I feel duped

So yesterday was the big release of Missoni for Target, yadda yadda. I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about the debacle by now, but I'll add my voice to the frustrated masses. I was ready to buy online at midnight and after they pushed back the online launch I was at my computer and ready to buy at 3:00 am (no dice) and then again at 6:00 am and finally I was in! I felt really lucky when I had my pretty throw blanket in my cart, which was all I really wanted anyway, but then I started to shop the clothes a little bit before checking out (mistake). After about 15 minutes of active clicking on the Target site, I went to pay for my stuff and WHAT'S THIS?? No throw in my online cart? They sold it to someone else and put it in my saved items! Boo.

So I thought I'd beat the system (and rush hour traffic) and I put on my running clothes, jogged down to the PATH and took the train to Hoboken and then ran another almost mile to the Target. The store opened at 8:00 am and I got there at 8:03. The home section was already CLEANED OUT!! I couldn't believe my eyes. Very rich-looking women were literally pushing and fighting over cheapy duvet covers and make up cases and espresso sets. It was the most bizarre situation. Not to mention I think about half of the Fashion Week interns were there shopping. They were done up head to toe and all chatting about their shows while they tried on the sweater dresses from the little girls section. I mosied around for a bit trying to scope out people's carts for my elusive throw. I was willing to make offers!! No throws though and I was feeling self conscious in my workout attire compared to the fashion squad. So I sulk-jogged home with only a measly candle and a two-sizes-too-large blouse to show for all my trouble.

Anyway, SOS! If anyone has an extra throw that they don't want to sell for hundreds of dollars on eBay (no, seriously, check it out), I would love to buy it from you.

Did you get anything from the sale? People on twitter were either absolutely outraged at the whole way the sale was handled or they were annoyed at all the outrage. I was mostly annoyed that I spent the better part of a night and a morning hunting down a stupid fleece throw I probably don't really need or want. Silly. Well, whatever, I do have high hopes for this pretty bowl I managed to buy in the online shopping portion of my morning. I want throw a big bunch of white peonies in there right this second.
Busy day coming up. I'm leaving in a bit to to head for the burbs and a full day of meetings and drop offs and pick ups and the returning of a too-big blouse. I'm also going to check out that little settee I told you about last week. My hopes are high for the settee, though I'm guessing the cushion needs more down. I'll keep you posted.

PS It's a bit strange to me, but one of my most common Dear Jenny questions is what magazines I subscribe to. I guess there are lots of great (not-free) shelter publications out there, so it's nice to have a friend's advice. Here's my list. Though admittedly some of these are only on my wi$h li$t.


  1. All i wanted was that darn blanket too!
    I think we all felt a little duped by the end of the day. Did I really need any of that stuff? It doesn't even go with anything in my house.
    But because everyone & their mothers wanted it, for a second I wanted it too. I feel silly more than anything.
    In the end I think I would rather own one piece from the actual Missoni line, then 10 of something that everyone has from Target.
    (although if i scored a blanket, I wouldn't throw it away) (no pun intended) :)

  2. Well, I kind of wished I had been there just for the show. Sounds like something on SNL. Sorry you didn't get your throw. . .

  3. I went to our Target to check it out and there was a lot of Missoni (I live in Pittsfield MA). I don't think our store got more then one or two of anything. It will probably be gone today because the news said it was hot stuff ! I loved the milk crates...but didn't get anything

  4. I think I got your throw! I was on-line at 6am too.....I was able to buy the throw, some rain boots, a scarf, and a blue pull-over sweater...sorry(I think).

  5. I bought 3 of the 5 silk scarves around 6:30, online. I got to work and found out that a friend had bought the bicycle, the site had crashed and things (including, now, her bike, given the prospect of quick cash) were going up on ebay for hundreds or even over a thousand. Crazy.

  6. I can't believe it either! I too wanted that same throw and nada. What is amazing is that their website is still down!

  7. I was lucky and my Target was relatively empty (although it did clear out fast). There were about 10 of us actually shopping the Missoni line. My main goal was the throw too, which I was able to get. If you can get your hands on it, try everything in your power. It is actually very comfy! Sorry about your bad luck!

