The Well is No Longer

We have a giant ficus tree in the back yard that really needed a good trim because it was starting to touch the roof. We got a couple of bids (I was shocked at how much the price ranged!) and when the man we ended up hiring to do the trimming mentioned he did other types of removal jobs too, I got really excited.

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About 0.0001 seconds later I blurted out "I have a well!"

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Kyle took down the well's roof the same day and that ended up being the easy part. The brick base was really, really sturdy and completely full of dirt and very prickly plants. The girls spotted a little nest of (quail?) eggs though that was kind of cool. No scorpions that I could see, but there were a lot of spiders. Bleck.

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Kyle ended up having to use this little lifter machine thing to get the brick up and out.

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After seeing all the work that went into this one, I was glad we hired a pro to take care of removing the well (let me know if you want Kyle's contact info- he's great!). I'm not sure we would have even been able to do it ourselves without the serious machinery. 

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There's still a project for me here though - I need to pick up three or four rolls of sod now to fix the smallish hole we have left in our lawn. I'd take a dirt patch over a faux well any day though. :) 

(I can't believe it's gone! Yay!)

How was your weekend? Are you in the middle of any excited projects? I love hearing about what you guys have going on.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I bet your neighbors will thank you! ha!

  3. You are one step closer to creating the homes of your dreams! I couldn't help but think "Is she going to recycle the brick?" :)

    It was a true treat to meet you in person last Saturday Jenny. Thank you ever so much for your kindness.

    I am kicking off spring gardening week on my blog today. Today's post features images from the party.

  4. Hooray the well is gone!!!! My husband tackled some much needed garage work. We now have a collapsible work bench! So exciting I know but so much better than his tools sprawled around the inside of the house!

  5. Congratulations on the loss of your well; I have a basketball hoop that needs to go to the same place. we're working on painting bookcases doors and trim. We're having to fix others mistakes as best we can so it's going very slow. All weekend to prep two small rooms, and we're not done yet. Sigh. I know it will be worth it when we're done, but this is definitely the stressful part.

  6. Take that faux well!

    It looks so much better with it gone [surprise]. I could practically feel the twinkle in your eye when he said he removed things :p

  7. Quelle relief! One more down...

    xo Lily

  8. That looks so much better. What a big job. Once you see it on the truck it really hits you just how big that thing was.

    We finished our new built-in seating bench in our master bath this weekend.

  9. ugh goodbye ugly well! I never quite understand fake wells, fake stream beds, fake bridges in landscaping design. Especially in Arizona, it is a desert there!

  10. Sweet relief! Glad that's off your plate : )

    We planted balcony plants and flowers this weekend--so happy to have the place springified! It's so amazing what greenery can do for the spirit.

  11. It must feel awesome to be rid of that thing!

    My fiancé and I recently moved from Philadelphia to Seattle, and we are working on getting our guest room ready for the friends and family who will soon be visiting. I decided to go for a bit of drama and create a strong focal point with the Etched Arcadia Mural from Anthropologie. We have never hung any kind of wallpaper before...wish us luck!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Painting the exterior trim of our brick 2 story home. Dodging the rain to get it done. Love all your reno projects. I don't comment often but I am always here reading and learning from you.

  14. Ha dirt patch over a faux well is so much better. I'm glad it's gone!

  15. Wow! That's awesome! If you like this guy be sure to keep his info on hand. It can be hard to find people who can do these kinds of jobs, and be reliable.

  16. Ah, to have a Ditch Witch in my arsenal.... I have a ton of yard work to do and it seems like it would come in handy.

  17. I know you are excited! We just had our backyard flattened and a retaining wall put in. They "finished" last Friday. It's so nice to have a usable backyard now!

  18. ding dong the well is gone!

    I have been busily doing the Art Work for Young House Love's upcoming Showhouse
    (if you ever want to do a giveaway let me know)
    ...and actually... inspired by your Living room, I repainted ours SW "Sea Salt"( made in Benjamin Moore Pearl) ...and I LOVE IT!!!
    ...that was last we are at the beach for Spring Break and I am listening to the waves...ready for a nap...I can switch from productive to lazy with no trouble at all...

  19. How refreshing to tear that thing out! I'm mid-kitchen remodel and cannot wait for it to be complete!

  20. I agree. It’s wiser to remove the tree before it could actually touch your roof. Just the thought of the damage it can potentially cause should come along is enough to consider removing it as the best solution. Thankfully you found a pro to do these tasks. They just do everything faster and much easier for everyone.



I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)