Thank You (and a little Rothko-esque art project)

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Thank you all so, so, so much for your kind notes and words of encouragement lately. Each one has meant so much to me. :)

It has been hard for me to share everything here, and I don't think it would have been appropriate at the time, but it's been a very strange and difficult couple of months for me, filled with a lot of challenges coming from what felt like every which way. I thought I was managing it all okay, but the last couple weeks were when I hit my breaking point (Ha! breaking point!). I guess I didn't really realize how buried I was getting until the holidays and my broken arm forced me to stop for a second and take an emotional inventory? Everyone goes through low points, and I think it's healthy and important to be really open with loved ones about these things, which I totally failed at this year. I should have asked for help earlier, but it was like I was too busy to feel or something, so when I switched gears for even just a minute, it all came crashing down hard on me. I'm sure many of you have experienced similar emotions. It's no fun.

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Anyway, the good news is today I feel like the fog is beginning to lift. Things are looking up again. I'm feeling hopeful. I've decided I want to keep writing this blog and I've got some new plans that I'm truly so excited about. I keep having to remind myself that my arm (and my spirits) are still a bit fragile though, so I'm easing into it. :)

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Today I was itching to do something creative (and simple enough to do with one good hand). I had been looking around online for a print with some reds in it to fill one of my gallery wall place-holder frames, and I kept coming back to images like this Rothko print. I almost just bought one, but lately I've been wanting an excuse to paint something for myself. I didn't want to paint anything that required thinking or planning or really any technical skill. I just wanted to throw some colors on a piece of paper. (which is exactly what I did and is exactly the opposite of what Rothko did - just to be clear!)

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I used cheap acrylic paint from Michaels (which wiped right off my counters when I was done) and white wrapping paper (!!!!) because it was easy to find in my disorganized construction zone of a house, and it was the perfect size already for my frame. I used a ton of paint on this thing and it took basically all day to dry, but I had a great time layering on different colors, and mixing and blending.

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I buy thrift store art all the time, just for the frames. This huge 35x49 brass frame was only about $4! I just had to take the time to pull it apart, remove the old art (but I was sure to leave the old linen mounting board! Good stuff!), and install my new art with a roll of mounting tape from the dollar store. I like the bit of dimension the thicker mounting tape gives the art. The paint dried on the wrapping paper in an interesting way and I like that the raised mounting left a lot of the texture in the paper and didn't smoosh it flat.

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You'll want to make sure all the mounting tape pieces make good contact with both the art paper and the linen board so you won't have any slipping issues in the future. (so annoying when that happens, right?)

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My painting's really not very good, but doesn't it seem like everything looks better under glass? Once I had it all framed up, I liked it more.

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I can't tell you how therapeutic it was to do this little art project today. It felt good to do a project for me, just because I felt like it. And it felt good to be happy enough with the results that I wanted to share the photos with you all.

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Also, I know it's lame to copy a famous artist, but I really love Mark Rothko's color study paintings, so it feels like a little ode to him rather than a knock off since this is just for personal use. It will likely just be a place holder until I find something more permanent to put in the frame. In the meantime, I'm loving the jolt of energy these bright colors brought into our living room! And I think when I look at it over the coming weeks, I'll be reminded of some of the hope and clarity I'm starting to feel today.

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Thanks again, friends, for your patience and understanding. Big hugs to you all. xoxo


  1. This is fantastic!.. Such a bright a sunny artwork. I'm so glad your resting up and recovering, continue to do so and doing things that you enjoy just because, and not because there is an 'audience'. While I don't (yet) have my own blog I believe it shouldn't be an added pressure but an outlet for your creativity.

  2. Hi J,
    Thanks so much for sharing your human face with us.
    You are so generous with your ideas, skills and "projects". Yet, we are voracious in our appetite for all things Jenny.
    I can only imagine the pressure it puts you under.
    Take care of you & yours .
    I thoroughly endorse Meegsyie's thoughts.

  3. Jenny,
    Your blog always cheers me up and brings light and happiness into my day. It was the first blog I ever read and is still my favorite on the crowded blogosphere! I hope you feel some of the warmth and positivity you bring into others' lives radiating back to you from your admiring readers! I've broken a shoulder, wrist, and elbow and know how discouraging the recovery can be. Hang in there!
    xo, Melissa

  4. It's not lame to copy a master. It's an essential element of an artist's education and a key step in learning to understand and appreciate highly respected works.

    Given that Rothko saw his art as a tool for expressing human emotion, and struggled with serious bouts of depression and angst, I'm sure he would be pleased that his work inspired you at a low point in your own life.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Here's to you, Jenny. Your post reminds me of when you said that you were struggling with your move from New York, because the time you spent away from your family was hard and therefore had a special quality to it (paraphrasing here), I'm guessing in part because overcoming the hard times makes us all feel like warriors. I think Michael told you that the times ahead would be hard too. And just like before, overcoming them will be just as special - in fact, there is nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment when you dust yourself off and move forward. I echo some of the previous commenters - your audience will always be voracious for your talent. That must be exhausting, so I hope you can tune that part of us out somehow (:-/) and focus on this happy place you created for yourself so long ago (when Gracie and Claire were still babies! Wow!).

  7. I am so pleased you have decided to continue your blog, but please get yourself back to good health first. Our families and health are the most important things we have. Good luck with your recovery.

  8. I am so pleased you have decided to continue your blog, but please get yourself back to good health first. Our families and health are the most important things we have. Good luck with your recovery.

  9. I'm happy you're starting to feel like yourself again. It's so true that we often need breaks to recharge and renew and I completely understand how difficult asking for help can be. I feel like "I took on this blogging thing" "I took on this project" "It's my fault I'm this busy, not theirs" and really struggle to show that I need or ask for help. You're not alone in this! Glad you're taking some time to do some things just for you, not because you have a deadline or need something to blog about. :) Hope you're healing well!

  10. Hi. I have been following your blog for about a year now (all the way from Cape Town in South Africa). Absolutely love your style and you are such an inspiring woman!
    How do you decide on the layout of an artwall? Is it according to the shapes/colours of the frames or the actual artwork? I want to try this, but don't know where to start.

  11. Those tough times are hard. I'm happy your feeling a bit better. Just remember most things are temporary and what isn't gets better with time. :)

  12. Jenny, about a year ago you also took some time to think about the blog and resolved to post even the smallest projects so you wouldnt always have to feel that you needed to post something "big" to please your readers.
    Lately, you've only posted huge accomplished projects, which as a reader has been amazing, but i wonder if that was too much pressure for you? To first accomplish the project, organize all the pictures and post while still doing very large other projects at the same time.
    I hope that you take the time you need to fill yourself again with positive energy and creative light , taking care of yourself first, then your readers.
    We've all been in dark places, but thank Gd for the people who can lift us out of it.
    Good luck!

  13. I'm so sorry you've been going through a rough time. I hope you've had a chance to get the repose you need and will be gentle with yourself as you get going again.

    The art project is totally fun and adds a nice splash of colour to your gallery wall.

