Canopy Beds

I'm guest blogging over at Simply Seleta today and chatting about canopy beds. I spied this pretty canopy recently at FAO Schwartz:

And this gorgeous canopied bed belongs to one of my all time favorite girls rooms:

Palmer Weiss
So stop on over to Seleta's and say hello! Maybe tell me your favorite canopy style while you're at it.


  1. love that second one. such a fun DIY idea

  2. I stumbled on your blog last has inspired me and got me remotivated to finish up some undone projects. Thank you for all the eye candy on your blog. It sings to me! It's full or goodies and inspiration! I'll have to email you some pics of some stuff I'm finishing up this week because of all the awesomeness on here. Thanks again!

  3. I really love that second one. It's absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love canopies over daybeds, especially your Palmer Weiss example and those in Katie Ridder's portfolio. Daybeds keep canopies from reading too "little girl". I love the coordinating canopy fabric and wallpaper--so chic!

  5. Any idea where I could find the floral mirror in the second photo? I've been looking for one for a few weeks!


  6. saw that Palmer Weiss room at the SF designer showcase last year- so gorgeous!

  7. I recently inherited a 10' half-tester bed and don't have a clue what to do with the canopy. Everything I can find online looks like what my grandmother had on it -- pale pink silk gathered up with the big button in the center. Help! If you come across any visuals can you pass them along?! I would appreciate it immensely!

  8. Oh man. I have been in LUST over canopy beds lately. But my room is too small, it would be overwhelming. One day, though!

    I was wondering if you would have time to answer a quick painting question, or if you could link me to the answer? I searched in case you had already said something about it but I couldn't find anything.

    I have a side table that is some sor tof laquered bamboo. I'd like to spray paint it white, but I'm worried the paint won't stick. It's way too fiddly to sand properly - lots of ins and outs and swirls. I know you've painted bamboo furniture before - any advice? Obviously you have your own life and might not have time to answer random internet people! :P

  9. When I was a little girl I always wanted a canopy bed but I never got one. These are so pretty.


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)