  8. Hi there,
    I went to my Target yesterday, and they did have one throw left. My girlfriend and I started the inspection of the infamous throw. I didn't get it. The fabric and quality were not great. Looks so much better in pic, and very cheap in person. So everyone who didn't get it, don't be too upset. I'm not a designer,so your expectations are probably higher than mine and it was not great!!!!

  9. I'll check back at ours tomorrow. Throws were still on the shelf yesterday afternoon. Not really impressed with any of the housewares. The girls' dresses were cute though.

  10. I cannot believe the mayhem this caused! I casually checked Target's site in the early morning and just about everything was gone! Serves me right!

  11. The story will be on Good Morning America this morning. If you hadn't posted it I never would have known about it.

    The design actually reminds me of a blanket that my grandmother made back in the 1960's.

  12. I really wanted the throw too but no dice at my store. I did get the black and white zig zag vase which was really cute. Crazy about the site being down most of the day.

  13. i'm in an atlanta suburb, and my target was still full of missoni yesterday. i'll run in this morning and check for a throw for you. if you have any friends in smaller markets, you should reach out to them! the next time there's some designer at target, i'm going to buy a ton of stuff and put it on ebay. we still had liberty of london when it went on clearance.

  14. honestly, i feel your frustration. honestly, some of these women's advice is spot on. when you get into more suburban/rural area-targets, no one even knows who missoni is. i say take a little road trip and you'll find what you want :D

    http://amandamantes.blogspot.com !

  15. Oh Jenny, sorry to hear about your run-around... I stopped at my Target after taking kids to school, 8:30-ish. There were still unpacked Missoni boxes laying around the store, some stuff on display and no one shopping. I was underwhelmed by the items on display. I was most excited by the tights & notebooks. So I grabbed some of each for me & for my girls. When I got to work and checked in online I saw all of the hullaballoo/hysteria and thought maybe I had missed out on some crazy-good stuff. SO, I stopped in at a different Target later in the afternoon... really scoured the store to see if I was missing out but still I was underwhelmed by it all. Just wasn't for me. I did spy an awesome piece of luggage (that i didn't need) and still felt good with my tights & notebooks.

  16. OMGosh - I can't believe (well, actually I CAN believe) it all went down like that. Even if I had been in the States, I don't know if I would've been in on all that madness. Sheesh!

    I think if I ever want Missoni THAT badly, I'll stalk the aisles at Neiman's Last Call or SAKS Off 5th. Yikes!

    Do hope you get your hands on the throw - the story behind it will make it a conversation piece.

  17. I did some online shopping before the site crashed - got the cute flats, that throw, the hot pink corduroy jacket, the ribbon loop pillows and some tights. I went to the store later that morning and got the white and black zig zag suitcase and 2 of the sweater boxes. I'm in Raleigh and everything was gone by 9:30.

  18. I think you should find a lady who crochets on etsy and have her make you one, then just line the back with a fabric you like. I was thinking about making one for myself. They should have planned for that better. They always over order everything else, so I don't know why they didn't plan or this.

  19. I got the suede pumps online which I thought were nice and understated plus a fun chevron umbrella. But, I had to do some research to figure out that only the mobile site was working! All the people posting stuff on eBay are out of control. Will someone really pay $249.99 for the $39.99 pumps I bought!? That's insane!!

  20. I feel the same way! I spent HOURS online yesterday trying to add things to my cart-nothing. I headed to Target, where I saw a woman and her daughter bewildered at the quick sell out. She said, "I just wanted to have a nice day to shopping with my daughter, not this." Totally. Made me even sadder.

  21. Bummer about the throw - I think a lot of us regular - non rich, non high end fashion people feel the same way! A friend of mine switched her work days this week so she could go there first thing in the morning and she said the exact same thing. There was a personal shopper in front of her in line who had already spent 2k online on the stuff and then made it to the store as they opened and literally just grabbed tons of stuff - hopefully some people will return some items if they really don't want them versus selling them on ebay, it's nutso!