  14. I know I am certainly voracious in my appetite for new posts from Jenny - your blog is awe-inspiring! I am so sorry to hear of this rough patch and am rooting for your speedy and full emotional and physical recovery. All the best xx Kim

  15. Hang in there and take care of yourself. We all definitely have times like these in our lives, but that shouldn't downplay their significance. There must needs be opposition in all things... without the bad and gloomy times we wouldn't be as grateful for the happy and bright times in our lives.

  16. Welcome back! I certainly hope you keep up the blog which has become a daily source of inspiration for me - and has inspired many bold DIY projects in my own home. Most recently, I painted all of the doors in my upstairs hallway a shade of black - which I have no doubt was subliminally inspired by your style. May 2014 bring good tidings to you and yours!

  17. PS your talent is beyond compare. In a totally selfish way I want you to keep posting so I can continue to glean inspiration from your creativity and incredible talent. ;) But I think I definitely speak for all your readers and followers when I say that your first priority is taking care of yourself and your family. We'll still be here anxiously waiting and supporting you while you take care of those things... regardless of how long it takes. Hugs!

  18. Love and prayers from Nashville. Been there but so much growth came out of it. Hoping for the same for you. On a lighter note, I complimented a friends nail polish at a party last week and she said it's the same color Little Green Notebook girl wears. We had a little "I love Jenny Komenda. How bout that new house. I bet Arizona is hot but it's close to her parents. Blah blah blah" moment. Kinda funny how we all think we know you.

  19. Love and prayers from Nashville. Been there but so much growth came out of it. Hoping for the same for you. On a lighter note, I complimented a friends nail polish at a party last week and she said it's the same color Little Green Notebook girl wears. We had a little "I love Jenny Komenda. How bout that new house. I bet Arizona is hot but it's close to her parents. Blah blah blah" moment. Kinda funny how we all think we know you.

  20. I kept checking your blog to see if you posted anything new, but really not (only) for the "Yay, more awesome ideas and executions!" factor, but to see how you were feeling. So it was a huge relief to see that you are feeling better!
    I don't think it's lame to copy a classic, especially since you're very clear about why you wanted a Rothko-esque painting and how it differs from what he did (even though, as some people already pointed out, there are more similarities in reasons than maybe you realized when you did it).
    I love the painting you did, and you are so right that it will always have such a special meaning to you. Hang in there, and I hope your creativity and the support of your loved ones can get you back into the sunshine.

  21. Be good to yourself!
    I'm so glad to hear that you want to keep blogging. I love reading your posts and always appreciate the great project tips.

  22. Glad you're feeling better. I am a huge fan of yours. Everybody needs a little time to re-charge their batteries. Love your new art project. Guess I'll be busting out the paints today....

  23. Glad you're feeling better. I am a huge fan of yours. Everybody needs a little time to re-charge their batteries. Love your new art project. Guess I'll be busting out the paints today....

  24. I am so sorry you are going through a tough time, but so incredibly happy you will continue writing your blog. You are an inspiration and your blog bring so much joy. Take it easy and feel better.

  25. Your projects are the BEST! Please don't push yourself. We are all loyal to your blog and will be here when you get around to posting something new. Praying for you and your recovery!

  26. This is so gorgeous!
    And I'm so glad that the fog is starting to lift for you!

  27. You are hands down probably one of the most talented DIY bloggers out there and I have loved your blog for years now, but regardless of how much we all love you and the talent you share with us what matters the most is your health and your happiness and those pretty girls of yours! I'd keep coming to your blog if you only posted once a month! I'm happy to hear you're feeling better!

  28. I'm so sorry you were having such a struggle, but so glad you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. As a long-time reader I can assure you that even the "smallest" projects according to you, are always inspiring to us. Don't let us drive you to burnout, we love pretty much anything you do! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  29. I happen to think it's brilliant and that you're brilliant. I'm so glad I get to keep reading. Thank you!

  30. Ah Jenny,

    This made me cry a little. You're such a kind, talented person. Please get better in every way. You continue to inspire with even your words. Sharing your struggles reminds me that you're human...thank you for sharing your honesty and talents with us and I hope you are resting and doing things you love with the people you love. xxoo

  31. Jenny,

    Thank you for sharing such a trying personal time with your readers. I love reading your blog every day. Simply put, you're amazing. Your drive, your character, your passion and your incredibly beautiful work gives us all hope to be able to accomplish so much. A little word of advice from a fellow blogger. Your readers don't care so much about how large or small the scope of work for the day is. We don't care if you reveal an entire project at once or in smaller bits along the way. We just love hearing your voice... it encourages us to keep tackling our own projects that have us in a slump. Keep up the amazing work, and if you're able to check in with little updates along the way, your readers are happily here to listen. Best of luck getting through this foggy time!

  32. Moving, renovations, children (three, no less) and a husband, all to be scheduled, unpacked, tended to... no wonder you crashed and burned. But it is cathartic to acknowledge and address it--so you can move on and be there for your family and for us, the eager students on the side lines. Take good care of yourself because if Mama ain't happy, nobody's happy. Now I've got to get in my pile of thrift store frames and do something creative so I don't feel guilty about hoarding them! Thanks for the inspiration.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Welcome back! Missed your posts in your absence. Hope things continue to look up for you.

  35. I feel some of the things you talk about in this post so intensely right now. Yay for bright spots and clarity in the midst of the crush. Also, please do continue to be gentle with yourself right now. It's the best thing you can do [she says in the hope that she'll take her own advice].

  36. Jenny, welcome back, and I am glad to hear the sun is starting to peek through. Also, for what it's worth, your painting is my favorite on your gallery wall. :-) I've missed your posts ... your blog is my favorite! (I'm sure you hate the pressure, but I want you to know how very much you're appreciated.)

  37. welcome back, jenny! i'm sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit down. we all get that way sometimes, i think. there's nothing wrong with giving yourself a real break every so often. i'm so glad to hear you're not giving up on this blog just yet - you've been one of my favorite reads for years. give yourself a hug, and take the time when you need it.

  38. I would have understood if you quit blogging. It must be a huge commitment. I would have been devastated. I love love love your blog.

    So, thank you! for continuing to share with me your projects, your ideas, your adorable girls. Your posts almost always make me smile. I hope you continue to feel better in every way.

  39. Hi! I never comment but had to say PLEASE DON'T replace that art with something more "permanent"! That is a beautiful painting in its own right. I'm an artist and textile designer and I think it's perfectly acceptable to do a take off of a famous artist. It's not like you copied an existing Rothko. It's an original expression of youself and it looks so fabulous in that frame and on your gallery wall.

  40. I agree that "copying" fine art is sometimes a great way to learn as an artist, and relax. I've been doing it a lot since I had kids and don't have the time or energy to be more creative in my painting. You have also inspired me to paint more. Thank you!! Glad to see a post on here, and hear you had a good day.

  41. This is beautiful Jenny. You have literally changed the way I decorate my home. I admire your talent so much and I really hope you feel better and know how amazing you are.

