Ramblings of a Sick Woman

Today there will be a blizzard and I don't care if we get snowed in.

We wouldn't have left the house anyway because I'm sick. I will be bundled up in my soft and warm bed all day, snuggling with my little ones (who are also under the weather).

Do your worst, blizzard! I have stacks of magazines and catalogs to read, plenty of shows to catch up on (LOST!!), and blogs, blogs, blogs! I swear it feels like I find three great new blogs every single day.

Here are some of the things on my mind and my desktop:

1. This image is free for download. FREE, I tell you! I'm printing it out for my bedroom because I love the colors that much. I love that it's moody and happy at the same time. And who doesn't love umbrellas?

image available on Oh Brooke!; saw it on Making it Lovely

2. Michael is a big steak sandwich fan. This is our favorite version to make at home and we will be partaking on Super Bowl Sunday. We like to add mushrooms to the mix, cause we're crazy like that.

3. I like the shape of this cork board from Vanessa at Turquoise LA. I don't know if she made it herself or not, but it would be easy to add your own cork to a non-square/rectangular frame. They sell rolls of cork at Target, Walmart and craft stores.

4. This apartment came up on NYC's craigslist and I freaked out. It's in our price range, two blocks to G's school and a five minute walk to Michael's firm. Of course it had already been leased by the time I called the management company, and I don't know what I expected to do anyway. We don't need a place for a few more months. It's probably not healthy for me to look at apartments until we are closer to the move. Can't you just see me living here? I can see me living here.

5. I would of course need a cool house key if I lived in a loft.

saw it on Glam Lamb
6. Style at Home has been knocking it out of the park for me lately. This entry is my OBSESSION. It sings to me. The leopard runner next to that antique oriental rug. The b/w ginger jar on top of the armoire. The frames stacked to the ceiling. The transom windows. The front door. The checkered entry floor. That lantern!!! Love it all.

7. From the same spread, a porcelain junky's dream:

8. Also, they had this clever idea for disguising a TV - use a dark wallpaper to make the screen less obvious. So pretty! And I love the green chairs.

So, what's on your mind today? Any fun plans for the weekend? If I get feeling better, there are some house projects that have been sitting on my to do list for far too long.

Happy Friday!


  1. The only thing on my mind now is that steak sandwich - that looks delicious and I've still got 1hr10mins until lunch!

    Well that and the fab appartment/loft, I'm trying to work out what furniture I would put where. We are looking to rent a new house at the end of March and I'm already looking, it's dangerous!

    Get better soon,

  2. We are expecting 2 feet of snow here in DC and I've got a stocked kitchen (including wine) and a stack of magazines and a new book. Family coming over to all ride out the storm together...I am oddly looking forward to being house bound.

    I like the TV idea...I did a post on how to conceal TVs earlier this week....this is another good idea.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. I love the way you feign illness.
    Do you love that Shell Silverstein poem "Sick"
    look it up and read it in bed, in between those stacks of magazines.
    feel better, and I hope you get your storm.

  4. you're funny- I love your slow down 'cause I'm in bed sick list. Hm. Sounds tiring. They used to have that corkboard in Ballard Designs. Feel better.

  5. I noticed that television solution too and thought it was supersmart. Style at Home is fantastic!!

  6. Hope you're feelin' better soon, but kinda glad it prompted you to post such great links!

    On my mind...I'm too prego for it to be this hot (Brazil), and need to at least get a tad started on the nursery before we back to The States for delivery. Eeek!

    Happy (Superbowl) Weekend!

  7. The same cork board is available from Ballard Designs. It is here-Belhaven Coark Board- $149


  8. I love the dark wallpaper! I will be baking and playing with the kiddies today! Feel better!

  9. You post the most beautiful things. After reading your blog, I'm always inspired to transform my little home into the cozy, fabulous, classy dream in my mind! It does take time, though, & good ideas! Which very often come from you! My husband knows your blog by name because I frequently tell him what you've posted as soon as he gets home from work :) // I hope that you & your little ones feel better soon! There is something cozy about being snuggled in when it's snowing... // On a random note, we're going to Stockholm, Sweden for Valentine's Day Weekend! I can't wait to see what goodies I find there. Maybe I'll be inspired by THEIR decorating styles too!

  10. Hope you get to feeling better! I really cant get over the last image, gorgeous.

  11. I hope you feel better soon! In the interim you have a great list of things to do while being sick!

  12. Oh love sorry you are all under the weather. Have fun bundling up in bed with stacks of magazines and some fun movies.

    Don't touch a thing on that to-do list! Just relax!

  13. We are packing for a trip to Florida...thank God, I am about to lose it with all this snow and cold! I think that NYC pad is pretty amazing, just think of all the things you could do with that space! feel better!

