New Dog, New Pillows

Meet Linus. He came to live with our family over Christmas and we've quickly fallen in love with him.

His brother, Wooly, lived with a really nice guy in our last building. We were always so impressed with Wooly and how he interacted with our girls. We reached out to the woman that once owned Wooly and more than a year later, right before Christmas, she emailed us asking if we had a home for Wooly's brother whom she no longer had space for.

He's two years old, but his soul is much older. His eyes are soft and kind, and he's as gentle as can be - a giant teddy bear, really. Did I mention we are in love with him? We are. Evie cried and cried when we dropped him off at the boarders before our trip to Arizona. And the reunion we had with him today was just unbelievably sweet. I think Linus likes being in our family too.

Before we met him for the first time, we were going through books to find the perfect name for a French standard poodle (Hugo and Sebastian were in the running), just in case. His former owner introduced us to him as Linus, and Michael and I both threw our hands up in the air. Linus! Isn't that just the perfect name for him? Such a sweetie.

PS Those are my new silk pillows in the background here. Only $20 from West Elm! They are so lovely in person. I think the bits of apricot in the pattern are pretty on my green sofa.

Also, thank you again for your support with the Homies. I hate to ask for your vote, but it means a lot to me and for the traffic of this little blog if I can make it into the next round. Thanks so, SO much! xo


  1. Linus is so handsome! He looks good with your decor! :) My Gracie looks like a smaller version of Linus right down to the poof on his head.

  2. I'm so jealous!! I've wanted a standard poodle for years!! Linus looks so sweet!!

  3. He is beyond precious. I am in love with him!

  4. I love the name Linus! Oh he is such a gorgeous little bear. I do like your cushions, they're a bargin too.

  5. Aw- congrats! It is so wonderful to have a dog around and he sounds like an especially sweet one.

  6. Congratulations ! wishing you all a long and happy life with your sweet Linus !
    Our Pup ( Tate ) was a Standard Poodle and there is nothing I can say about the breed that is negative.
    They are smart and intuitive and just want to be a part of the family. They take harsh words to heart and forgive everything. They can also be very good watch dogs. Now I will have a little cry , I miss my boy every day. ( he lived to the grand old age of 12 so that was a blessing for us )
    Be sure you train Linus well. The smarter the dog, they more they enjoy/need to be trained .

  7. Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for several years now, always loved it, but now, even more! Thank you for rescuing this boy and showing others the importance of adoption. I volunteer in rescue and these opportunities are so important, and live saving. More than you might know, so THANKS! Can't wait to see how you use this handsome boy in your decor:)

  8. congratulations on your sweet addition! he is so handsome and looks like a real love!

  9. I love Linus! Congratulations to your new family member and I hope he is endless fun and companionship. Looks like a match! He looks content! There are so many W E pillows I want! yours is gorgeous.
    xo Nancy

  10. Ohhhh congrats on your fur baby! There is nothing in the world like the love of a dog :) hope to see Linus on the blog much more!

    Xoxo, Emily

  11. Congratulations! He is adorable, Standards are the greatest dogs ever. We have a 7 year old black standard and we love him. His name is Arthur. And like NotesfromAbroad said, make sure you teach him new tricks often. They love to learn, play mental games, and be very active. Oh, you are going to love Linus so much!

  12. (Sigh!) He is so beautiful. I've always really had a soft spot for standard poodles (especially because they are hypoallergenic - awesome for guests with pet hair allergies!), especially with puppy cuts. Linus looks like such a nice dog. I am sure he will bring years and years of happiness to your family.

  13. He is so adorable...and is totally perfect!

  14. Yup, I'm an even bigger fan of your blog now that you've opened your home to a dog! There's nothing like the uninhibited love and affection of a dog (especially big dogs). Our dog, Beans, kept running through our open back door last night (it was in the high 60's here in Texas) to give me kisses on my neck while I was sitting on my couch. What would I ever do without that?

  15. You got my vote! You are so talented and I get tons of inspiration from your blog.

    Linus looks like a total sweetheart. French Standard Poodles are great dogs. Every FSP I have met are also smartypants--so be forewarned!

  16. You got my vote! You are so talented and I get tons of inspiration from your blog.

    Linus looks like a total sweetheart. French Standard Poodles are great dogs. Every FSP I have met are also smartypants--so be forewarned!

  17. Linus is a sweetie! and you got my vote!

    Happy Weekend!

  18. Linus is AWESOME and looks EXACTLY like Lola, my own grey silver standard. Welcome to the world of the best dog breed EVER!

  19. And how great poodles are hypoallergenic and won't shed on all your gorgeous furniture :)

  20. Another adopting-a-dog fan here!!! Dogs bring so much love to a family. Unconditional love. And of course, they look good on your arm as you walk about the city! We've met more of our neighbors thanks to Mustard, our boxer-lab-hound mix in the past 1.5 years than the entire 4 years prior!

  21. Congratulations! A dog makes a house a home.

  22. I have a toy silver poodle and she is the lovliest dog. What a wonderful breed, and what a beautiful animal.

  23. My mum has the same breed and is her working dog (my mum is deaf)....our family loves the dog. Such a sweet and smart breed! So much character! I wish your family great joys with the addition of a new family member!

  24. Love your work and your my vote!!

  25. I will be 40 this year and I have had the pleasure of having a standard poodle in my life since 2nd grade. We currently have 9 year old siblings- Jack and Benny. Congratulations.