  42. This is beautiful and creative. Moving cross country from a place that was very far from family yet filled with eclectic opportunities for your design career to a smaller city w/ family, but less "design at your fingertips" availability has got to take some adjusting to!
    Family, career, career family… thank goodness there is ( hopefully) enough time in our lives to explore everything the world has to offer.

  43. I think I speak for the masses when I say "We've missed you!" Seriously, your ingenuity, ideas and authentic kindness are all such inspiration. I would be so sad if Little Green Notebook ever went away. You've had to have felt incredible pressure for the past year. I cannot begin to imagine doing all that you've done and continue to do. Be good to yourself and keep looking up :)

  44. The most important thing is to take care of yourself. You are one talented woman and I so enjoy reading your blog.

  45. Jenny, You do too much! You need to rest more and take more time for yourself and your family. I so enjoy your blog and understand when you need some downtime. Raising 3 small kids is exhausting and working from home is difficult because there are no barriers so work continues all day/every day. Glad you will be continuing the blog. Rita

  46. I've missed your posts so much! I'm glad that you're feeling better and just wanted to let you know that I'll read whatever you write (and love it!) so please don't let us blog readers stress you out. We'd miss you too much if you left us :)

  47. Hi! I am not much of a comment poster but I wanted to let you know I really enjoy your blog and very much appreciate the hard work you put into it! Your blog is where I go to first every morning when I get on the internet and it has been that way for over a year from when I first stumbled onto it. Thank you so much for all that you put into and for being so open and willing to share! I love all of your stories, projects, pictures, and the details you provide. It really is a treat first thing in the morning!

  48. I don't think it should be a place holder at all! I think you should leave it up! I love it!

    Also, I've missed your posts. It was great to hear from you again.

  49. It is not only beautiful, but it is Art unto itself. I hope you signed it because it is an original Jenny Komenda. All artists are inspired by, and use techniques of the greats. It doesn't diminish them at all. Valuing your work is important for you, and inspiration for others, especially your girls.
    So sorry about your arm. I've followed you since the beginning and am in awe of the pace with which you have ideas and then create and complete your projects. Everyone needs a break now and then.. Take some much needed time to rest and heal. Your readers will always be here.

  50. Jenny, you never cease to amaze me! Hang in there!

  51. My heart skipped a beat when you mentioned you were still interested in continuing with your blog. Please please continue to share all of your great projects. Your blog is absolutely on my short list of favorite design reading (including magazines). Remember when Friends and Sex in the City went off the air? Awful! Oprah's show is no longer. Terrible! Do what you need to do to make you happy. We will take what we can get :)

  52. Wishing you all the best, Jenny.
    I adore your blog and your spirit and inspiration.

    This piece is a fabulous inspiration, made even better by the joy and lift it's brought you!

  53. I went through the same thing when we moved over the summer. I always laughed about celebrities suffering from exhaustion, but with the packing and moving, and the chaos of it all, I pushed until my body wouldn't go any more. It took a month to get through it. You need to take time for yourself too! Thank you for sharing your human side with us.

  54. Hey Jenny,

    SO glad your going to keep the blog going. Lots of carino to you and your family. I am going to be in AZ in Feb for the winter break, maybe we can get together.



  55. I love your art work, for it's simplicity, for it's color, but most of all because it is an expression of you!! In response to your instagram question, I allow myself to rest, and in resting, I am reminded that I am always being held by God. A God who is bigger, stronger, kinder, wiser . . . . As I asorb the goodness of this truth, I begin to find my strength.

  56. Jenny, thank you for your honesty. As a longtime reader, it has been amazing to watch your productivity and wonder--from behind my computer screen--just how you manage to get it all done. This will sound strange, but thank you for being human. Creativity comes and goes. It's easy to understand how someone so in-demand and so creative can feel overwhelmed and depleted from time to time.

    Welcome back, but just know that we love you and your talent! Take time to nourish yourself and your talent!

  57. love the painting, and loved this post. you brightened my morning!

  58. I am so floored by your honesty. Honestly it takes a real strong person to show vulnerability. Having been in a similar place at one time, know that all artists have to be super emotional to respond so deeply to beauty. You are part of that beautiful group of people. You will be more than okay. You will soar out of this higher and stronger than ever and know that your passion and love for life will continue to inspire.

  59. Your blog and talents are what keeps me going sometimes! A bit of inspiration to motivate and brighten my day. I will say that I love it when bloggers share their human side too. So often they seem so "perfect" and put together. A great reminder that we are all just trying to navigate through our own journey here on earth. "We're all in this together" right? Thank you for being honest and willing to share. You are making a difference. xx

  60. Hi Jenny,

    First so glad to hear you are feeling better.

    I am a voracious reader of good blogs and yours is one of my favorites. I can't tell you how much I have learned from your DIY tutorials and your take and knowledge of the design world. The creative content that you routinely post is well in a word outstanding. BUT and I mean this in the most respectful way. I think you try to do too much too often and while we readers benefit tremendously from your efforts you are in danger of burning out.
    Which scares me and probably your other readers as well. So I hope you can take a step back, rethink how often you need to do the "full on DIY" post, maybe create some kind of schedule that would be just as entertaining but not quite so work intensive. One of my favorite post topics you write are sourcing posts. "Where to buy metallic linen?" That was invaluable info for me. I'll often "search" your archives for this kind of info. I'm really hoping that you will mix it up a bit more, train us to be a little less "needy" so that we can have you in our lives for a little longer. Thanks for all that you have done so far. k

  61. I love, love, love your blog!!! Your ideas are amazing and your projects rock the house!!! It's okay to take time for yourself when you need it, broken arm or not!!!!

  62. Welcome back! Your blog is one of my all time favourites and I'm always inspired by your projects, hope you feel better soon, relocating is a big deal! Hope 2014 is good for you!

  63. I saw a saying on Pinterest that said, " I'm not lazy, I just enjoy doing nothing". I'm a firm believer that we as a society have glorified busyness. A counselor asked me once, if you were talking to your best friend, what advice would you give her? It stopped me right in my tracks.would your best friend perhaps suggest that you," lower the bar?" Take time to stop and smell the roses. You owe us nothing but we care about you.

  64. Where did you get the peach side chair? I love the color and I don't remember it from your past homes. Glad you're doing better. A big move is such a hard adjustment...I think it takes time to hit you. At first its exciting, then after a bit the culture shock sets in. Glad to see you returning to your creative roots. Thats why we all love your blog!

  65. Hi Jenny, I've followed your blog for the past three years and have marveled at your talent and great style, not to mention how nice of a person you really seem to be! I've always thought that having a popular blog would be awesome, but I could never do it because it would take so much out of me to have an audience waiting to see the next amazing thing! So, I admire you so much and appreciate all the good that you do, and also, I think I can speak for all your readers when I say that it is really understandable that you might need to come up for air sometimes and give yourself a break! Only wishing you lived next door so I could knock on your awesome red door and ask if you think I should be brave and finally paint my old console! Anyway, be well!

