Acrylic Shelves

Celerie Kemble used pieces of acrylic as shelving in her Kips Bay Show House room and I loved how modern it made the built-ins feel.

It reminded me of this photo from Domino, where they used acrylic shelving in the kitchen. It's a great way to add storage without all the visual bulk.

PS I bet my friends at Plexi-Craft could help you if you'd like to do something similar in your home...


  1. Acrylic is really nice but its a bit soft for large ou heavy shelving. It bends easily with weight and it's really easy to scratch, . For stronger transparent shelving, thick glass is really a good option.

  2. I agree with Sao Joao. You can tell in the pictures that the shelves are sagging a bit.

  3. Looks really neat, would you know a good way to mount it so it doesn't sag?

  4. There was a little bit of sagging on the shelves with heavier books. I have a feeling it was only because the built-ins are antique and I'm sure they weren't allowed to drill extra holes in the millwork to add supports. They would not be sagging if there were extra supports.


  5. I have to agree with everyone else - the sagging looks horrible. It looks like cheap IKEA shelving. It really distracts from the fact that clear shelving could be a cool option.

  6. When I was at Kips Bay with some of the blogfest bloggers we were all oohing and aahing over the acrylic shelves, they look great!

  7. Fantastic idea! the shelves just vanish - great for display and for storage! brilliant!
    xo Allison


  8. Wow! Sounds like Anon woke up on the wrong side of the bed again! Sheesh! I think it is a really cool idea and that's all Jenny was pointing out.

    I love your eye, Jenny! Thanks for sharing with us every day!


  9. Oh wow!! I LOVE THIS!!! I wonder how pricy it would be to replace my build-in shelving? Do you have a sense Jenny? This would really spice up my traditional dining room!

  10. STU-NNING!!!!!

    Love it!

  11. I saw the showhouse too and was concerned about the sagging, but I asked the rep from Kemble Interiors (probably one of her assistants?) and they said exactly what you thought Jenny - they couldn't add more supports to the shelves becasue of the antique nature of the wood work. I think it is amazing and very ingenious and would work just beautifully with the right number of shelf supports.

    Love your blog, Jenny!!


  12. Great idea! What a creative way to store things, while also having the visual appearance of more space!

  13. I love your blog and read it daily, but where are the DIYs? It feels like you haven't been posting as many projects lately.

  14. LOVING acrylic shelves. We just put a couple up in our nursery!

  15. Love the way they look, but I would be concerned that they would bow worse than wood does. They looked a tiny bit saggy. There's some standard length to which a wood shelf can be cut where it won't bow. Wish I could remember the length.

  16. I love this idea! I never would have thought of it :)

  17. So funny - acrylic is everywhere but I haven't seen them as shelves yet. Do I have my head in the sand? I think the are SO cool!

  18. Jenny! Have you been reading my mind? I was looking a Plexi-Craft last night as I want to use an acrlyic shelf as my psuedo entry way table. I want the look of the cb2 Peekaboo table without having something everyone else has. I was waffeling a bit on the idea but I'm going for it! I'll let you know how it turns out.

  19. Why not just use thick glass? Is it a huge price difference? My mom had 1/2 in glass cut for the shelves in her open kitchen cabinets & it looks awesome. The guy at the glass shop said a 300 lb. person could stand on them without them breaking!

  20. This is so beautiful and unique. I wish I could have seen it with my own eyes. Great Post!


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