love your take away tip!

    Happy New Year,

  12. I am redoing my laundry room now and was scouring for some inspiration photos. This definitely is inspiring -- thanks for posting! And congrats and blessings on your beautiful baby girl. She's a dream.

  13. That is just so "pretty". I love the wire-backed cabinetry doors. I also hope you and your little Evie are all doing well!

  14. Oh, can you imagine?! I actually might enjoy doing laundry! I don't think I've stopped by to say congratulations on your new baby, enjoy!!

    Have a wonderful 2010! Janell

  15. It doesn't look like anyone actually uses that room for laundry :P What about liquid soap? My laundry room is itty bitty with two massive front loaders in in :( no chance to even fit in pretty glass jars. Although I did use the same technique in my bathroom to hold cotton balls and pretty soaps.

  16. People who have a laundry room like that don't do their own laundry. It's lovely, especially the amount of light in the room.

  17. Thanks for the reminder about CS Post. Lovely laundry room.

  18. oh man this is right up my alley. all of it. the room, the wallpaper, the lantern and the organization of ugly into pretty. i am a sucker for a gorgeous laundry room.

  19. I want that under the counter washer for my small galley kitchen. I'm saving up.

  20. It looks like there's not actually much wallpaper--only the part of the wall between the shelves have wall paper. (Oh, and the part above the shelves--but they should have just made those go to the ceiling.) You could totally save up for that amount of wallpaper.

    The part that seems pricy to me is that if they ever replace that washer and dryer, they have to get new ones that are the exact same size (or smaller).

  21. Hey Jenny-
    Just when I was getting ready to get my Steven Gambrel on in the bathroom, I went to get some more of the jars and they aren't available until Feb., needless to say I put it on my calendar because one of my resolutions is finish what I start.

  22. I LOVE the look of this laundry room-

  23. Love the skirt idea on the laundry tub! How do you attach the skirt to the tub?


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