  66. awww you are so sweet! great idea with the art.. i need to get on it at my house!

  67. Hi Jenny,

    Thanks so much for sharing these personal posts with us. It can be so frustrating to read other blogs where their picture-perfect lives are curated to a point where it seems unrealistic. I always appreciate your honesty, and it's what keeps us readers engaged.

    Please take care of you, and the rest will follow! Keep doing the things that make you happy and you will find joy again. Sending positive vibes your way!


  68. Jenny!!! We LOVE you and you blog. 1st thing I check in the morning and I'd hate to lose it. However, we all want what's best for you, so please take time for yourself when ever you need it. We'll always be wating for you when you come back!!!

  69. It's perfect. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Those 'foggy' times are needful sometimes as they help us get our focus back to the important stuff.

  70. I'm just going to echo what so many others have said: You are so charming and talented and I, personally, will never get enough of your posts. But frankly, I don't know how you do it. You seem like magic with your endless creativity, energy and ideas, and at times I've found myself wondering how on earth you do it. I'm glad to hear that you're not a robot and are taking care of yourself. I'm familiar with these lows and I know how they can leave you feeling empty and joyless. It's wonderful to see you painting (something just for you!) and being gentle with yourself. We'll all be here if you need to take some more time for yourself.

  71. Jenny, I just wanted to say "thank you" for all you do with this blog! You are a real inspiration, not only with DIY and design, but also by being willing to "put it all out there" when you are struggling. Prayers and positive thoughts going out to you for restoration of your body and mind, as you heal physically and mentally.
    <3 Debra

  72. P.S.
    I really like your painting!

  73. I am a vorcacious consumer of all your content, Jenny. Your work has inspired me in so many ways. I have upholstered three tufted headboards, repurposed art, made several roman shades using your tutorials, and the list goes on. Thank you for all that you do. Take care of yourself and your family - you are worth the wait!

  74. Jenny,
    I'm so grateful you've decided to keep this blog going. I follow a lot of blogs and this by far is my favorite. I've tried so many new things because of you.

    Your vulnerability is much appreciated. Feel better, rest well and may you be extremely gentle and nurturing with yourself.

    Love the painting too!

  75. Jenny,
    First off, you are so brave to even write this post! And secondly, thank you so much for letting us into your world. You are a decorating genius and I look forward to your posts ever day. Feel better and take all the time you need. You will always have a huge fan and a loyal reader.

  76. love the art project - and your honesty/words.

    we moved around the same time you guys did, to our "home" 1000 miles away, and your post at the time about leaving NYC really resonated with me. this post/your feelings also resonating as I realized over the holidays that I too am struggling in the same way. hang in there - looking forward to a happier, clearer 2014, with lots of LGN inspiration :)

  77. Not sure what I would do if you decided to stop blogging! Your blog is the first thing I look at in the morning while drinking coffee. I hope you continue to feel better because you are a great inspiration to many!

  78. I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better. Everyone goes through these struggles in life and it is important to let your love ones know. I'm rooting for you and I'm sure I'm speaking for all your readers in say, that your health is #1 priority. I am glad you'll continue the blog and I look forward to what you share with us this year. God Bless.

  79. Jenny, I have been following your blog for years, but have not left a comment before.

    Your life comes across as utterly perfect in this blog, and while I know that's not always reality, the fact that you've shared that everything's not all sunshine, daisies and rainbows all the time makes you more approachable to me.

    I'm sorry to hear that things have been stressful lately, and I thank you for sharing that your life isn't the unattainable perfect I always imagined it was. Hang in there. *hug*

  80. Your art (and your blog!) are lovely. And they are yours. I know when you put stuff out in the world, you feel naked and judged. But never qualify or feel like you have to give apologies or disclaimers. Feel proud of yourself and allow yourself to be human. No one will love you less!...

  81. You have been missed greatly. So sorry that you have been going through a weird and uncertain time. I hope things start looking up and you find the clarity you need. So hard when these times comes so unexpectadly!! Big hugs!
    This project is awesome and I love the color and vibrance it has. Take it easy and take your time in coming back full force. Sometimes life makes us slow down a bit and when you look back you may realize it was just what you needed.
    Cheers to you my dear.

  82. Well now that we're being honest, I will say that I do not like the sponsored posts at all. Especially the Glade (ick.) You lose the goodwill of your readers when you sell to a corporation like that. Let's not pretend we don't notice. On the positive side, you are still super interesting, and I look forward to seeing how well your house turns out! I wish you a speedy recovery! Hang in there! :)

  83. scrolling down I see you have a ton of blogger world support and hope you feel it (other than a few not so nice people). Remember that sponsored or not this is your space, do with it what you want and it will turn back into your happy place. I am a huge fan of your work and very inspired by everything you do. It take a lot to get a blog to where you've brought yours. Now take some time for you, heal that arm (and that soul) and us true LGN fans will be here!

    Now onto your post, I am loving this collage and your ode should make any artist proud, this is a favorite of mine. Reminds me that you don't always have to spend the big bucks and can still get the look you are going for. HAppy New Year blogger friend. :)


    Natalie @ DRB

  84. Your blog has been a highlight of my day for almost two years. I would be very sad to see you go. I don't need big projects or long posts-sometimes it's nice for you to check in with a few sentences and a picture or two of random things. Don't forget--most of us are here because we like you for you, sadness, stress, and all. And I think your painting is more self-revealing than you realize-it's beautiful.

  85. So fun! I love it. As for cheering oneself up - volunteering is such a great way to go. Smart decision. It's so good to get outside of yourself and focus on others. To that end, a good hike and a dance party also help me feel better and get outside of my own head. Best wishes!!

  86. Your painting does NOT look like a knock off, it's a wonderful original! I'm so impressed and inspired. Thank you so much for sharing!


  87. Such a beautiful and fun painting! Hope you continue to feel better and take good care of yourself! Thank you for all the amazing ideas and projects you've shared over the years! Thank you also for sharing about your challenges.

  88. I hope your feeling better. I go through lows often and its really hard to get out of them.
    Like you this week i did a painting inspired by Kirra Jamison. But then i felt bad that i copied her art work. But i just have to remind myself its only for my house and its pretty colours makes me happy.
    Goodluck, your inspiring to all of us xx

  89. I love that you used creating a piece of art as an outlet for the emotions you're feeling right now. It is amazing what a little bit of "just because" creativity can do for the soul and spirit. Hope you are back to feeling 100% soon, in mind and body!

    PS--Also grateful for the clarification re: Rothko's process. The art nerd in me was happy to read that. ;-)

  90. PLEASE
    PLEASE keep writing your blog!
    I check every day for your great ideas, inspiration and amazing design.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  91. So glad you're back. Missed you

  92. I would miss your blog so much if you stopped posting altogether! I am so glad you took the time to mend and heal so you can continue to post and inspire. Your biggest fans (like me) will wait on the edge of our seats for your daily posts to return! xo

  93. Absolutely do not use it as a place holder!! It's an awesome use of creative energy, and therapeutic, so a win/win. Keep the picture up for good!! It makes me want to do something like that for myself - you inspire that in people, in all of your readers. Please rest, and recuperate.