  22. I got to my local Target at 8:15 after dropping my kids off at school and the entire place was a mob scene like in a movie. Women were stealing items out of other's carts. They told everyone still shopping to get in line by their storage room and they started handing out 2 items per person. Mind you this is after women had not one but two carts filled with stuff (that was all probably going on ebay). I waited in line (I was one of the last) and ended up with two votive holders. Tori Spelling was there trying to shop and laughing at the complete mayhem. It was actually pretty disgusting. The woman in front of me checking out had $880 worth of stuff and then her credit card was declined. She was taking stuff out one item at a time (like socks) and asking the checker to retry her card. It was ridiculous. The most disappointing thing to me is that there are approx 30,000 new Missoni for Target items on ebay. They have to do better at limiting shoppers to perhaps one item of each style, not letting them by 10 blankets to then resell. All in all a pretty funny morning.....

  23. I just went to ebay. there are two of the throws there.

  24. My brother works at an SF-area Target and he said one woman bought $1400 worth of Missoni stuff yesterday. Way to go, scalpers.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I live literally 3 mins from Target, but I didn't take advantage of that. I was busy going to work. I am over this whole event though. Life was fine before it, it will be fine after.

  27. We get GMA here in Dubai and I'm watching it as I type this and they're talking about the whole Missoni at Target thing. Since there's no Target in Dubai, just a real Missoni, I've had to watch all of this from a distance. CRAZY!

  28. wow, that's crazy! I don't have a Target anywhere close to me, so I wouldn't have been buying the new stuff anyway. But, the pillow are super cool and I'm planning on making at least one like it. And I'm almost tempted to crochet a blanket like the Missoni ones.

  29. I'm just disappointed in Target. They never do these right - a lot of the same things happened when they did the collab with Liberty. I feel like they should have a better handle on what sort of inventory they need to stock for these things (maybe roll it out in chunks over the course of the day?) and prepare accordingly.

    There were a few things left at my Target (lots of makeup bags!) and a couple of dresses and blouses. To be honest, none of the stuff looked like amazing quality. Which is sort of what you're agreeing to pay the reasonable price for in the first place, but I just couldn't bring myself to *need* any of the stuff that was available.

    I think what is the most disheartening, more so than us not getting the things we wanted, is that the beauty of the Target & designer collaborations was supposed to be an opportunity to bring stylish items to the masses and they have failed at that. This whole experience has truly strayed from that as it's gone on and it really breaks my heart. Women gathering up all they can to then make a pretty penny on ebay is just greed at it's most ugly and lame.

    I say don't encourage them, skip the crap and save up some money for the real things, if this is how it's going to be. I'd rather skip getting my nails done or buying coffee or a lamp or something to save a few dollars and buy myself and my husband two luxurious, well made Missoni hand towels at $29 a piece than go on ebay and spend $109 (WTF!?!?!?!) on two Missoni for Target poorly made hand towels.

    It's just strayed so far from it's intended purpose that I'm willing to call it all off and not indulge in this madness any longer.

  30. The thing I don't understand is how you're still functioning after being up all throughout the night searching for your throw! Girl, we must be cut from a different cloth :) not sure how you could handle a day full of meetings after the night you had! xoxo

  31. I really wanted the throw and this sweater mini skirt. But of course I have a job so I couldn't get online until my lunch break and I'll let you guess how that went. After work I went to my usualy Target in a remote suburb that I always have luck at. That went about the same. Then I saw the stories on the news this morning and realized I didn't have a chance! Oh well, I usually try not to buy things that are too trendy anyways but I would have liked to get at least something!

  32. I don't know why everyone is so gaga over this stuff. I think it all looks terribly loud and a bit cheap. If it wasn't Missoni, would anyone even give it a second look?


  33. My experience was the same as most. I was up in the middle of the night and again in the morning. I was lucky to have a virtual cart full of products, but the only piece I wanted wasnthe throw. No throw. It took hours of refreshing my browser to finally check out. Thankfully, my items were not deleted.

    It was an unpleasant situation that has now turned into a sickening situation to see people selling on eBay for ridiculous prices. I love fashion, but cannot afford high fashion pieces. This was chance for regular girls to get a piece of the pie. It kinda hurts to see people taking advantage of that. Or for the richy girls to jump into our pool when they can afford regular Missoni.

    Better lucky next time for the regular chicks, I guess.

  34. All I wanted was pillows, but got there too late. It was a mad house. Everything gone in seconds. I did get cute skirts for my 5 and 8 year old daughters.

