Ralph Lauren Paints

Did you hear that Martha Stewart paints will be sold at Home Depot beginning April 1? I'm really excited to see her new line (assuming it will be different from the Valspar/Lowes line).

I am bummed though that the Ralph Lauren paint line will be discontinued to make way for the Martha paints. I guess that Home Depot will keep all the RL formulas in their computers and they will also keep a fan deck of the old line behind their paint counter for color matching.

This morning I was at Home Depot picking up some supplies for a project at my mom's house, and I had a few minutes to spare so I stood in front of the Ralph Lauren paint chip display and took one of each chip. I would have felt silly, but I've done this before (with the Martha line for Valspar) and knew it wasn't that big of a deal. I have those MS chips hole-punched and stored on rings, but I think I want to figure out a better, more protective solution for my Ralph Lauren chips. I'm just so glad that I didn't miss that chance to get the paint chips before they are gone. Now when I want a RL color, I can just bring in my chip and Home Depot will color match for me in a Behr brand paint.

And speaking of the actual paints, the RL bases are all 50% off right now, so be sure to take advantage of the sale if you need any paints this month.

Now I'm off to work on some projects, but here are a few photos of rooms or projects featuring Ralph Lauren paints to inspire you:

Erika's daughter's crib, painted in 'Golden Candlesticks'

Thom Felicia used "Palais Royal" in this showhouse bedroom featured in House Beautiful.

In another showhouse bedroom featured in Southern Accents, RL's "Bitter Orange" covers all the ceilings and walls.

Thom Felicia painted these great chairs RL's Mango Gold for the showhouse featured in House Beautiful.

Eddie Ross used Ralph Lauren's "Brompton" for this pair of vintage chairs.

Domino featured this beautiful dining room painted in RL's "Purple Embassy." I love how rich this unexpected color is here.

I love "Galvenized", a really rich chocolate brown, and used it as a base for the silver leaf night stands,

and for the legs of my coffee-table-turned-ottoman.

We used "Abassador Sterling" from the Regent Metallics line on the backs of the shelves on my mom's dining hutch. And recently she painted her ceiling another great color from the same line.


  1. What a great idea, to snag one of each paint chip. Think I need to snag that idea! ;)

  2. Great post and great idea about snagging the paint chips. So smart.....Thanks, Jenny!

  3. Oh that is so unfortunate!!! Pickett Fence is one of the best whites!

  4. Ralph Lauren paints will still be available, just not at Home Depot, right?

  5. My Home Depot has already completely replaced the RL paint with Martha's. I did notice a few cans of paint still on a shelf on clearance, but that's all! So, if you want it, you should hurry!

  6. My store was out of all the bases when I tried to buy last week-- it never occured to me to take ALL the chips!

  7. Thanks for the tip - we really need to repaint a giant cathedral-ceilinged room in our house and I just hate bad paint. I just scrubbed a little handprint off our wall and the paint came right off - it was Behr.

    Tom Felecia's room is awesome - which House Beautiful is it from? I must have that light fixture, or something like it......

    BTW....can't wait to see the projects you are doing while you visit!

  8. I would love to know what you think about your mom's recently painted ceiling in the regent metallic collection. I'm debating whether or not to paint our ceiling in the master bath. We have a lovely fresh aqua (tidal pool by Behr) and it seems that a metallic would be lovely. I've thought of trying my hand at the aluminum leaf as it's not hat large of a space but I am doubting my patience.

    BTW, I love your design aesthetic. So fresh!

    Oh, you can trying storing the RL chips in those clear protective pages that you store in a 3-ring binder. The chips mights actually fit into pages that hold slides? I can't remember the dimensions, but it wouldn't hurt to check at a local photo store (or online).

  9. You can store all those little paint chips in some of those 3-ring binder refills that are used to store business cards! The little cards will fit in the business card slots with a bit of room to spare...

    Have fun! Marija

  10. Thank you for the heads up! I had no idea, I seem to use those paints more than any colors, what is a girl to do? Here Home Depot was the only carrier for the paint.
    Thanks for the tip!

