Bedroom Planning

Thanks for your patience with my light posting this week. It's been a rough one, but we're on the mend and I think this weekend we'll be ready to get out and get some desperately needed fresh air!

I loved reading your feedback on the dresser handles. I think I'm going to try salvaging the zigzag handles and see how I like them when they are nice and shiny again. Lots of people commented that they're sick of seeing ring pulls everywhere, which surprised me! I think they are such a classic design element I doubt I could ever get sick of seeing them.

Another thing I won't get sick of? Tufted headboards! :) I've been working on my bedroom redo. We have this bed still, but really our bedroom is too small for a footboard. I'd rather trade that floor space in for a narrow bench this one (DIY on the way!).

House and Home

Since I'm trading in our bed frame for just a headboard I think I want to do a tufted version here. I'm debating between lots of small tufting...


Or more spaced out tufting with a rounded shape.


Either way I'm planning on doing velvet. Maybe leather on the bench?

I spied this green headboard on Pinterest yesterday (follow me here). I'm in love! Wouldn't this color be amazing?

this month's House Beautiful

Here's hoping today is our last sick day! Lots to get done!

I hope you have a great one! xoxo

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  1. Yes, the third bedhead is gorgeous. Love its colour & the wallpaper....not to mention the dog.
    Love that you're asking for feedback.

  2. I really do love the green, and given the work you can do yourself, you can change to the next big thing when that's no longer green. (but secretly, I'm a green person, and green has been good for me for at least 15 years now!!) and lots of buttons!

  3. I like big tufts on the headboard! Good luck with your bedroom and hope everyone feels better asap!

  4. The last one reminds me of Don and Betty's headboard in Mad Men!

  5. LOVE all those upholstered beds. So comfy cozy - anyone would love waking up there!

  6. the tufted green is divine, esp with that wallpaper. We've decided to save and buy a tufted headboard as the amt of pulling of thread that each tuft would require is too much. not for sissies like us ;-)

  7. I was hoping you were gonna say you were doing VELVET and a bright pop. Like those fuschia ones you did. Cant wait to see how it comes together.


  8. Jenny,

    When you use a headboard like that what kind of mattress support do you use? Just a regular metal bed frame attatched to it? I am wondering because I never feel like they are very stable, they seem to move and I like my bed to stay in one place! I would love to know what you do?


  9. I adore a tufted headboard and, yes, that green screams "Jenny"! Looking forward to seeing what you do. We just finished painting my step-daughter's room this week, and I am so excited to get to work on a luxe tufted headboard to surprise her with! I will definitely be referencing your DIY post for that (and by "I" I mean "my husband). ha!

  10. All the headboards are beautiful but I really like the slightly rounded shape with the spaced out tufting. The rectangular shape with closer tufting is very similar for what you just did in Joanna Goddard's master bedroom, which turned out great by the wat.

  11. i've been thinking about headboards for my own bedroom. i like the small tufts better. it looks more modern to me. the large tufts look more regal.

    what do i know?

    have a great weekend!

  12. I read that drinking 100% grape juice every day prevents sickness - so give that a shot! We have a new bed and the mattress just arrived.....woo woo!
    I feel like a grown up!

  13. I am loving all of those headboards! The first two are absolutely gorgeous!

  14. I love the look of the less-tufted headboard (but then again, I am not a fan of a Chesterfield sofa) - I also love the warmth, comfiness of velvet - I could see myself snuggling into bed #3 just about now! Have a great weekend, Cynthia

  15. Jenny, hope you stay well. We had the norovirus in our house too, and it spread like wildfire. Every other day it was like "Man down!". I don't know if would have been better if we all got it at once, or spread out over the last week

  16. I'm also looking at a tufted headboard when we upgrade from a queen bed to a king bed.

  17. Jenny, maybe you can answer this big question that has been bothering me: what do people do with the sheets during this headboard-only trend? I love the look of a tufted velvet headboard, but don't the sheets and the duvet fall off the end of the bed? Or is my husband the only person who sleeps like a banshee? I can barely keep the sheets on right now, and I use hospital corners and have all layers tucked into the footboard. Thanks!

  18. Love the green velvet headboard and the wallpaper! Are you still planning to recover your sofa in velvet? or was it replaced altogether with the Chesterfield? Still looking for green velvet for my own sofa!

  19. I like the fatter tufts if you're going with a velvet. The green color is a dream.

    Anonymous, I only have a headboard and I ditched the flat sheet. This dawned on me when I was staying at a really nice hotel--they didn't have a flat sheet! Just the duvet. Total revelation for me.

  20. I just saw that bench in the first picture at HomeGoods.

    I am looking for a bench to bank in front of my Living Room windows and when I spotted that bench at HomeGoods I fell in love but then I saw the price - eek $899!

  21. I've always been a fan of upholstered headboards. this one has been a long time favorite. I love the contrast of the piping and the shape is pretty awesome too

  22. Do you know what month/year that Domino picture is from?

    I like lots of tufting. More luxurious.

  23. loving the room with the poodle!

  24. love the bench in the first photo dahhling...very chic.

  25. I made a tufted headboard last year in avocado green which I love. Only problem is that everytime I see another gorgeous headboard I want to remake it! I love the colour in your inspiration pic, it's perfect!

  26. Hello
    Bedroom Planning
    Amazing blog post as always! I am very glad to see your post, I located what I was in search of here
    Thank you!

  27. I love the look of tufted headboards too and am ready to pitch my cherry sleighbed.
    You can't go wrong with ring pulls. But maybe you can go wrong with brass. Wouldn't a nickel or brushed chrome look more modern?

  28. Between the spaced tufting and the lots of little tufting, I think you should go by what else is in the room... like if you have a small print, busy wallpaper behind it, you should go with the larger spaced tufting. Otherwise it might get too busy?

  29. SUUUUUUUUPER excited for the bench DIY. I'm ready for a new project & need a bench for our bedroom - perfect!

  30. I too wanted to know what month/year that DOMINO tufted headboard was in...

  31. Finding your blog was the oddest thing! Jennifer Komenda is my maiden name and where I am from, Komenda is a very uncommon name. Jenny Komenda, I love your style!

  32. Finding your blog was the oddest thing! Jennifer Komenda is my maiden name and where I am from, Komenda is a very uncommon name. Jenny Komenda, I love your style!


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