  35. I am not a Missoni fan, so I wasn't even paying attention until this post. OMG! It looks to me like all the merchandise is on sale on Ebay! Over 22 THOUSAND items. At first I was thinking Target was foolish for not handling it better, but now I am starting to think they are geniuses. I mean they must have made a bundle on those items and what do they care if it all ends up on Ebay? I am sorry you didnt get your blanket. I would try Ebay in a few weeks and see if there are any left after the hoopla dies down.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  36. I was excited for the launch, but after yesterday I am over it. Its just too identifiable now. What I saw on the news today was disgusting and made me feel a new low about consumerism. I started out yesterday mid morning and the 3 Target stores in my area were trashed beyond belief with not much left except some flats, rainboots, kids clothes, hosiery and neck pillows. Absolutely no home items. I purchased a laptop bag with the idea to hack it...I wanted to embroider the pattern kind of like a crewel, I like to doctor stuff up like you. But I think I am going to take it back as frankly I dont need it. That is all.

  37. I must live under a rock? I mean, I'm an avid Target shopper and I'm probably there once a week, but until all of these blog posts I had no clue when the Missoni release date was! I wonder if my little Target store in the boondocks of South Jersey has anything left? Now I'm intrigued and want to see what they have :)

  38. Never heard of Missoni. I'm clueless when it comes to the current in thing or designer. I can crochet a throw like the one shown. And for a lot less money.

  39. I think the Missoni thing became overblown, but think of it this way -- it apparently was so popular (I liked the throw as well) that EVERYONE went and got it and now do you really want something that is going to be everywhere else? Nah.

  40. A mess, a complete mess, and very poor planning. What were they thinking? They advertised in Vogue and one TV and hyped this for months! However I did get a load of stuff by just staying on line and buying stuff in fast batches. They finally had it set up so you automatically went back into the site. BUT I bought way too muc. It was like I was in a frenzy to beat the system. I will be taking alot back to the store. Sorry, no throw...

  41. Jenny- I was so frustrated too! I got to my local Target a few minutes after 8 and it was like someone had run in and already swiped everything. The website debaucle was horrendous too! I did manage to get two cardigans, but that WAS IT. Luckily, my friend lives in a small town in Alabama and got me some plates, tights and another cardigan. No throw though. Boo. The small towns were where it's at...she got everything she wanted and there was no fighting. What a mess!

  42. Sorry about your throw, but I hear it wasn't that great in person. ;) All the more reason to join my boycott of Target until they return to being Target. ;)

  43. Like millions, I tried Target online and it was down but I gave up within 3 seconds. That throw was my favorite pick as well but there are countless other ways to bring in pops of color like those in the throw!. you are an absolute pro at it! Love your list of magazines by the way.

  44. I just wanted the blanket, too, and it was nowhere to be seen in my Toledo, OH Target store. I don't know if it was already sold out or not when I got there...but I didn't even see a spot where it would have been.

    I ended up with a hand towel and 2 bowls. The bowl you got is really pretty in person.

    I almost got some clothes for my daughter and a dress for me, but I felt like they were expensive for Target. I mean, it's Missoni, but it's still Target so I was not going to pay that much more for something whose quality I suspect is questionable.

    Even here in random OH, there were a TON of people buying it and some stuff was already sold out. I was very surprised that people even knew about it here! Definitely some "rich" looking people and one guy who had 2 carts full of every.single.item for his daughter who lives abroad somewhere and requested it. Why was there so much more hype and craziness with this one vs. previous special collections?

  45. Sorry about the throw. I had a similar experience yesterday... I also really liked that throw and wanted to get the hot pink one, Ive been looking for something similar to tie in my living room and the colors would have been perfect. I had all intentions of stopping by the local target (in northern Virginia) after work to check out the sale but after reading a post on apartment therapy about how the Missoni sale had crashed the Target website, I went online to check it out. After several tries I was finally able to buy a few things for the house (the black and white canisters, a serving tray, a small hand towel and a pretty night gown) but even this morning I had not received my confirmation email and when I log in to my account, the order is not displaying so who knows if I'll get my things at all.
    I didnt notice the same frenzy with Liberty of London, maybe it is not as well known?
    Anyway, I hope you get your throw, someone in a small town might be able to help.

