Weekend Recap

What a crazy weekend! Friday afternoon we picked up the 26-foot moving truck and packed it to the gills. We didn't finish packing until late that night, but it was cool to drive down the Mall in DC in our giant truck at around 2:00 am!

We unloaded all night at the flea (didn't sleep a wink!) and got crazy looks from the other flea market vendors when they saw just how much stuff we were unloading. One guy even came over and was like 'This is your first time selling here, right? You have a lot of nice stuff, but don't be disappointed when you're loading most of it back up today. Try again next month!'

We were still putting prices on small things by the time 7:00am rolled around. I seriously looked so gross. I had planned on getting in a nap and a shower at a friends house nearby, but that definitely didn't happen. Yuck!

At 7:00 the madness started. I had grand plans of photographing everything and I was so excited to walk around and meet and chat with some of you readers - also definitely didn't happen. By 7:45 I came up for air and nearly 90% of the items had been sold. At the end of the day, there were only a handful of things to load back up in the truck.

It was SO amazing to get to meet a couple hundred of you guys! I'm sorry that you got to see me at my worst - disheveled and hot! But thank you for coming and supporting me! I would LOVE to try something like this again.


  1. You showed him:) Congrats on a successful sale! I wish I could have been there, you had great things for sale. Hope you eventually got some sleep!


  2. I love that you proved that wrong...he obviously doesn't know the power of the BLOG!

  3. I live a mile or two down the road from the Arlington Flea Market-- have for almost 9 years!!-- and this past weekend was my first trip. I didn't get there until pretty late and most of your stuff was gone, but I'm definitely making it a monthly tradition. Thanks for being the one to get me going, I hope you'll be back. (And I'll get there early, I promise!)

  4. There is no better feeling than a successful yard sale / flea market sale. I would have wanted to have stuck my tongue out at that man and said "na-na-boo-boo we sold more than you-you"!!!

  5. I was planning on attending, at least just to say hi. But things came up, glad it was so successful!!

  6. Congrats on a successful sale. So wish I could have made the trek from Boston to it. You had some amazing things there.

  7. By the time I got there at 8:30, you were practically out of mirrors, lamps and wallpaper. But I don't wake the little one on weekends, so we just took our chances. Congrats on the successful venture. If you do it again, I'll leave her home sleeping and come line up with the rest of the super shoppers.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i'm so sad that i live so far away! i would have loved to gotten to take some of that great stuff off your hands. If you ever come down South, let me know!

  10. Congrats on your flea market success! I live in Arlington, and because of your blog, I learned of and decided to go to the flea market on Saturday. I was in the market for a small credenza/buffet, but I was fairly surprised how very little furniture there was. Maybe next time...

  11. Thank you so much or coming down to the DC area! I was definitely late in arriving at your station. Hope to see (and buy) great stuff the next time around (please come back soon!)

  12. omg..i wish i could have gone! i need that bamboo mirror and that white office chair on wheels! searching for office chair!!!

  13. You must be completely exhausted!!!
    Congrats on a job well done!

  14. Sound like a totally successful adventure! Well done.

  15. Obviously he doesn't have quite as good taste and talent! Did you sell that gorgeous tufted couch?

  16. It was fun to be there. I was happy with the items I purchased from you and other vendors. It was a great flea market.

  17. So great meeting you this weekend! I'm glad the location ended up working perfectly for you...besides being in the hot sun all day.

    We ALWAYS have other regular vendors come up to us at the Arlington Flea Garage Sale and Eastern Market and tell us that we won't sell much. We've left empty-handed pretty much everytime...with them jealously eying our booth. Haha. People are always in the market for beautiful, well selected furniture. Congrats on a successful day at the flea market!

  18. I love when my psychic moments come true! :) That guy should have been thrilled to see all those people lining up, even if a little sheepish- you probably brought some business his way!

  19. Jenny, I so wish I lived in the area so that I could have come. My cousin's wife made it and ended up buying your pink valance, which coincidentally was the first project of yours I ever featured on my blog!

    I hope if you do it again I will be able to make it out!

  20. I'm so glad I could make it and meet you this weekend! Not to mention getting to take some great chairs with me :)

    We looked around the whole market and your booth definitely had the best selection of furniture. I heard some vendors down the line talking about how amazed they were at crowd you drew :) AND you definitely didn't look like you had been packing/driving/unpacking all night long. I'm impressed at how alert you were, and not a mess at all! Glad it was such a success!

  21. Jenny did the other vendor see how much you sold, hahahah the look on his face would have been priceless!

  22. Congratulations on a successful flea market. I wish I was closer, Im all the way in Texas, but maybe one day I will make it to one of your next flea markets.

    Hope your able to rest now and enjoy your success. :)

  23. Yah... I wanna know what that guy said afterward??!!

  24. Ahh! So jealous! Would of loved to see it. Way to have a great following! I bet the guy was floored at your success.

  25. Congrats on a successful sale!!
    It was great meeting you on Saturday! I was too late and when I got there not much was left, unfortunately. I still enjoyed chatting with you and your husband.

  26. That's SO AWESOME! What I wouldn't have given to be there at 6:45, pronto! So glad it went well for ya!

  27. Congrats on the great sale, so wonderful to meet you. Hope you're back in DC soon!

  28. Jenny- I am so glad that it was a huge success.. congrats! I am sorry to have missed you, perhaps next time.

  29. It was great meeting you,
    and I love the lamp I bought. :D

  30. It was great meeting you and I loved eeerything I bought! I especially loved how all the other vendors were baffled by the site of your "readers" and just couldn't figure it out! Ah, the power of blogging!

  31. Woah, Nellie! That is some kind of sale you made! I hope you put all your profits to a great cause decorating your new place!

  32. Fabulous! Congrats on pulling this off, girl!!!

  33. Yay! I am so glad it was a SMASHING SUCCESS! I so wish I could have been there. I live so close, but I was gone this wkend!

  34. Congrats on a successful sale! I wish I could have gone-you had some great stuff!

  35. Glad to hear all the hard work was worth it! Maybe you should consider opening a shop when you get to NY...?!

  36. You've got to tell the rest of us where you get your manic energy from!!! You're entirely amazing.

  37. Ahhhhh I sooooo wish I lived in the area and could make it! From Seattle it would have been quite a trek though;) I'm not surprised at all that almost everything sold, you have awesome stuff!

  38. So glad it went well, but not a surprise at all considering the awesome things you had for sale! Wish I lived nearby!

  39. Are you kidding me? You looked beautiful!!!

  40. Congrats! That must have felt great to unload so much of your stuff! Wish I was close enough to go and meet you!


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