Winner: La Plates Give Away

And the winner of a set of four custom salad/dessert plates is Christy!

Christy, please email me with your contact information when you have a minute. Congrats!

Check out the La Plates blog for lots of fun pics of celebs that love La Plates.
This plate went to Gwyneth Paltrow's son, Moses.

And don't forget that LGN readers get 10% off La Plates plates, platters and placements using the code LGN10. Place your order before barbecuing and picnicking weather really sets in!!

Thanks again to La Plates.


  1. congrats christie!!! such a great giveaway!

  2. Congrats to Christie

    Kathy :)

  3. Yippee!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited...sent an email your way. Thanks so much!


  4. Jenny, did you ever get the bag you wrote about at Christmas and then re-posted when you saw it at La Plates? I'm curious if the shoulder straps are comfortable when there's very much stuff in it. Thanks!


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)