Instagram Inspiration: Angela from The Painted House

If you're looking for someone seriously fabulous to follow on Instagram, Angela from The Painted House is your girl. She has a phenomenal artistic eye. She is in the process of finishing a new house and I am so, so inspired by all of her choices. Angela is an amazing decorator, but it's been so great to see what she decides to do with the bones of her home. I love how she puts an edge on classic design details.

Here are some of my recent favorite instagrams:

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I love the clean and modern look she did in her kitchen. And what a great color! 

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Gah! That stair rail is SO cool!

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This paneling is perfection.

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As is the moulding on this ceiling.

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With the perfect light fixture!!

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Speaking of light fixtures. Look at this giant chandelier!!

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Angela spray painted it white herself. Such a statement against her dark walls!

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And I can't even handle how perfect her fireplace surround is in every single way. I have dreams of that amazing marble.

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So happy to be insta-stalking you, Angela. Your house is stunning!


  1. yes this is amazing and you are doing a great job. Love it. Landed here and so glad I did. Will definitely stayed tuned.

  2. I love, love, love Angela. Not only is she creative and super-talented, she is one of the friendliest bloggers out there. So glad you've highlighted her, Jenny!

  3. Instagram can be such an amazing source of inspiration. Angela's feed looks awesome.

    I actually just posted a piece on using Instagram and other blogs as travel inspiration.

  4. Wow! What a gorgeous home. Heading to IG to follow her now.

  5. Yep, Angela's the best. And here's a secret - she's just as sweet in person as her designs are amazing. Next time I'm in Atlanta, I pretty much invited myself over. ;) So glad you featured her!!

  6. Wow! That chandelier!! I will definitely look her up on IG.

  7. I love that stair rail- like giant paperclips! And love the chandelier.

  8. holy goodness . . . im speechless . . . all those marble counters and sinks .... THANK you for telling us about her! I am away to stalk now :)

  9. her new house is INSANE. i love her design eye - it reminds me very much of your's!

  10. I found her blog but I totally can't find her on pinterest! What is her name on it?? (& there's no "pinterest" button on her blog!)

  11. You already know how I feel about Angela. I feel pretty excited about the fact that I've seen this place in person. Now to go back and see how the magic had evolved.

  12. Hi Jenny, Is her ig tag ThePaintedHouse? Ridiculous but I can't find it on ig

    Thanks for the heads up!

  13. Um, yeah.
    Me = Insta-stalker

  14. I can see why you like it - it reminds me very much of your house/style! (In the best way.)

  15. Instagram is my total favorite. Thanks for sharing another person I'll be excited to stalk. :)

  16. LOVE angela! Thanks for sharing her with all! Her blog is also wonderful, and her humor… spot on! One of my fave posts chats about how she has a bust in her home which sports a maternity bra. Here is her blog link:
    thanks again, Jenny!

  17. High 5 for insta-stalkers! I love the gold-ish hook hadles in the bathroom.
    Thanks for sharing another inspiration to follow.
    Chelsea Domestic Cleaner

  18. Thank you, thank you, Jenny, for such a sweet and surprising post! Truly, I can't tell you what a pep talk this was for me. The remodeling process was kind of lonely in the way that there was little time for me to blog and bounce ideas off like-minded people, and no way was there any face-to-face time with designer friends during the last few months. I barely had time with my family! So the encouragement from my friends on Instagram through the snippets I posted along the way WAS HUGE in helping me power through and feel like I might be doing some things right. And, that you feel it appeals to a larger audience, wow, encourages me so much.

    And to my generous friends here, Ashley, Kathy, Christina, Darlene, who left such sweet comments on this post and who have been tireless cheerleaders to me on Instagram through the remodel, thank you!!!

  19. Aghhhh--houses like this make me want to start from scratch! That light fixture!!

  20. I am not on nstagram..gasp..giggle. Looks like I am missing out on some great things being shared.I invite you to share this post at my Thursday Favorite Things blog hop ( you can link up through Saturday) Hugs!

  21. It is amazing, such inspiration! Those sinks and vanities are awesome. Love her ceiling treatments! xo Nancy

  22. I loved your interview!! I am sad to hear you have been struggling with infertilty. I have too for the 3 past years, and I am coming to terms that I may not have more children (I have to boys, 6 and 5). I truly feel blessed for my family but sometimes I can't help feeling sad for the babies that won't come. I love love love your blog! Big hug!! S


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