  94. Glad to hear that things are looking up!

    I love your painting -- great color choices!

    Michelle @

  95. Jenny,
    I check your blog frequently, and while I love hearing about what you are doing, big or small, I have been more concerned lately with how you are doing. I know you reported some health concerns earlier, and I have been checking in to see what came of them. And then I hear you broke your arm! And around the holidays too! Take your time and focus on healing. No one says you have to post every day or every week! You could post once a month and you wouldn't lose a single one of your devoted followers. I love the painting by the way!

  96. Jenny, I love stopping by your blog to see your latest house and DIY projects. You are human ...and often it seems like bloggers, especially in the design sphere are expected to pump out projects and ideas at a non-human speed, and be subject to lots of criticism along the way. That's just not fair, I like seeing real life side, and sometimes that means we need breaks - and support! Sending good thoughts your way. Hope you get the rest and inspiration you want and need. Love hearing from you!

  97. Can I just say, Jenny, that your energy is absolutely amazing. I genuinely don't know how you do it all, and I think it's even more amazing (and somewhat relieving!) to know you have deeply human thoughts. Take your time: we'll wait a long time for you, and your posts are always so thoughtful and wonderful that I'd prefer one a month rather than none at all! Recover slowly and well - and know we're all cheering for you xx

  98. Hi Jenny - I have been reading Your blog for four years now and this is my first post ever. I felt compelled to tell you that your blog is fantastic and the only blog I have been returning to consistently. With that said I echo other commenters - I would still follow you if you blogged weekly or Monthly. Seriously think about that or simplier posts. You will not lose your fans!!! I would hate to lose you over burnout and you need a break and time for yourself and your family.

  99. I'm a new mom of a 5 months old baby and I discovered your blog while I was pregnant and moving in our appartment last spring. I was looking for a DIY bookshelve and I ended up looking at that amazing project in your brownston living room. Since then I've been checking your blog every day, sometimes many times per day! and I am NOT a blog reader usually. Anyways, You know how you're just glued to the rocking chair the first cupple weeks? (Well maybe not you though!) Well I spent most of these evenings reading your blog from the very first post with my newborn in my arms. I just felt in love with your creative, affordable and inspiring spirit. Your style in the design sphere but also in the writting part of your blog is always a joy. What have I noticed in my reading?You've changed but you're still yourself, and that's one of the reason why people love your blog. I will echo what was previously posted but just stay who you are, and we will be there looking forward for the next post.
    Nobody ask you to be perfect exept yourself. Remember that post on a red ribbon and a lampshade in your girls room in the brownstone? How you wanted to be able to post about simple projets and post about them lightly?
    Good luck and we all support you

  100. Keep taking good care! Thanks for sharing too - it helps those of us who experience the same down times. When I'm in those times I try (really try) to remember that even if I can't see the sun, it's still behind the clouds. Find what brings you joy and follow That! :)

  101. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better, Jenny! Also glad you'll still be blogging because you are just the best blogger out there and from what it looks like a pretty phenomenal mom/all around awesome lady. Whatever you want to share, we are all ears/eyes!

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Dear Jenny,
    I've never commented before, but I wanted to leave a note letting you know how much I love your blog- not just the blog itself, but the feeling you create for readers. I always feel inspired by your posts. I'm 25 and going back to school to study interior architecture. My first college experience was rough- I had many health problems and have dealt on and off with anxiety and depression. Whatever it is you are going through, I know you that you know this, but you aren't alone. And I want to tell you that when I have "bad" days, many times seeing that you've made a post (or simply browsing through your past posts & DIYs) has been the one highlight of my day. And I dream that one day I will be able to DIY, paint, restore, knock down and rebuild so many things like you do. Because it's such a beautiful thing to create or redesign space to improve our wellbeing. It makes such a difference. And even through a computer screen, you are a huge inspiration to me and one of my biggest design heroes. Thank you for sharing so much! xx

  104. Hi, Jenny! I'm so glad things seem to be a little 'lighter' recently. I must admit I've wondered how on earth you've managed to do so much in so little time. You've had so much on your plate this year, that just reading about it made me tired! It's great that you've decided to keep doing your blog for now, but I know that the added weight of knowing people are waiting for posts can add up to a lot of pressure. Please don't let it end up being more than you can handle. Your health comes first!

  105. I completely feel where you are coming from...when we moved cross-country, from a city I loved so much, it took me awhile to find myself and plant my feet. Love to you...and to that gorgeous art!

  106. Thank you for what you do for all of us " out here" is appreciated in more ways than you know. And your honesty is so commendable. Take care, dear girl!

  107. Thanks for being you and keeping it so real. In a blog world full of "getting famous" and "sponsored everything" it always feels good to read someone's honest and true thoughts and then like them even more! You are an inspiration in more ways than one. Take care of yourself. We'll all be here! xo

  108. We moved in a similar time frame as you, and I've been in a funk, too. I think that these major moves are hard on us, even though we know they are positive and good for our lifestyles and families. So then we end up feeling guilty about being blue ---because we're supposed to be happy! But change is change, and it takes some time to adjust. The best to you!!!

  109. I want to echo everyone else-thank you for sharing your life with us and hope you feel better soon! Please ignore the critic, and know there are thousands of us out here who support any decision (design or sponsored) you make

  110. So glad you are going to keep blogging. I only just discovered you about a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed your posts. Long live buying thrift store art for the frame!

  111. Jenny,
    Only you could take some cheap paint, wrapping paper and a thrift store frame and make it look so incredibly artsy and cool. Like many others who have left comments, I too have been a follower of your blog for years, although have not yet left a comment. I just wanted to thank you for the seemingly endless inspiration you provide. Because of you, I have felt inspired to tackle various DIY projects in my own home (headboards, blinds, spray painted chairs, etc.), but most important, to tackle things with a can-do spirit and an imaginative eye. You and your blog truly have changed the way I decorate and provided so much useful information along the way. You are truly awe-inspiring.

    I am so sorry to hear about your arm and your funk. I agree with so many others who have said that you should take care of yourself first. And honestly, if taking care of yourself simply means not blogging anymore, then that's what you need to do. I would miss you dearly, but you only have one life to live and you owe it to yourself to live it on your own terms. Best wishes to you.

  112. your blog is my favorite thing on the internet, hands down. you have been missed. glad to hear things are on the upswing and looking forward to what you have in store for your blog.

  113. your blog is my favorite thing on the internet, hands down. you have been missed. glad to hear things are on the upswing and looking forward to what you have in store for your blog.

  114. I am following your post for about a year now, from the other side of the globe, Athens, Greece that is. Reading your daily post is one of the best things of my day since I lost my job and I stay home. When you moved in this house I was overwhelmed by its size and the amount of projects you tackled yourself. Adding the blog and your children to this is a heavy load for anyone. Although I missed your posts and I was checking daily your blog for something new, feel free to go silent whenever you feel like it. I will be there when you come back.

