Wishing for a Camelback, but Going French

So like I mentioned yesterday, the gray sofa is being replaced with a smaller piece. You can bet if I hadn't scored this little beauty at the flea market already, I'd be shopping for a camelback sofa. I just love the lines. How can something so completely classic feel almost modern? Of course I always think of Ruthie's sofa, except I would probably opt for something with straight legs.

Love this one from eBay! Yowza, look at that red! My favorite color.

Anyway, it doesn't make sense to do a camelback since my little settee in the entry (which is too small to be used in the LR) is basically a mini camelback. I'm liking the idea of a piece with higher arms though. I like to sit in couches with my feet up and my back against the arm rests. That's really the only down side of the English roll arm style - no arm rest support to speak of.

I'm going to check out this Frenchie number this weekend (and will report back with the news), but I also have a back up plan in mind...

I've scoured the interwebs high and low and did a round up of all the love seats, settees and sofettes that are readily available to folks without trade accounts. Prices range from $200 to almost $3k, and everything in between. Can you guess which settee is my Plan B?


  1. This is so funny, you always seem to write about something so timely for me. Just last week I was shopping for a settee. I actually got the one from Home Decorators you pictured.

  2. Wow! Such great setees on your list! I am guessing you'll go tufted. I now have a new furniture lust! We are sticking it out in our apartment in old HG for one more year. Can you imagine that?? One year goes by fast, though, right? I just heard from Pam you are in September's Parents magazine for your Evie birth story. So awesome. I love the images from your current apartment.

  3. So glad you are on babble....I love your list of top picks! Thank you for your informative insight! I am looking for a smaller settee or frenchie for my small living space...must be kid friendly too...:)

  4. I love all your choices for settees.The one good thing about an antique settee, they are made better than today's furniture. Its also going green!

  5. Jenny we are so in synch. I am dying for a full scale camelback sofa. Right now, I have to settle for my miniature one covered in a modern print. I made it myself, and blogged about it here:


  6. My husband and I took a little trip to L.A. years ago. I went to Ruthies now gone store and guess what was for sale?! That beauty - it was better than seeing a movie star!

  7. Such a great list of settees! Thanks you!

  8. i must say i LOVE that French settee - gorgeous. you could do it in a dressed down fabric, like a burlap-y type linen. or slip it - it would be gorgeous with the tabs across the wood. can't wait to see what you did. read your tweet today where you said you were homesick for AZ. Made me feel so sad for you there in NYC.

  9. I have almost the exact same camel back from my mom (orange/red). I'm so bored of it and want something boxier, of course! Because I love to spend money I don't have. My favorite is this acidy yellow english settee: http://www.katyelliott.com/blog/2011/05/searching-for-the-perfect-sofa.html

  10. Def go professional. You won't regret it! :) Love slipcover myself and am saving up to slip SEVEN pieces in our home. SEVEN. Crazy. But I have a toddler, a dog and a hubby. Thank goodness I LOVE slipcovers! (Also, you don't have to limit yourself to white - you can really be as creative as you want!Marta

  11. I love these pretty colors! I've been looking for a more "mobile" or moveable option for furniture, and I have been searching for a certain style...you always offer great options!
    Smoking Crayolas Blogspot

  12. I went to look at the camelback sofa on ebay, and now every time I search it comes up as a suggestion! Love to see great design in my ebay, grin.

  13. Hi Jenny! Long time reader, first time to post. I love your blog. Do you know what fabric that is on Ruthie's sofa?? I know I've see it before, but I can't find it! Thanks!!

  14. Your blog is full of colorful stuffs. First time I seen this much stylish and simple furniture, It is excellent and looks very attractive to keep in dinning room.

  15. ooh! my favorite is the french. love those lines!
    - {darlene} @ fieldstone hill design


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