Happy Valentine's Day

Some things I love today...

1. Ribbon Trim ($2.95/yard)
2. Gold Sconces ($249 ea)
3. Essie Clam Bake ($2.99)
4. Eames Hang-It-All ($52)
5. Russian Textiles Book
6. Oxblood lamp ($69)
7. David Hicks pillow ($88)
8. Pink heels ($168)
9. Silver Hammered side table ($299)
10. Coral Rug (about $150)

I hope you're surrounded by people you love, today especially.


  1. Those gold sconces are so pretty! I thought they were a piece of art at first, which they actually would be on your walls. Happ Valentine's Day to you too!

  2. Full of love and chic to you on this Valentine's day-

  3. Where is that amazing coral rug from?

  4. Stunning list, you never disappoint! I really love the side table, will have to go check it out :) XOXO have a happy day :)

  5. Gorgeous selections, Jenny! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  6. I think the lamp is my favorite. Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. That coral rug, so pretty! I love your blog, it's one that makes my morning reads before the kiddos wake... like the morning newspaper in days of old!

  8. I am madly in love with that side table! Happy Valentine's Day.

  9. Those shoes--beautiful! Happy Valentines Day!

  10. I was so excited to see your hints in this month's BHG! I thought, "Hey! I know her!" Of course, "know" in the loyal blog follower way. Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. Always love a little David Hicks. Yummy.

    Cute heels! I wonder if I could justify pink ones...

  12. I saw those pink shoes at Anthropologie and they are even prettier in person. Those are definitely on my wish list ;)

  13. There's nothing I would not want in my house on that style sheet!!

  14. Oh my goodness, I just went to your trim website...and I'm going crazy over there. It's addictive. I am finding all kinds of goodies. Thanks for this post. Happy Valentines Day to you:)

  15. I'll take those heels along with that side table. If I could get those, all would be well!...For Valentine's anyways!
    Lila Ferraro

  16. Wow, I did a double-take with the Eames Hang-it-all! At a quarter of the price of the original, it sure is a great looking reproduction!

  17. Really. Your blog is one I just cannot pass up - even on the busiest of days when I have NO business clicking around for pleasure. Happy Valentine's Day. And, thanks. <3

  18. Love the Eames hang all rack. So fun and colorful! Here's something else you'll love. Check out what I found for free kijiji, similar to craigslist. http://edmonton.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-furniture-couches-futons-couch-love-seat-chair-W0QQAdIdZ260562026. If i knew how to upholster i would scoop up the love seat and put it at the end of our bed. Enjoy!

  19. I swear i'm thinking of getting those hicks pillows....they are growing on me. :)))))


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