  46. I guess there's something wrong with me because I think this Missoni for Target stuff is UGLY! I wouldn't take it if someone gave it to me. Surely there are more attractive things to spend money on? Thank God I don't understand most of what's trendy these days. I save so much money that way!

  47. I didn't even remember Missoni was launching until I read your post this morning. I decided to stop by Target and check it out. I went straight to the kids section to look for something for my daughter. The racks were full of Missoni. I picked out a skirt, sweater, gloves, scarf and hat and put them in my cart. I literally walked around the store one time came back to the kids section and the once full racks were empty! Apparently someone is planning on loading up ebay. There are so many items listed already is any of that stuff really going to sell? The kids stuff really is cute but I wouldn't pay anymore than the target price!

  48. You got a heck of a lot further than I did! I loved reading about your adventure! Great story :)

  49. I guess I feel lucky I got one in the purple color, there were two purple and one in the other color left when I arrived yesterday around 10 30, but we live in a small town!

  50. I've only bought a few things from Target's "designer" ranges because the quality is not that good. Yesterday I bought 2 towels online at 3 because that's all I wanted (the missoni pattern is too much for me) but I had to wait to onto the site, and then wait to check out. I think people just get worked up because the hype. Totally not worth it. That throw is very pretty, though, even if it turns out to be Target-level quality.

  51. I got that bowl pictured in your post and theeee most adorable travel/overnight bag... but I'm not sure I can keep it. My hubby will not be happy!

  52. I didn't really go all out on trying to get this stuff, but I showed up to my suburban Texas Target at 5 pm on my way home from work. There were very few things left– I saw some lingerie, a men's sweater, one shower curtain and some picture frames. I didn't buy anything online because I really wanted to see it in person, so I guess I struck out on both accounts. Oh well!

  53. lol
    I went with my parents (mistake number one!) They were shocked at the pricing for everything that was made in China.
    I experienced a couple of rude women, who followed me through the store picking up items as I was looking at them. I did encounter a few women who offered me dresses from their cart (a mother there shopping for her daughter who couldn't get out of school to shop, cool mum)
    My mother helped be get the coffee mugs I really wanted. So over all it was ok except for the ladies that followed me... it was creepy!


  54. I totally got sucked in to all the hype, too! I never saw the throw, and the only pillows I saw were in other ladies' carts! Bummer...

  55. I forgot the launch was yesterday and then kicked myself when I remembered last night.

    I went to two Targets this morning and was able to find rain boots for both my girls and a darling little girls sweater dress.

    The home section and women's section in both stores was literally cleaned out. Not. one. thing. left.

  56. You ran all the way from Target in JC to the Hoboken PATH station with a candle and a shirt???!!!

  57. If you still want the throw I can check a Target near me. There are 3 within driving distance of Columbia SC and apparently one still had items last night. I had class at 8:30 yesterday so I got to Target before they opened and was able to snag the three items that I knew I wanted. However, there were plenty of crazies buying cart loads for people on the phone. Next time Target should limit the number of items that each person can buy.

  58. wwwwoooowww! I'm so sorry you didn't get the throw! :( not fair!

  59. I enjoyed your magazine recommendations at Babble. House Beautiful has quickly topped my list as a favorite. Their July/August issue hit it out of the park. After reading your list, I'm after Elle Decor and Style at Home too.

  60. Have your Grandmother knit an afghan, it's bound to be prettier, cost less, and be a nice family piece.

  61. Hi Jenny,

    I have a bunch of stuff for sale on ebay from Missoni. Check it out


    Let me know if you want anything!

  62. I don't think the throw even made it Fargo, ND.

    I don't think our target took this very seriously, half of the stuff wasn't even out on shelves at noon. I went back at 8 and most of it was sold out. All I really wanted was the throw. there wasn't one there in the morning, so I'm not sure if they even had them yet.

    I will have to go back and look, i have a feeling a lot of will end up on clearance. Fargo, ND isn't exactly fashion capital of the world.

  63. I got everything I wanted online (I didn't even know there was an issue)! However, I'm outraged that everyone bought everything and is selling everything on Ebay for a crazy amount. I understand freemarket but it just seems wronge!!