  115. I've been following your blog for years, and always enjoy your posts and hearing about the things that do and don't work in your projects. Life is also full of things that are working and not working at any given time, and those who follow your story will understand that too. Please take the time you need to rest and recharge—posting 5 days a week is a treadmill of content that can be exhausting, especially when you have such a wide and effusive following! But you need to do what's best for you and take care of yourself. :)

  116. Love the art. I can sympathize with you. I love doing a project just because the mood strikes. I think that it what it was like for us in childhood, we had an idea and ran with it, b/c we had very little by way of schedule to keep. It is so liberating, and yet we don't have much opportunity to do that as working moms anymore. I had a small fire during a christmas party which caused me to have to slow down (I was burned). My husband said that was my wake up call. We need to be sure to listen to our bodies, minds and spirits. Take care of yourself! We love what you do here, but it's no good if you can't take care of yourself and have something left to give your family. Thinking of you!

  117. Hang in there! I enjoy your blog so much. Thank you. You are an inspiration in many ways. And your taste level is wonderful. We all go through "things" and hopefully learn from and make changes based on those experiences. I feel for you. Have a good day and enjoy your family.

  118. Glad to hear you are coming out of the fog. I broke my elbow too (on Dec 19) and basically slept from then until Jan. 7. Fortunately I was only in a splint for 5 days-not as bad a break as it sounds like you have-but it absolutely wore me out. (O yea, I had the flu, too.) just this week I have felt exactly as you say "coming out of the fog" I consider stuff like this nature' sway of telling us "Be mindful. Take car of yourself."
    And love the painting. I have a list of challenges to complete by age 60 and one of them is "Paint a picture". Half the challenge is just doing it! You're right. Absolutely everything looks better in a frame unde glass.
    Glad to see your blog in my inbox once again. Please don't abandon us.

  119. Jenny-
    Your blog is the first one I go to daily. You are such an inspiration! As the mother of 5 young kids I have an idea of what you might be struggling with!! I'm so happy that you are getting rest and the help you need. Take care.

  120. Jenny,
    Welcome back! I recently moved across the country (from Indiana to Texas) and at first it is soo excited and there are so many opportunities. But as time went on, and projects still continued to drag on in our fixer upper, along with a pregnancy I too hit my breaking point. I am happy to say taking a month off, was like therapy and allowed me to recharge and refocus. I hope your arm mends quickly, but more importantly that you find peace. In the meantime, I will be lurking for updates no matter how small :)

  121. Jenny,
    Welcome back! I recently moved across the country (from Indiana to Texas) and at first it is soo excited and there are so many opportunities. But as time went on, and projects still continued to drag on in our fixer upper, along with a pregnancy I too hit my breaking point. I am happy to say taking a month off, was like therapy and allowed me to recharge and refocus. I hope your arm mends quickly, but more importantly that you find peace. In the meantime, I will be lurking for updates no matter how small :)

  122. I am very sorry you have been going through such a tough time. Hang in there! Thank you for being so honest with all of us. Although I miss your posts :), it is way more important for you to take time to rest and heal. You are in my thoughts!

  123. What is there to be down about? Not trying to be mean, but you just broke an arm. Other than that, you have a beautiful home, you do not have a 9-5 from what I can tell (not sure). You decorate your house and post it on a website. Really, what is there to be down about? You really need to count your blessings because you sound like an entiteld whiney brat. Please volunteer your time and see how the other half live. I bet you will be singing a much different tune. Better yet, spend some time in a battered womens shelter decorating that.They have more than a broken arm and a blog to worry about.

    1. Inappropriate. Seriously, if you can't realize that everyone goes through ups and downs, regardless of their circumstances, then you are in denial. Sure, there are always people out there who have it worse off...But are we really here to compare lives or to be compassionate when someone needs a pick me up? No one asked you to read Jennys blog and no one asked you for your opinions. Please take some sound advice and just keep your comments to yourself if they're not going to uplift people.

  124. I love the art. More importantly, I am glad you are starting to feel better and the fog is lifting. I have been there and it is a tough place to be. I am in my 30s, work full time and the parent of two young kids myself. Although it is wonderful, it can be difficult to manage so much. I went to counseling with my husband and started on a low dose medication and it helped so much to help me feel like myself again.

  125. Jenny,

    I'm really glad you were a little open on the blog because I feel like so many blogs have false advertising of their lives and I appreciate your honesty. Also, I'm so pleased you decided to keep writing. I love your blog and I'm sending you positive vibes!

  126. I love this art piece! I truly thought it was a Rothko print, but love it more knowing that you made it. Definitely inspires me to make my own.

  127. Hi Jenny -
    I'm so glad you are starting to feel better. I went through a similar time right after we moved back to the East Coast. There was so much going on which was exciting (new house, full renovation, new baby, starting a new business etc) that I got way too bogged down and stressed out and really took it out on my husband. Thank goodness he stood by me and I am now in the process of hiring someone to help me. I'm sure everything will turn up fine but it's good to take a breather.


  128. oh my gosh, please do not take what 'anonymous' said to heart! It makes me so angry when someone judges another person like that. Sometimes it's not something you can just 'snap out of' by counting your blessings. I'm sure there is more to this than you want to share with the thousands of unknown readers. Thank you for your openness and vulnerability in this post. So many people go through these low points in life and are afraid to talk about it. It is nice to know you are not alone.

  129. Jerky Anonymous,

    I am one of Jenny's (real life) friends and I just wanted to jump in here and defend her because I know she is too wonderful and forgiving to do it for herself.

    You should know there is a LOT more going on here than Jenny is letting on. She is a very private person (for someone who shares her ideas with the internet?) and she feels like she wants to keep some of her life to herself, and rightfully so, damnit! She is going through a really rough time right now and the bottom line is you don't need to know all of the details. She is going out of her comfort zone to tell us that she is hurting and needs some space, so she needs only our love and support here (and thank you to all of you who are giving it to Jenny unconditionally!)

    I just can't fathom what kind of shriveled up soul you must have to want to attack someone as sweet, kind and positive as Jenny. She is a bright and happy spot on the internet and the last thing she needs is someone telling her that she sounds whiny when she is being vulnerable and open and honest with all of us who only take, take, take from her and give her nothing in return. Shame on you.

    Jenny, I hope you delete that last anon comment and see all the big fluffy hearts the others are sending your way. Love you.

  130. Hi Jenny,

    I know this sentiment has been shared by many before, but reading your blog brings a lot of joy and inspiration to my life. Take care of yourself and your family because that's the most important thing, but if you can find time once in a while to share bits of your life with us, well that that's great, too. Thanks for all the care and effort you've put in over the years. You've done a lot to make the world a more beautiful place.


  131. So glad that you are feeling better. We all get into funks and feel lost sometimes. Thank you for sharing your journey back, I'm sure it will help someone find their way when they are feeling down. And it's always nice to know we are not alone in feeling that way! The artwork is beautiful. Great idea to buy cheap art for the frame. I've heard that before and forgot all about it!

