Make the world a softer place...

As a fabric junkie, I am thoroughly on board with upholstering anything and everything.

Chair seat AND frame? Yes, please.

as seen on Coco+Kelley

Headboard AND night stand? Lovely. (I'm dying to try this myself. It can't be too hard, right?)

Christopher Maya

P.S. A big shout out to the biggest LGN supporter around. Happy birthday, Daddy. I love you.


  1. Thanks for the great ideas Jenny! Love them both.

  2. OH I LOVE that little table. The possibilities are endless! thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. Jenny, how do you think you would make the nightstand? I saw a picture once of an upholstered Queen Anne console/sofa table with nailheads and almost died, it was so pretty. But I couldn't figure out how one would even start trying to upholster a solid wood piece. I googled a bit but didn't come up with anything. I'm not sure how you would deal with so many edges and nooks and crannies and whatnot.

  4. Love this Jenny. I did this on a dresser having seen a pale beige linen on a Thomasville dresser. I used all mode podge and you can poly or vanish of the top for a real seal.

  5. GAH! That night stand. I have a crappy filing cabinent I might try upholstering. Thanks for sharing!

  6. This post spoke to me, as well, all your posts do. But this one in particular. I love all things upholstered. Fantastic idea with the chair!

  7. love both of these pieces. do the chair and a diy for the rest of us:D

  8. I saw an upholstered bookcase in a catalog a while back (I think it was designed by Thomas O'Brien...?) and fell in love. I want was gorgeous

  9. that's a first. I have never seen an upholstered bedside... pretty rad!

  10. I tend to want to paint everything I see...but I love the look of that chest!!! Yes, you try it first and teac us how!! :)

  11. Love the nailheads. They really can do wonders.

  12. if anyone can diy upholster a nightstand it's you. i'd love to see that.

  13. The second photo almost caused me to fall of my chair in an Envy-Faint. Ekkk! That table is amazing.



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