  64. I wanted the coat with the cool satin-like lining that I'd seen in Vogue. Tried it on, along with a sweater dress and thought..."eh." The coat was ill-fitting, and the dress was cute, but not worth the $55 price tag. I guess I should've bought them to re-sell on Ebay...as obviously many of the women with full carts around me intended to do.

    I also got to handle a couple of the black & silver vases and the quality was terrible. I have a friend on Facebook who seems to believe she got REAL Missoni stuff at a bargain, not "Missoni for Target." There is a big difference, and it shows.

  65. Re: Marie Claire Maison (on your Babble post) - I got a year through Amazon and it's nowhere near $350! Just checked again and it says $75 for 8 issues/1 year.

  66. I feel duped too! I went on yesterday morning and the site was down and I didn't even both going to the store after seeing the insanity on the news... I figured I might check out what's on e-bay or craigslist in a few weeks when the hype has died down. Pretty lame though!

  67. I love Missoni and even with combining the 10 items I got, it is still less than a non-Target Missoni item. I think Missoni is a master of color and pattern and I love the Target pieces. I feel fortunate that I was only one of 4 people waiting when my Target opened. They didn't have the throws where I was, but I plan on checking back. Apparently the stores will restock. Good luck finding the throw! :)

  68. I definately felt cheated by Target. I live in Italy and was unable to access the website for a day and a half. When I finally got on this afternoon it was like a Missoni ghost town. Hurrumpf.

  69. I wish i was able to even get to target during that sale, but instead i stayed home with a sick baby! no fun...especially when i am sorta desperate for color in my apartment right now!
    Smoking Crayolas Blogspot

  70. Wow, we're not even in a saturated market and it was insane. I saw a grown women have a temper tantrum in front of her teenage daughter that she didn't get what she wanted and all I could think was, "why isn't that girl in school?!"

    I was planning to return a sweater (the color is not me) I bought but this made me post it on ebay with a buy it now for the retail price. I hope someone who couldn't get something in their local store will pick up what they were wanting and it saves me a return trip to target.

  71. I had similar issues at Target.com and at the store. I bought a few things, mostly for my daughter. I thought the toddler sweater dress was pretty cute and looks pretty well made (although pricey at $29.99). I guess little girls clothing is not as popular with the ebay resellers, it was the only area in the store not picked over. I am curious to see how much the prices on ebay go down after the hoopla dies down. I also wanted the throw, but the 2 stores by me (in suburban Philly) didn't have a single thing left in bed and bath.

  72. it was crazy, huh?


  73. i wanted that bike. sigh. guess i'll continue to hoof it

  74. This post is seriously hilarious. "while they tried on the sweater dresses from the little girls section"...I love it. Hope you find that blanket!

  75. I literally strolled into my Target yesterday, around the noon hour, and filled my cart up. Apparently, Missoni isn't a hot item at my Target. And...I have sold a few items on ebay. I know this makes people angry, but it's how I make extra money.

  76. I have been avoiding going to my Target for the launch, just because I don't want to be tempted to spend a bunch of money. I'm betting there may be some left, since it doesn't seem like the type of stuff Midwesterners would be crazy for (I know my friends don't see what all the craze is about). But there are really only a couple things I like, so I'm not so sure I'll be lucky enough to find those...

  77. I learned my lesson when Target collaborated with John Derian. I went to a couple (Chicago-area)stores. Most of the sales people had no idea what I was talking about. When I finally found some items they were underwhelming. I vowed never to race around again for Target-quality items. Still, I can't believe how unprepared Target was after such a MASSIVE promotional campaign for Missoni. The way I see it, Missoni got a huge brand promo and Target got slammed for not being able to deliver.

  78. That blanket was the only thing I wanted, too! I was on their site when it finally went live and I was just about to push the Add To Cart button when it disappeared and said Sold Out. I couldn't believe it. I think the way the whole sale went down was an epic fail on Target's part.

  79. I just swung by the local target on my way home from work to see what was left (I went yesterday on lunch and snagged a few items including the throw). Everything is all piled up at the front of the store with a sign that says, this is all we have left and we won't be restocking. It was insane. I almost missed the throw too, but a second pass through homewares and 2 had actually appeared on the shelf.