  11. Great idea! Recently found an old issue of Domino with the Creative Director of J. Crew-Jenna's (last name?) house and she had kitchen cabinets in Surrey by RL- they are gorgeous! Although Peony will always be one of my favorite RL colors :)

  12. If they would fit three across a sheet protector - you can sew long columns into a sheet protector - you have to pull it through as the plastic is too slick for the feed dogs to move it. I recently made these for travel brochures I wanted to keep and it works great; it might make it a bit hard to get the bottom one if they aren't attached in some way...

  13. an idea for your rl paint chips: buy plastic sleeves made for storing baseball cards. you may have to cut them to size? but they will be protected and you can store them in a three ring binder! voila!

    i have soft spot for rl paint. in our very first house i painted our formal living room 'hunting coat red'. i didn't know about primer back then and it took me 6 coats to get those bare walls covered. yikes! i learned my lesson. but it was the BEST red ever!

  14. Smart thinking! Love all these rooms...especially Thom's! And I still love those gilded dressers!

  15. What a great idea...I think I would feel way too cheeky pulling it off in the Chicagoland, these clerks do.not.mess. I love all of these projects with RL, esp. Erika's golden crib...Made all of my dream nursery ideas just fly right on out the window

  16. The ottoman!!!! I am assuming that is a "before" shot? Or can you still use it after the birth of little Evie?

  17. Thanks for telling me this. I have already absonded many RL paint chips, but I think I need to take a trip to get the rest. It is my go to paint for almost all of my paint jobs.

  18. I didn't know the RL paints were going away! Guess I better go grab all of my favorite swatches!

  19. Thanks for the head's up on the RL paints. I've used them a lot in my job and have also stood there and taken one of every color for my files. I enjoy your blog and your new daughter is gorgeous--love the birth story. Have you had any good casseroles yet? :-)

  20. I wish I wasn't so afraid of color ;) I do love the RL and Martha lines for the names. For some reason the way they name the colors is sometimes more appealing than the color itself.

  21. Seriously perfect timing! I'm painting my hallway on a limited budget and have been sourcing cheap paint like a mad woman. Now I don't have to sacrifce quality. Thanks for the tip!

  22. Thanks for letting us know about the RL paints. I guess I found my errand for the morning! Most of my house is RL and I can't imagine living without it. Love Martha, but I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of complaining about the lack of Ralph.

    A thought about paint chips, if you wanted to do a deck you could go and have them hard laminated and hole punched at a Kinko's or office supply store and put on a ring.

  23. Coffee table-turned-ottoman? Would that also be the coffee table-turned-ottoman-turned-birthing table?

  24. Thanks for the tip!! I'll definitely be going to grab paint chips, and I'm using the sale as an excuse to get motivated on a couple of painting projects!!

    I'm really really thinking about doing the silver leafing on a pair of craigslist nightstands I scored... but was also tempted to just try a metallic paint instead. Would using something from the Regent Metallic line you mentioned get anywhere near the same effect?


  25. So glad I read this! We love "crabapple" in RL colors (it's out living room and kitchen color) and had just decided to also paint our bedroom that color too. I need to scoot to Home Depot! :-)

  26. I remember seeing some Martha Stewart image where they lined up all her paint chips on a linen idea board, in a gradient color pattern. So pretty, almost like a piece of art.

    I grabbed as many MS color chips when they discontinued the Sherwin Williams line. The employees thought I was a little crazy, but oh well. I've used them and get truer color matches than the computer formulas.

  27. So sad... I love RL paints! The colors are great and the quality of the paint is actually quite good. Even if I am not using an RL color, I request their paint. Wah, wah. I just painted my living room 'Brown Fox' and it's soooo cozy. I find the Behr paint and primer in one is good quality but the color choices are not that exciting. I will surely grab a sample of each color- thanks for the heads up!

  28. I actually already bought (and used!) the new Martha Stewart line from Home Depot last week! I bought "Sea Salt", which is an airy blue. Loved it. The quality was pretty good, but I had just finished using Restoration Hardware's "Silver Sage", which is a high quality latex. Her colors are beautiful though, as usual. :) Tip for those using the Restoration Hardware paint: The cans are "soft", so make sure you're not setting them on anything that can pop a hole in the bottom. Learned this the hard way when I set the can on a nail...luckily i had a dropcloth down! Love the pics you choose!