  14. Hope you feel better! We're doing the same in our house! Loved the loft... it would have been fantastic!

  15. Hope you feel better soon! I sure can't tell you feel under the weather because it was a great post with some great links! :-)

  16. Hadley Duncan HowardFebruary 5, 2010 at 11:23 AM

    The fantastic corkboard in #3 is from Ballard Designs. It was top of my list for Christmas, but it was just my luck that it's sold out, and customer service told my husband it's not coming back. (Hick! Sob!)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hadley Duncan HowardFebruary 5, 2010 at 11:30 AM

    No! I just checked Ballard and the corkboard is back! I've wasted no time this time -- my order is on its way. If you love this, definitely order soon; I guess it sells out quickly.

  19. Love that last idea of disguising the TV on the dark wallpaper. I am looking for a good disguise for my TV right now with not a lot of luck. Have a great day snuggling!

  20. That free photograph is amazing!! THANK YOU!!

    Gives a photographer like me plenty of inspiration and hope that I can be that creative one day! (smile)

  21. I hope you feel better! I love the umbrella wallpaper and that sandwich sounds just delish!

  22. Ok so if that place was in your price range, you are going to have a SWEET time in NYC. Very cool...and no you should start looking NOW for apartments--don't wait til the last minute or you'll be out of luck. It takes a while. I can't wait to see what you do with the place!

  23. I am sorry your feeling under the weather, clearly this illness has not skewed your design eye at all! All of these pictures are awesome, thank you for the umbrellas, great find!!! I also love that dark wallpaper!! Feel better!!

  24. You're sick and your post is still awesome. LOVE the foyer, LOVE the birdie wall paper and LOVE those keys. I posted them last week (I think I read about them in a mag) because I would love to wear on on a satin cord as necklace, just like the Tiffany keys! Do feel better-this blog is the bomb!

  25. Hope you and your little ones feel better soon!

  26. love those umbrellas + your blog. it is so cute! xo

  27. you crack me up with your apt hunting (btw: didn't realize you were moving, my bro is an apt broker in NYC if you need a contact)!

    we may be moving, too, in june. not sure where but I've already called on a few places, too. :)

  28. weather is not so bad here in Dallas, but I am sick too! Hope you feel well soon.

  29. I hope you feel better soon! I must admit I crave snow days at times as such a great excuse to bundle up and stay home! That apartment looks amazing.

  30. Wow! So many pretty images! Kind of makes me wish I was sick so I'd have an excuse to stay in bed and surf the net all day.

  31. I love the photo with the TV. I am forever lamenting the ugliness of TV, DVD player, DVD's, ROCK BAND!!! Seriously, what do you do with Rock Band drums and guitars when your husband likes to keep them out for easy access? I think maybe I need to make a screen just to hide that junk in the family room. Yes, note to self...

  32. I'm so sorry you are sick today, but I'm loving all of your finds. I've loved that Umbrella print since the first time I saw it. I'm from Seattle, so it kinda fits me. Those keys are so cool and that dark paper to hide the t.v., genious.

  33. Sorry to hear you are sick.

    I love that umbrella photo, but really want to know if it was photoshopped or if it is an umbrella store or... Inquiring minds what to know.

  34. I am home sick too! But a Mom doesn't really get a break though.

    Hope you feel better soon.


  35. How is it you deliver such a pretty post even when sick? Not to mention little ones under foot. Wow, I'm impressed!!

  36. Wow-that cabinet full of dishes is dreamy! Enjoy the snow (I love a good blizzard!)and I hope you and your family get well soon!

  37. the umbrellas are beautiful...i need to print those too.

  38. i'm sorry you're feeling under the weather but it sounds like you're keeping your spirits up! i would love for you to check out my blog if you have a spare moment. besides that, please try to enjoy the downtime with your kiddos and get healthy quick!

  39. I love your blog! You have such inspirational and creative ideas. :) I am looking forward to seeing what you'll do with a new place when you move!

    Hope you're all feeling better!

  40. LOOOOOOVVVING that umbrella photo!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! I'm printing it now :D

  41. That loft is AMAZING.....The dark floors and bright white walls and mouldings?! I'm in love.

    Love the umbrellas too.

    Hope you're feeling better!

  42. I hope you feel better soon. I'm on day 14 and am just NOW feeling better. I love your entryway with the leopard runner. I also have that same leopard rug as a runner in my stairwell. Take care of yourself!

  43. Jenny, weird question, but do you know a company that reproduces skeleton keys? All the locks to my house are skeleton, and I hate the thought of updating the hardware (plus, since I live in the middle of nowhere, I don't really need to for security concerns!). Any ideas would be great. I've struck out at hardware stores (including the big-box ones).

  44. Hey Jenny,
    I absolutely LOVE the pic of the umbrellas. You have such fabulous taste. I would love it for my hallway, but I would love a high quality print-out (as opposed to what I'd be working with on my own). Do you have any thoughts on where I could purchase a glossy version of that image? If you have a good DIY printing suggestion, I'd love to hear it though. I hope you feel better, and your baby is just gorgeous.
    Alexandria, VA


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