    I am a little disappointed in how people reacted. I think it is completely disrespectful to buy out the shelves on to load it up on ebay for ungodly prices. It is disrespectful to those who want to enjoy it for themselves and also to the store. I wonder if we will continue to see designer collaborations like this when this is the consumer response.

  80. I too felt duped. But, I went, saw what they had, and hopefully made good decisions. I tried not to overdo the zigzags. I got a lurex sweater (that wasn't so "in your face"), some ballet flats which I thought were cute and a couple of things for my daughter. I actually had the throw in my cart and strolled around with it, but ultimately I decided it didn't go in my house. None of the home stuff really did. So, I passed. People really need to get a grip and not buy into the hype. Insanity.

  81. i'll check my target out and let you know! ;) sorry about. women, including myself, are totally nuts.

    {hooked on hickory blog}

  82. I'm sorry you didn't get your throw. I went to my local store and pretty much everything was gone at 9:30. Target really needs to limit purchases. The whole thing is ridiculous. I'll have to say, from what I saw in people's carts the stuff was OK. Scarves are mostly acrylic and the stuff is not very good quality!

  83. OMG I feel the same way, I wanted that damn throw also! the people were nuts and it really took the fun out of it! I did get my damn shower curtain though ;0

  84. I managed to get through and place an order online at 3:30AM (for myself, not ebay!) I went to the store opening (got there an hour early) to see in person what I would receive in a few days.

    Well I JUST NOW found out that the Target site/Customer Service doesn't recognize my order number. I'm so sad thinking about the stuff I walked past in the store because "I already got it."

    Tell your friends to verify their online orders. Shame on Target.

  85. Honestly....I am in the minority here, but I am not getting it. When one looks at something that is so identifiable as coming from Target, why would one pay the prices that are getting so high on ebay? Or rush out to get it from Target in the first place? Don't get me wrong....I shop at Target all of the time, but not for things that everyone immediately recognizes. Maybe the Target Missoni looks enough like the more expensive version that it fools the unsuspecting? But what does one say if one is asked..."Is it Missoni, or Missoni for Target"? I guess I am making the assumption that there is some status buying going on. Maybe people just like the designs....in which case Viva la Missoni Target!

  86. I agree with what many are saying. Shame on Target. I read on another site that in Los Angeles, they only let 5 people in the store at a time. Apparently after 20 minutes an employee came out to warm people there wasn't much left. So those first 10 people just bought everything (all posted on ebay, no doubt). Huge fail for Target. Clearly they didn't have a grasp on demand, production, distribution (as another poster said, deep in the 'burbs stuff is just laying there), or fairness by not limiting customer purchases starting with customer #1, not after that first group of 15 people bought the whole store. Shame, shame, shame

  87. Okay, false alarm - I just spent 45 min on hold with Target Cust. Serv. and it turns out they do have my order, they're just backed up uploading orders. Phew!

    I bought mostly housewares (but I did buy the rainboots) and I don't care if it's Missoni or Missoni for Target. I will NEVER be able to afford to decorate a bath/living/dining/bedroom/kitchen at the Missoni cost, so this is the next best for me. Plus, its not like people are consistently filing through my house to even see any of it anyway - it's me, the hubby and the dog - and they don't care if it's legit or not. I love it! :)
    Next time I'm on vacay and I open my Missoni for Target makeup valet, I'm going to be really happy that I bought it.

    I do understand the folks that don't like the collection, though. It's not for everyone.

  88. Oh my goodness, this is EXACTLY how I felt (and what I described in my own blog post!). Except at my suburban Target, mothers gave their children a "sick day" and dragged them to the store so they would be there before opening since it conflicted with the start of the school day. It was appalling and completely turned me off the experience. And this was all before I saw them squabbling over that hideous green corduroy coat or those cheaply made nylon suitcases. What a mess.

    On the plus side, Margherita herself agrees! (http://twitter.com/#!/mmmargherita/status/113876494178201600)

    Love you blog, thanks for allowing me to rant!


