Coral and Ivory Chess Set

Check out my latest favorite thing:

I picked up this vintage stone and brass chess set at the Chelsea flea for $35. Isn't that coral color beautiful? It's inspiring me to a) work on my seriously lacking (aka non-existent) chess skills and b) finally get around to painting the little library table I have between the bergeres, which are going to the upholsters this month! Yay!

Do you have any weekend plans?

**I just realized the pieces are in the wrong order in the first photo. Haha! Told you my skills are lacking. :) xoxo


  1. I have the same chess set in alabaster!

  2. My hubby is a chess fanatic! Was a state champ when he was younger. I would love to find him a set like this... thanks for the inspiration!


  3. I kinda like the natural wood tabel

  4. I would love to see a house tour of your current apartment! Your decorating is just classic and beautiful.

  5. Prepping for bathroom renovations! I'm scared! Never done this before!
    Love the chess set!

  6. Chess isn't hard, and if your girls learn it, they'll have one more thing to do with a boy that doesn't require a wedding ring. ;) Download an app and you'll pick it up in no time.

  7. It's beautiful, and I don't play chess.

  8. WOW! I love that table. I actually really like it as is. If you decide to sell it or find another I will buy it in one hot minute!

  9. Have you heard from anyone else that is having a hard time viewing the photos on your blog? For the last week or so the photos in the posts won't load. Hm...

  10. What a wonderful find! I think the set might be onyx. My husband had one similar years ago.

    Love the coral color of thoese chess pieces. I'm so happy that they found a new home with you.

  11. the colors in this room don't match (imo) sort of a jumbled mix of ink and grey - it needs a shot of color - not enough contrast - can't put my finger on it. the chair needs a print on the back and the sofa needs a white slipcover...for starters...

  12. Beautiful set and table. Why oh why are there not cool flea markets in Utah??

  13. Sarah and Brooke, I like the wood too, but it is in bad shape. Like, past salvageable. So the only solution is a paint job, sadly. I think it will look nice though too.

    Anon - thanks for your input, but the room is far from finished. That's sort of what I do here - post on the process. Come back in a few weeks and it will look different.


  14. Beautiful, Jenny! I am so excited to get a full house tours one of these days. Until then though, I love seeing little bits and pieces!

    Happy weekend!!


  15. What an amazing chess set! Gorgeous colors!

  16. I've always regreted not buying a chess set I saw in Bermuda on my honeymoon. This set is gorgeous.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Another reader had commented, but I too have a difficult time loading your page. It happens pretty frequently and it takes multiple attempts to finally load. I guess thats what happens with high volumes of readers! :)

  19. Thanks for the heads up about the no/slow loading. Good news though - I'm in the middle of a site redesign! Lots of changes, including a move over to wordpress, so I think the issues should all be resolved this summer.


  20. That is a beautiful chess set! totally worth it to have even if you don't bother to play a single game of chess in your life :)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.


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