  29. I love the idea of the gold crib.. RL paints are awesome- 50% is amazing.

  30. Bummer about RL! I loved his metallics line -- I used "Iron Gate" for the ceiling of my bedroom and to refresh an old gilt mirror.

  31. I have a pair of chairs that have been waiting for a paint job. I have been unable to make a decision. I bought fabric for them and hated it when I got home.

    When I saw the mango gold chairs with what looks like a gray seat, I knew what I had to do. But first must rush to get that paint! I am fancying the idea of dark gray microfiber suede for the small seat. Add a couple of smashing small rectangle pillows and I am in heaven. Thanks again for another great inspiration!

  32. I painted my kitchen RL "Bitter Orange" and I have to say that it was the best color choice ever. To say that orange can be neutral sounds strange, but I swear that's what "Bitter Orange" is: it's an orange neutral. My kitchen is bright but not obnoxious, and EVERYTHING matches it. I kid you not. Best color ever.

  33. My Home Depot did not sell quart-size containers of RL paints, so had I had them color match a swatch into the Behr paint+primer. It was an excellent match! RL has such pretty colors - what a shame.

  34. I can 100% confirm that as of right now, HD has the RL color formulas in their computers. :) A couple of weeks ago I went to my local HD to find the RL chips and paint already gone; lucky that I'd already snagged the gray chip that I wanted, and they were happy to match it in a Behr paint for me. Hopefully they'll keep the color formulas on file for us RL fans!

  35. RL paint colors are so pretty! I use their colors and use Ben Moore paint.

  36. Ralph Lauren, Ralph Lauren, Ralph Lauren, The Ottoman! I was all about this post and Ralph Lauren until I saw your picture of your ottoman. I can't help but get a big grin on my face when I see it now ... what an important role it ended up playing in (for) your family! Love it, love it, love it!

  37. I'm so glad I'm not the only gal at the hardware store taking all the paint samples! I love Erika's daughter's Sloan's crib, it's always been one of my favorites! Beautiful pics today. I love RL paint but I'm sure Martha's paints are going to be beautiful as well.

  38. smart of you to take all the chips. at my store this past weekend, they had already cleared the ralph lauren display. no chips at all! i was bummed. pamt

  39. I have a ton of Martha's chips from back when she was with Sherwin Williams. Those are some great colors.

  40. My Home Depot didn't get the memo. They've had the Martha Stewart paints since January. They are large paint chips and she has a pretty selection. I used one of the colors, Lilypond, for my playroom makeover. Except, I had the paint mixed at Costco. The prices were too good and they are low VOC.

  41. martha stewart's paints are already out at home depot! i saw them the other day! TONS of options. love it. LOVE that nursery too!

  42. I steal paint chips all the time. I use them for gift tags and stuff. Great for help painting a room and even better for Aunt Sally's Christmas present.

  43. Oh no! I love RL paints. Do you know where they may be sold from here on out?


  44. Thanks so much! My husband and I just bought our FIRST house and we will be needing a whole lot of paint. This made my day!!!

  45. Our Home Depot already made the change to MS too.

  46. Definitely save the chips! I was never able to replicate a Martha Stewart color from back in the days pre-Lowe's when her paint was at Kmart. It was called Mercury Glass, and oh, I wish I'd saved a paint chip and a sample to match it later.

  47. Oh my goodness. Is it terrible that I'm sad that the RL line is being discontinued? We've painted the majority of the interior of our house since moving in, and they're all RL colors. I think a trip to the RL display is in my future....Thanks for the heads up.

  48. I went to 2 Home Depots in the Chicago suburbs last night and found the MS line already at both, with only a couple of random base quarts of RL left on clearance. At the 2nd store, I decided to ask if I could expect to find the RL chips elsewhere in the area and was told they've been getting turned over pretty quickly everywhere - "We left one night and they were here, and when we got to work in the morning they were gone". Thankfully, the girl was the NICEST Home Depot employee I have ever encountered, and she GAVE me the RL swatch book from behind the counter!! She said it would have just been trashed next week anyways, so it was all mine! It's a little beat up, but much much better than missing out on all those outstanding colors!