  89. You are amazing. I love the rawness and honesty!

  90. As of last night we still had a ton at a few Targets in Richmond, VA that I stopped by out of curiosity. They're not really my taste though

  91. Honestly, I don't understand what the hoopla was about. I have a feeling it's just the name sans the quality.

  92. The same thing happened to me! I was up all night trying to shop online. Finally around 3:30 AM MST the items were listed. The first thing in my cart was the blanket, after placing all items in my cart, I went to pay and the blanket was gone and saved? I don't get it? I didn't see this throw in any stores? I bought other stuff but really really wanted this throw!

  93. I had the same situation happen to me, not as bad though. I think the throw was the most popular item. I had things in my basket and with in minutes they were sold. I had snagged hand towels and this canister on my blog. SO LOVE! but I went online and they actually still had the bath towels. ( all i wanted were towels ). My target didn't turn into such a "mad rush" but it was cleaned out pretty fast (not as fast as other places). The lady in front of me had two carts filled. Seriously so annoying. OTher women were giving her a piece of there mind because she was probably an Ebay seller...

    Storys' over, I got my hand towels, happy ending :)


    PS. I picked up some metallic paper from your previous post to do a fun DIY I thought up when I saw it. I have an old ikea dresser I'm going to make striped down the front like the kate spade store you posted a pic of and I have 6 gold ring pulls. I think it's going to look rad. Well, it does in my head. If not it's for a dresser in my closet. Case closed with closed doors.

    Take care!!

  94. I think many of us are on the same page with this whole situation. While I was excited for the Missoni line as well, I was thankful in the end that it did sell out that way. EVERYONE is going to have the same exact crap in their house now...basically they cheapened the line & handled it more poorly than Wal-Mart would have. Which is just sad.

    I did score a comforter the day after that I wasnt even on the hunt for but loved that it was big abstract flowers, a pleasant color palette that my husband wont mind & NOT all the SAME ZIG ZAG stripes that every. single. person. in AMERICA NOW HAS & decorates with, claiming to be so "unique" and while it can add a nice pop here & there, its just HIGHLY overdone. We live in a society now of oversaturation & imitation, very little actual eclectic & creative thought these days.

    & honestly, shame on Target for marketing so heavily & putting out all this hype & not being prepared. Honestly, they should have known this would happen & that when you are teaming with such an exclusive & sought after design team, obviously it will be a big hit.

    & to those marking it all up on EBAY...SHAME ON YOU! Way to take advantage of people. Thats an awesome quality to have...NOT. True show of character right there.

  95. p.s. on the throw you wanted...we scored a used chevron crocheted blanket at goodwill last week, its blue & I think some yellow..my daughter loved it & then we changed bedrooms for her & got her a different bed, so now, the idea we had, wont work. I seriously will let you take it, if you want & NO, I wont mark it up like on ebay, just cover the shipping :)

  96. Ditto, ditto, ditto! I was so grossed out that I blogged about it too (http://fauxmadebysarah.blogspot.com/2011/09/missoni-for-target.html).

    In my town, groups of women teamed up and the minute the store opened, they each ran to a different section and just starting throwing everything they could in their carts. My take home? Rain boots and a thong. Ridiculous.

  97. the same thing happened to me! i ran around like a mad woman on my lunch break to two different targets on opposite ends of town just for that throw, and it was gone in both places too. i ended up buying a ton of clothes and 4 pillows, all b/c the mad rush of people around me made me panic that it was my last chance to get anything. i came home and tried everything out and most of it is going back. i feel so silly for getting caught up in all the madness!

  98. I think the whole thing was handled so poorly! I too had items taken out of my cart - BOO to them.
    My Target was so picked over but I lucked out that my husband was traveling to a remote part of Alabama which still had tons of stuff at 9pm. No blanket but I did score a tray, some mugs and cute gifts for people.
    Any word on if they're going to bring these items back?

  99. I was super excited about this line and got to my smallish town Target at 8:05 am not knowing what to expect! I soon realized that it was going to go fast and turned into a crazy woman putting one of everything into my cart to sort through later. I felt like I was in supermarket sweep as they would announce that something was put out and people would run! Anyways..I got a LOT of stuff - too much stuff and am taking a lot back. There were no throws, but I do have some cute little girl ballet flats, clothes, and paper stuff if you would like anything!


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