  26. Awww, how cute. I'm totally an animal lover. Linus looks like a sweet boy!

  27. Linus! I love him. We have a black standard poodle named Karl. He's ever-so-slightly crazy, but otherwise a sweet, lovable goofball.

  28. We have an apricot colored standard poodle named Charlie and he is the sweetest dog ever. Poodles get a bad wrap, and I have a special place in my heart for them. Plus, no shedding. Woohoo!

  29. He looks like such a sweetheart. :)

  30. Just voted. You are tied for the lead!!

  31. Linus is precious! Such a sweet face. Love the pillows too!

  32. Jenny! It's so great to have the "Jenny" voice back! I used to love all of the "real family" details about keep a clean house with toddlers and "letters to daddy" and all of these small (but impactful!) projects.

    So, so happy you're posting more/sharing more - truly my favorite thing to read each day, even before the NYT! Keep 'em coming' - oh and I voted on APT!

  33. Please check out, it's for dog lovers and hysterical.

    Also, never hesitate to ask vor a vote.

  34. I voted for you! I love your blog and unpretentious style of writing. Keep up the awesome work!

  35. I grew up with poodles. They make faaaabulous pets, especially with kids. (Especially if someone has put in the work to train and acclimate them well). The only possible downside to them over other breeds is having to have them groomed because they don't shed and their fur just keeps growing. But that, in it's own way can be an opportunity for creativity. I think Linus is beautiful, and he fits in perfectly. What a lucky dog.

  36. Awe, Linus does belong with your family. Our dog completed our family. A dog does that.
    I voted too.

  37. Linus looks like a big sweetheart. Nothing beats having a pet! Such a cutie' congrats on the new family member.


  38. Such a cutie! Getting a dog is the best thing we ever did. We have had our chocolate lab for 12 1/2 years. My son was 2 when we got him. The dog has slept in his room since....they are best buds!

  39. awe, i am SO happy you guys got a dog and a poodle nonetheless! we have a mini poodle named GG and she warms our hearts. they are such good dogs and i love that they don't shed, smell etc. i can see the kindness in his eyes. yay!

  40. I love Linus too! It IS the perfect name for him. It's amazing how pets can become such an important member of the family.

  41. I love Linus! He is such a cutie! I'm so glad he has a great and loving family to take him in too.

  42. What nice photos of your new addition! Funny how those furry friends can make their way into your heart and home. He looks like a great new addition!

  43. I love poodles! Linus is so handsome. I had a teacup poodle named Candy growing up. She weighed 6 lbs and was so tiny! My current dog is a Sheltie named Sebastian. Being able to have a dog is so special and is a wonderful way to grow up. Your girls are very lucky!

  44. How cute is he?!?!?! Awww! He looks just smashing on that rug too! Love the pillows BTW!

  45. So happy to hear about the new addition to your family. I am sure your girls are loving him!

  46. Linus is completely adorable. He looks like he has a very sweet soul. :-) And I love his hairdo! ;-)

  47. Awwww, Linus look so sweet! So glad you were able to give a doggie a good home. (Congrats on your nomination for the Homies - that's where I found you)

  48. O my. I grew up with a standard poodle named Eaugarte. My brother named him and we pronounced it You-Gart. He was the best dog. Very smart dogs, sometimes too smart. Keep him entertained!! You will love him.

  49. Linus looks so cute!! And I love the new pillows!

    But most of all, I love your blog! I have been reading for several years and I have never been disappointed in content (but could you please post like twice a day! Kidding...mostly)!

    You completely deserve the Homie award and I hope you get it!!

  50. He looks like he has such a sweet soul. He is adorable. I love his coloring.

  51. What a sweet face! I grew up with standard poodles and they are the best dogs ever. Someday I'll get one for our family but I have to have at least a year of not changing diapers before I can think about taking on a dog. He's adorable and so wise looking!


  52. Linus is SUCH a great name for him! So sweet. He is a lucky dog to be in such a loving (and stylish!) home. I have heard poodles are wonderful family dogs, so I'm really happy for you all! :) Happy weekend!

  53. Love the new pillows! And you'll definitely get my vote. Best of luck!

  54. You definitely have my vote! And Linus looks so sweet! What a darling addition to your family.

  55. Love Linus! We have a chocolate standard poodle. He is such a chill dog and love him very much, good for kids! Looking forward to seeing bits of Linus on your blog. All the best!

  56. Oh how wonderful! Having a dog is so much fun, and the bond is so strong and there is so much love. Plus, he is super adorable isn't he! Great cushions btw, have been loving your green sofa since you first posted.

  57. aww he is so so cute! so glad to hear he found a new home and everyone is in love!!

  58. What a sweet face Linus has. He looks very gentle. Some day I'm going to adopt a dog...

    I LOVE your framed moth prints and the colors you used in the room. I've been looking at the local used book store for some illustrations to frame for my daughter's room - just starting on the planning phase of redoing...

  59. Jenny! What a lovie! I have a miniature poodle who was also a rescue and I must say will only have poodles from now on!

    They are everything everyone says- smart, sweet, and true "people dogs" they just want to be with you!

  60. Getting here late.... Linus is awesome! Give him a huge hug from me.

  61. Oh how I love Standard Poodles!! We had a black one named Rory and he was THE absolute! And please don't make the mistake of calling him a "dog"....he is a POODLE! LOL Enjoy his sweetness,rascalness(is that a word?)and his love of life.

  62. Your dog is adorable. Standard poodles have such a sweet disposition. PS those pilow covers are only $12.99 now! Good find!


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