  132. Jenny, I'm so glad you're getting some much-needed down time. I'm a fairly new reader, but your blog is a "must-read" for me every day. I'm so glad you decided to continue writing it! As others have said, I'll take whatever wonderful content I can get. Just don't push yourself too hard. Thanks for keeping it real. :)

  133. I'm very glad to hear you're doing better. Thank you for your wonderful inspiration. It helps some of us more then you know!

  134. You have no idea how much your blog means to me! I get excited little butterflies in my stomach when I jump over here to see what you've posted on. It's my favorite blog of the hundreds I've looked at. Literally, I reward myself for finishing my "to-do" list by reading your blog. Just wanted to tell you that. :)
    Be well today!

  135. Jerky Anonymous -
    I agree 100% with Emily. Though I don't know Jenny personally, it doesn't take much for me (or for most humans with souls) to recognize when someone is hurting and to understand that pain is universal. I too have a wonderful partner, a great job, a roof over my head and fresh delicious food to eat every day. So I guess that means I have no right to hurt or feel anything but shiny happy feelings 24/7, right? Wrong. I fell prey to that thinking at first too, but that's part of what kept me in such a hateful and painful place for so long. Practice empathy with yourself and others, and learn how full the world is of big fluffy hearts. We're rooting for you Jenny, and hope you continue doing what you do here!!

  136. So glad to hear you're seeing some light at the end of the tunnel! Also, your colour study is fantastic -- and works so much better in that space than the masterpiece you were considering.

  137. I hope you are taking a lot of time to heal and find peace. I am always so impatient for your next post, and you seem limitless in your creativity and projects (and time!). I've never thought how much pressure you must be under. You are only human! I hope you recover beautifully, and continue doing only the things that make you happy. Take care of yourself!

  138. Hi Jenny,
    I really like this project. Your gallery is comimg together nicely.
    I find this time of year difficult as well...taking down the Christmas stuff, my yearly review, and big new projects starting. It feels overwhelming and all I want to do is sleep.
    Obviously, do what's best for you, but please know your blog is bright spot in a dark month for me. It energizes me to tackle home projects, and the activity makes me feel better.

  139. I love that you shared this post with us. And I'm so sorry to hear about the "crash". Last year was a super weird year for me (baby #5 and house remodel #8). Talk about a crash. It wasn't pretty. It left me clinging to hope and feeling (still do) very fragile. I shut down my blog and have never looked back but! Can I just say how happy I am that you decided to continue blogging?!! I hope you find hope and healing soon. So glad you are sticking around. Hang in there.

  140. Thank you for sharing Jenny!
    Winter/house chaos/broken all seems to show up at the same time sometimes in various forms. I'm so sorry you're going through a valley right now. In a society where we've trained ourselves and each other to only show the "highlight reel" of our lives with pretty designs, pictures, and places we've been, it's nice when us humans can encourage each other with reality that it simply isn't altogether all the time. I just want to encourage you with a scripture that often comforts me from a God who created you and loves you. "...casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by our brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." 1 Peter 5:7-10 There's obviously lots of layers to scripture, and it starts with getting to know Him to be able to understand them for what they are, but anyway, I hope you're encouraged that you're not alone and He loves you and hears you, and you have a fabulous fan/support base here! Thank you for your always inspiring and beautiful designs!

  141. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I'm an artist, high school art teacher, wife, and mother to three boys. Your projects inspire me more than any other blog out there. Your use of color and the way you place things together have inspired me to redo little corners of my own home. Thank you for sharing your own struggles. We are all human and one thing we all share are the complex emotions we all go through. You are not alone and I thank you for your honesty. Rest and recover, we'll be here when you return!

  142. I think your artwork is a masterpiece. I would not replace it because it will remind you that God got you through a low point and that you came out stronger. You are so talented and think outside the box. God gave you those gifts, and I am glad you share them with us. I pray that 2014 will be one of renewal and refreshment in your mind, body, and spirit.

  143. Regarding your Rothko-inspired artwork, it looks great from my perspective. Sometimes we are the most critical of our own work, huh? I know I'm that way when I've done any DIY paintings.

    Regarding your funk, we all go through them now and then, I guess. I like that your blog mostly focuses on decor, but now and then a personal post helps us see that you're a real person, not an awesome decor & DIY robot! :) Like many others said, your blog is one of my few must-reads. You inspire me more than any other bloggers. You have great taste, and even your DIY projects always look top-notch ... not DIY'd! As a fan, I hope you'll continue to inspire us here with your blog. But if it's something you needed to end for your own sake, don't let us pressure you! What about posting less often? It seems like so many bloggers stress about posting every day. Even one Jenny post a week or every couple weeks would be great!

  144. Thanks for the honesty. Take your time and rest.

  145. I don't normally comment, but I wanted you to know that you're my favorite. I love this blog. I'm an overwhelmed SAH mom of 4 kids 5 & under. You inspire me to make things around me pretty and I leave your blog happy and hopeful. Thank you for all you put into this space. Hope 2014 brings some rest and healing your way. Good luck friend.

  146. Jenny, you are truly an inspiration and a breath of fresh air. I don't religiously follow many blogs, mainly my cooking blogs, but I always come back to see you and your blog:) Everything you post is always so dazzling, hip, fresh, and simply beautiful. We all have times of getting into a funk, more than I care to admit sometimes, but you seem like someone who is not going to give up that easily and for that and much more, you will always be something special!

  147. Jenny, you are truly an inspiration and a breath of fresh air. I don't religiously follow many blogs, mainly my cooking blogs, but I always come back to see you and your blog:) Everything you post is always so dazzling, hip, fresh, and simply beautiful. We all have times of getting into a funk, more than I care to admit sometimes, but you seem like someone who is not going to give up that easily and for that and much more, you will always be something special!

  148. I so admire all the work you do, thank you so much for your emotional honesty! All the best to you as you move forward.

  149. Love the painting and it looks really professional.
    Keep doing what you love because you love it xx <3

  150. Take things slowly and enjoy your day to day life. You have a beautiful blog and lots of admiring followers. Hope your arm is healing.

  151. Jenny, hope you can really rest and heal, in every way. You spoil us with your creative ideas and projects! We can wait. Enjoy your family, your lovely home and take good care of yourself for a while!

  152. I'm always so grateful to read your beautiful, uplifting and inspiring blog. It's the first blog I fell in love with and still read. Thank you for always sharing. I'm glad you are feeling a little better and hope you can continue healing physically,and emotionally. Enjoy your darling family and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

  153. Oh, I also forgot to say I LOVE the Rothko inspired art you did for this post. Your whole gallery wall is genius, colorful and happy. I think you show such courage in sharing your thoughts on your blog! I hope you take it easy for awhile and really nourish yourself.

  154. YOU CAN DO IT!

    Remember that Barbie song from the '80s?

    "You are the best! You can do anything! You can be anything you wannnnna be! You are a smile! You are a rainnnnbow…". You are!