  49. I, too, am really sad to see the Ralph Lauren paints go. I've used many of the colors and love them, and as far as I know, Home Depot was the only place that carried it. According to the salesperson with whom I spoke, although they still have the formulas, they can't guarantee a perfect color match and I know that some of Ralph's colors are actually copyrighted, so they can't be perfectly copied. I do have a RL paint fan deck that I ordered off of their website a few years ago, which I will now be squirreling carefully away!

  50. Thank you so much for the RL paint tip! BTW I, too am a huge fan of business card plastic sheets for holding paint chips. But special thanks to Elisasbeth (bovagoods) for the baseball card sheet tip! I've been cutting down those large chips, and now I don't have to!

  51. I checked out the Martha Stewart paint colors yesterday at Home Depot and the colors are beautiful! I hope the paint is as good!

  52. I think that the plastic sleeves are a great idea; but, be careful with them. After a period of time they can cause your pain chips to yellow. A really good idea would be to use the plastic sleeves that you find at scrapbook stores which will not cause the color change.

    LOVE this great blog of yours!!
    Pat B.

  53. Hi Jenny,
    As a designer, you can order full fan decks of both RL regular paints and specialized paints. All you have to do is call in to RL Paint to order. Check their website for contact info. Of course this isn't great when you need just one swatch which is when I go to HD to get the one's I need. But they may have a swatch set for a designer which would be all your own. No need to feel guilty, they samples are there for the taking. But for me, my swatches end up tied to projects, so I love to have the fan deck to be able to reference from. Good luck on your projects I hope this is helpful info.

  54. hey jenny! thanks for the mention, i'm so behind in blog reading... just catching up! awesome post, glad to be mentioned amongst the others!

  55. Thanks so much for the heads-up! I love RL paint colors and am sad to see them go. I already have a mini collection of the paint chips, but I definitely need to complete it now!

    Love this post!

  56. Does anyone know how to obtain the old paint chips from the ralph lauren paint selections? I can't find my paint chip from like 2001 or 2002 and when I asked home depot if they had an old paint palette they couldn't find it. I Love this Paint!

  57. Such a bad time for HD to do this (at least for me!). Just moved into a house and starting to paint. I love RL colors, have one in my bedroom at my old house. Wanted to do the suede paint in my new home office, now I can't. I had the color picked out and everything, now there's no paint left at the HDs in the area. Will go to Benjamin Moore instead. I hope RL comes back soon, since we have the rest of the house to do!

  58. I'm so glad you told me! I love the RL line and have several rooms done in their colors. I'm going to steal your idea to make a fan deck of my own. I hope I'm not too late! (there's even a paint color called "Broome" after the street in NYC, but it also happens to be my maiden name so I of course had to snatch that swatch!)

  59. Good news everyone! Ralph Lauren paint is not going out of business. It is just not being sold at HD anymore. If you want the real deal you can still get Ralph Lauren Paint at your local Glidden Professional Paint Center (formerly ICI Paints)or at an Independent Ralph Lauren Paint dealer. Click on this link to find the closest dealer. http://www.ralphlaurenhome.com/stores/

  60. Do you know what the greenish wall color was in this photo? (Eddie Ross used Ralph Lauren's "Brompton" for this pair of vintage chairs.)

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Twila - If you google RL Paints and put your info in the site, it will direct you to the nearest retailer. The paints aren't gone for sure. I've seen them in some Sherwin Williams locations.


  63. Oh my goodness....what a shame.
    No more RL Paint at Home Depot.
    Where can a Canadian shopper get it now?

  64. You can buy Ralph Lauren paints and have them shipped to you here:


  65. Hi every one I have a paint store here in Miami ,Fl Rainbow Paint & Supply (305)873-6450 ,We are a authorized dealer of Ralph Lauren Paints We can help you with any paints need ,We also can ship too you .You can check here in the Ralph Lauren website http://www.ralphlaurenhome.com/stores

  66. I was told, by a HD manager, that the RL was being replaced by Martha because RL had gotten greedy and wanted some additional outragious fees for carrying their paints and HD refused to pay.

  67. Miller Paint in Oregon stores will be carrying RL Paints, but as of today it will be another month or more before all finishes are available.

  68. Ralph Lauren Paints are actually still available! Looks like the moved into specialty paint stores instead of Home Depot.


  69. Ralph Lauren paint company is still in business. There is a great internet company I just bought some from called http://www.worldpaintsupply.com

    -- Mike


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