The Best Inexpensive and Heavy Duty Sewing Machine

My mom, who is a really talented seamstress, gave me a Singer HD-110 sewing machine as a Christmas gift about six years ago and truly I can't say enough nice things about it.

She has a gorgeous Pfaff that she uses for making clothes, quilting and embroidery, but my mom says she wishes she had my machine too for heavier duty home projects like pillows and drapes (the HD in the name actually stands for 'heavy duty'). We both love it.

If you want super fancy stitches or a computer screen, this sewing machine is probably not for you. But if you're looking for a work horse - one that will sew through layers and layers of thick fabric and hardly ever break a sweat (or a needle), this steely lady is your gal.

HIGHLY recommend.


  1. I so wish I had some talent with the sewing machine...but I was very lucky to have some very talented tailors and quilters when I was designing and exporting quilts a couple of years back!! xx meenal

  2. that machine is to have one of those.

  3. This machine looks and sounds wonderful. I have a singer featheweight which belonged to my Grandmother and it too works really well. I have been thinking of buying another machine so I appreciate the recommendation.

  4. I have 2 machines- one I abuse the heck out of, and the other is a fancy machine that actually does embroidery.
    My mom is a seamstress extraordinaire as well. She made all our clothes, prom gowns, and wedding dresses. I stick to home dec sewing, but there is something to be said for upholding a long standing tradition. Every time I sew it brings back good memories and makes me feel connected to her. I hope my daughter sews too.

  5. Wow....does look like a powerhouse! I am in the market for a sewing machine since I am learning to sew. I will take a look at that one!

  6. Okay, this sewing machine is so GREAT looking, love the gray! Even better it stands up to heavy use...Janell

  7. I used my Grandmother's old singer and never have a problem with it!

  8. I have this machine -- kind of by default. My mom was aching to get me sewing so she offered so buy me one in college. I wanted something that "looked cool" (cuz obviously that's the most important thing about sewing machines) and picked this one out. Looking back, I'm glad I did.

  9. My mom is an amazing seamstress, but unfortunately I didn't inherit even a fifth of her talent. How hard is it to learn sewing if you're as clueless as I am?

  10. Oh I'm so jealous! I have a cheapo White brand machine, which means I basically never sew. :(

  11. So ironic to see your post today. I am machine shopping this week! I have been wanting a good machine to sew mostly home decor. However, would maybe enjoy a making a few skirts every now and then. Would you say it works just as great on your lighter sewing items as well? If so, then I take this as a strong recommendation coming from you. Love your blog! Thank you so much, Ashley

  12. Ashley - this machine is a great all-round sewing machine. I make clothes on it too and it does a beautiful job. I think you'll love it.


  13. Good to know! Short of buying an industrial, i'm always looking for a good machine that can handle layers. I've got a Toyota in Ireland that's fantastic but they don't sell them in North America.

  14. I wish I had seen your recommendation before making my purchase in January. I've got a brand new brother that is waiting to be used. I had looked at that Singer, but went with something that I thought would offer more variety of stitches, but I hope it has enough strength to sew heavier fabrics!

  15. great timing on this post. i just took my 3rd grade brownie troop to Bernina sewing school the other day and those machines rock. My personal one at home is the worst but a Bernina is too expensive for my little at home projects. mostly use my machine for scrapbooking anyway so sewing thru paper not material. love the look of this singer too.
    thanks much

  16. Thanks for the recommendation. :) I'm getting to the point where I'm going to need a machine soon. I'll definitely keep this one in mind!

  17. Thanks so much for the recommendation! I've been taking a sewing class and now I need to buy a machine of my own. Everyone has told me that I need to shell out serious $$$ for a good machine, but I just want one that will let me sew drapes and pillowcases, etc. This one looks perfect!

  18. It seems there are a few of us that are looking to buy a new machine right now. I'm in the market for one that will last for the long haul (is forever, if I take care of it and service it too much to ask?), make it through heavy fabric but I would like to do a little bit of fancy stitching. If you have the time and inclination, would you mind sending me a quick email with your opinion about the merits for anything outside of home decor use? As I mentioned, I would like to do some embroidery, but I'm not into quilting or the like...just some fun gifts, etc.

  19. Interesting! I haven't had great luck with Singer products in the last few years- two machines broke on me within six months- so glad to hear it's working for you! Once those two broke and I found out it was because the new machines were plastic moving parts inside, I shopped around and ended up grabbing a Husqvarna at almost the same price point, which has metal components inside the housing and works beautifully. (Anyone who builds my favorite chainsaw has to make a decent machine, right?) Couldn't be more pleased! :)

  20. Great Post!! This is exactly what I'm looking for. Does it have a Thread cutter on the side & automatic needle lowering.

  21. This is great, we need a sewing machine that is very start forward. This could be it.

  22. One major tip for all those looking for a machine- make sure it has mechanical knobs and levers- anything mechanical is much sturdier and cheaper to fix if the need arises. If your electronic displays go out you are out of luck most of the time. Singers and Kenmores last forever.

  23. I am putting this on my Christmas list! I have a wimpy old sewing machine that just can't handle the upholstery fabrics I try to use on it. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Thank you for sharing! I have been looking at machines that will sew upholstery fabric. My Babylock may do it but I want a more sturdy machine for this purpose.

  25. Yes, I only wish I knew how to use one of those babies!

  26. wOW! That's a really good price for a Heavy Duty!!! It's going on my wish list!! Thanks Jenny!!!


  27. I am so happy to hear your good report on this machine. I never watch infomercials and yet got totally sucked into one for this machine. For the cost, it's unbelievable what it can do. I may have to invest. You have me thinking about all the things I could do!

  28. That reminds me I desperately need to learn to sew.

  29. There are two newer versions of the HD out. One even has some decorative stitches and a one-step buttonhole function! Both models are getting very good reviews online. Workhorse Singers are the best!

  30. Hey, that's my machine! I've had it for years and it IS a workhorse - no complaints :)

  31. Thanks for the information about this one! I've been on the hunt for a sewing machine, but I didn't want to shell out big bucks for a super-duper one that would be too much for me, and I didn't want to waste my money with a crappy cheap-o one that would break the second time I used it.

  32. If only I had had this handy dandy tip a few years ago, before I bought my machine (which--except for the fact that the longest stitch is 4, not 6--so good for basting!--works fine, though it's not the much desired work horse as this one).
    For one thing, I need something that will let me sew up all my needlepoint projects!
    Ars acupicturae stellae - Star's Needlepoint Art:


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