  155. It's wonderful that you could find a little therapy in your paints. Moving and starting over again, as exciting as it all is, is hard work, never mind when you take on the renovation of a house yourself whilst mothering three little ones. Your projects are always fun to read about, and we're here whenever you feel like blogging, so take care of yourself!

  156. Jenny:
    First let me say that you amaze me! I can't believe how hard you work and how much you accomplish with such incredible style. And then when I found out you have three young kids and a husband that works all of the time, I was totally blown away. I love reading your blog and seeing what you're up to -- even if it makes me feel like a slouch :) I totally struggle to keep up with my little blog with young children and lots of house projects. Thank you for sharing your story. Please know that you can let go a little bit and we'll still all be here (and will still be amazed) even if you post less. Best wishes on your recovery. Gwen

  157. After a long hiatus of reading design blogs, I decided I needed inspiration for DIY's and design right before the holidays (at the end of a long, disruptive flooring installation) and came back to LGN to find you'd moved cross country and had posted loads of new content. Thank you for helping me kick my home improvement and design doldrums and to take some design chances I wouldn't have done otherwise.

    Thank you. I hope you heal well and do continue posting when you can.

  158. Personally, I love it. I think you did a fantastic job, and that it looks great on your gallery wall.
    Glad to hear things seem to be looking up!

  159. I think you are an amazing talent, Jenny. Not only in the things you dream up but in the way you execute your ideas. You just knock it out of the park time and time again. My sister and I both regularly read your blog and whenever we are catching up over dinner we always get our own work/life/other news out of the way and then go right to what's new with you. :)
    That said, life can get so intense sometimes. I would guess that most of your readers know exactly how you feel. If they don't, they will someday. Just because you CAN do it all doesn't mean that you HAVE to, so don't be shy in asking for help from family and friends! Take time to recuperate and go at the pace that works best for you.
    Lol- don't worry about us- we are lucky to have plenty of your archives to inspire us and we'll use that inspiration to get moving with our own work in the meantime.
    Warm wishes!!

  160. Hello, I ran across your site. You are quite talented with your creativity. How wonderful. I see you mentioned about a funk and something makes me want to write to you. We redid our floors and added new shelving. I suddenly was in a funk, had low brain wasn't working right. I needed a lot of sleep. Through what we knew to be God's discernment we removed the shelving and put an air purifier in the house. It was as if the fog was gone. We all instantly felt better and the symptoms disappeared. The chemicals can really affect (or is it effect) a body. Please check that out. I hope you are doing better.

    Best wishes,

  161. Jenny, please take care of yourself!

    As loyal readers of your blog, we will be happy with whatever and whenever you post. :)

  162. I love Rothko! Perhaps emulate him one more time by creating something truly massive? I once saw several Rothko paintings in Barcelona, Spain, and I felt dwarfed by them. One painting easily spanned about 3 stories. Incredible... a huge painting for your music room?

    So glad you had a brighter-than-yesterday day!

  163. I love to appreciate your blog in which you are updating it regularly. Thanks for sharing.

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  164. Jenny, I have been following your blog for almost a year now, but I have never commented on it, or any other blog for that matter. I am an interior designer by trade, but when it comes to my own home I'm all about DIYing! When I read about your little "funk" I could so relate as I was just coming out of my own. All week you have been on my heart, and I just wanted to write in tell you even if you never added another thing to your blog, it would still be the best source of creativity and information that I have come across. Your laundry concrete countertop inspired me to redo our entire kitchen countertops with the Ardex feather finish (we just purchased a new home that came with teal laminate countertops that were popping up everywhere from water damage)----I absoutely love them, and If I knew how to I'd post you before and after pics---next I plan to tackle painting the cabinets---of course using all your experiences and recommendations! Anyway, thank you for sharing your talents with the world---and trust me, you have a God-given talent in all areas of design---but especially with color! Lastly, I wanted to leave you with a Bible verse that has helped me in my "funks"--Matthew 11:28-30, Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Thanks again for your generosity and your honesty, Brenna

  165. So glad to hear you're starting to feel better. Wanted to know what a positive influence you are on so many. Sending healing thoughts your way!

  166. So happy that you are to continue your blog, and never let anyone pressure you against your dreams and hopes.

  167. Jenny,

    I have only commented a time or two but I just have to tell you how amazing and inspiring your blog has been for me! I often find myself thinking "wwjd?" when I'm decorating my own home. It's been so fun following you and I feel like we're old friends which is kind of creepy for you I'm sure! I always marvel at how insanely productive you are so it's nice to see you are human too, although I am sorry you're going through such a difficult time. I wish you all the best and I hope you take care of yourself, whether you continue blogging or not! xoxo

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  169. Just found your blog a while ago, and I must say I love all the content, the DIY's and the design ideas!
    Hope you feel amazing soon and thanks for this post.

  170. Dear Jenny,

    It feels weird to write to you because you don't know me, but yet you are such a bright spot in my day.

    Please, take of yourself. Your health (physical and emotional) and that of your family are the highest of priorities, that should be understood by everyone.

    It's exhausting to be going through a hard time and have to front otherwise.

    As a strong, smart, successful (not to mention wildly talented) woman, you have inspired me to take charge of my own happiness (if only I had the talent!).

    I just wanted to send you my best.

    Take care!

  171. When you publish a new post, I get seriously excited. Your DIY is the best on the web - it is SUPER stylish and actually affordable. I can't think of anyone else that is actually successful at doing both.

    Thank you for all your hard work, and I am so so happy to hear you'll continue.

    Best wishes for 2014!

  172. This is beautiful!

  173. From a 60 year old fan that loves everything you have shared/posted....I think you are adorable and smart beyond words!!! Feel better soon!

  174. Jenny,

    You were one of the first blogs I discovered and one which encouraged me to start one of my own.

    Take care of yourself and your beautiful family.

    Your beautiful spirit, projects and enthusiasm brighten many a day. Looking forward to more.

  175. You did a beautiful job, and there is absolutely nothing lame about copying a famous artist! It's called a pastiche and famous artists did it/do it with other famous artists/periods all the time! :)


  176. You did a beautiful job, and there is absolutely nothing lame about copying a famous artist! It's called a pastiche and famous artists did it/do it with other famous artists/periods all the time! :)


  177. I am so glad you are feeling better! I love your beautiful painting and that you did it for you! I hope you will do more things for just you, I think that is a beautiful thing especially that you honored that.

    I am so happy you have decided to continue your blog. I have gained much inspiration from it and learned so much that I feel that I just might be able to do some projects myself where before I was not sure.

    So thank you for being you - a wonderful, creative inspiration to myself and all!

  178. your blog is a treasure. You provide inspiration and you are a wonderful teacher. I have learned so much from you. Thank you for sharing your talent and energy. hope you can feel the love!!!

  179. your blog is a treasure. You provide inspiration and you are a wonderful teacher. I have learned so much from you. Thank you for sharing your talent and energy. hope you can feel the love!!!


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)