I'm feeling chatty today...

It's been cloudy all morning, and the rain *just* started to come down. Heather, my sister, who has been living with us all summer and who is going back to Utah tomorrow for her last year of undergrad (if the storm doesn't stop her flight), said 'Well, this is the beginning of the end.' She's hilarious.

My friends are all renting cars and going inland for the weekend. Between this hurricane on its way and the earthquake earlier this week - it's been a weird couple of days. There's a really weird vibe on the streets here.

I met up with some local blogger friends for dinner last night. We all talked about blogging and work and what's new in our busy lives. Then we talked about how scary the earthquake was, because who ever expects there to be an earthquake in New York City? I've never been in one before, so admittedly, my reaction was probably stronger than necessary (especially for you earthquake pros in California). But guys, the books on my bookshelves five feet from my desk were falling down. That's scary stuff in the moment.

And now the rain has come. It's pouring. One of my vintage furniture dealers upstate is emailing me to say that I need to come pick up a bench I bought right away because his store will probably flood. My neighbor is telling me to go to the Duane Reade if I need toilet paper and milk, because CVS is already pretty cleaned out. I can hear at least two ambulances. And I look down at my desk to see the Emergency Evacuation Strategy packet my building manager left at my door last night.

I have been so stressed about work lately - should I do this, and/or should I do that? Is this a worthwhile opportunity? How will this effect my family responsibilities? How will this translate on my blog? How can I pass that up?

Last night at that dinner, Abbey and I were talking about how during the earthquake we were both just thinking about our babies. It was such a heavy feeling. The responsibility of other lives - those little bodies that mean absolutely everything to me. I think we all had a shake up moment where perspective changed a little. Things that have consumed my thoughts lately suddenly couldn't have mattered less.

I'm going to call it a weekend. We'll hole up and make some yummy food, watch a couple movies, maybe paint a side table I picked up last Saturday... Hopefully, Monday I'll be back with a fresh attitude and some sunshine. I'm praying that the storm on Sunday is gentle for all of us.


  1. it is amazing how you think of your babies first...i am way down south from you, but felt it for sure. my couch was jumping up and down, and my first thought was grabbing my baby and running outside. i hope the hurricane is gentle too! best of luck to your family as you stay inside!!

  2. Wow, you do have a lot on your mind. I lived in Virginia a few years back and we lived through a tornado, I remember just thinking about my kids too at that moment. One was at middle school and they weren't released. The whole time I worried. But with faith and some trust, we all came out of it in one piece. It sure puts life in perspective when we go through experiences such as that. Enjoy your family time this weekend - you won't regret it :)


  3. You guys be safe and well over there Miss Jenny! Good thoughts coming for from the Pac NW :) ~Melissa

    P.S. LOVED the kids' room roundup you did the other day!

  4. stores are out of essentials, eh? sounds like Alabama the night before a "snowstorm!" stay safe! hurricanes are no fun.

  5. I live in the Bay Area and we had a tiny earthquake the other night (I think it was a 3.5?). I shot up in bed right before it happened with the strongest urge to go check on my little girl, sleeping in her crib in the next room. Then after the fact, even though it was a small quake and I've lived through them all my life, I couldn't fall back asleep -- I couldn't stop worrying about my kid. Such an overpowering feeling, being a mother. I feel for you east coasters having to deal with a scary, big earthquake!

    Thank you for this post. I love your blog and your ability to "keep it professional", but also infuse bits of your self. I hope this weekend turns out to be nice and calm for you and your family.

  6. I have had the same thoughts today! We live in Connecticut, and I was shaken up by the earthquake, only to be met by a hurricane a few days later? I'm worried and hope that I've prepared our home enough for whatever is coming. Anyway, let's hope for a sunny week after everything has passed!

    Be safe!

  7. Awww, I love this post! I hope you have all your essentials and enjoy the weekend with your sweet family.

  8. I'm with you! We live on Long Island so I'm trying not to panic. I guess we'll all just pray for the best and prepare for the worst. I think this is my first time commenting so I also just wanted to let you know I love your blog. Its the first one I check in the morning.

  9. I know what you mean, Jenny. Unforeseen events/happenings tend to draw us back to what's important. Recently, I had something happen that made me re-evaluate my priorities and hold my family a little closer. Take some time to decompress. Even God rested on the seventh day :D xo

  10. If you can, charge up ALL your batteries - cell phone, cd players, movie players. You'll need those batteries if your lights go out. Also, if you can, run to the store and get some comfort food - in case you are holed up for a couple of days. We always stock Nutella, cookies, instant coffee, and other yummy things that don't require a fridge. Lastly, fill up all the jugs/vases/bottles with water that you can. You never know when you'll need it. Best of luck Sugah! Our prayers are with you all. From, a seasoned Southerner

  11. Love the chatty you :) Perspective is great - my problem is holding onto that perspective for long enough.

  12. I'm on Long Island too and bracing for the worst. Thankfully I went to Stop and Shop at 7 a.m. today; I hear it's cleaned out now. It's just like when I lived in NC and there would be even a mention of fluffy white stuff. PANIC! But this storm does actually seem to be tracking for a direct hit here. Here's hoping any trees falling on my house land directly on my master bathroom! :) Stay safe.

  13. Hi Jenny, This has been a crazy week! I'm glad to hear you're taking a bit of time off to relax and spend time with your family - that's so important! Have fun and I'm looking forward to reading your blog again next week. :)

  14. Sounds very scary! Cuddle with the little ones and stay safe xoxo!

  15. That was a great post. It really puts things in perspective and it's nice to know that other folks out there are struggling to prioritize various opportunities, risks, and family obligations.

  16. Be safe and enjoy your weekend!

  17. Dude, this is what I love about your blog. You definitely have the content I love, but then you interject with real life and I like and appreciate that. Take care of your babies.

  18. Sounds like a wonderful plan... Have a safe weekend with your loved ones!

  19. Bracing for Irene. This is my grandmothers name! I am looking forward to being holed up at home with nothing else planned. Just praying for rain and no damage!

  20. Jenny, I can totally appreciate how you're feeling. I'm from the west coast of British Columbia and this is what I wrote when the Tsunami hit Japan... http://www.sheilazellerinteriors.com/articles/tsunami-in-japan-how-you-can-help
    There is no way to truly describe the sense of vulnerability one feels.
    Snuggle in close with your loved ones and enjoy your weekend family time!

  21. As one who has lived in Southern California all my life and experienced several major and tons of minor earthquakes, I can tell you there is no such thing as "getting used to" the ground and your whole house shaking. Earthquakes are violent and scary. Your reaction was totally normal. I'm so sorry you had to go through that and I hope the coming storm will be mild. Good luck and take care...

  22. Ummm... as a Californian "earthquake pro" let me tell you. It never gets less scary! I still burst into tears during every earthquake!

  23. Well, its the weekend! Keep the littles close by, hug eachother and be at peace with all of your blessings. Its not the end of days, but maybe it IS a good reminder to be thankful for the really important stuff and let the rest take the back seat where it belongs!

  24. I hope you and your family will be safe from the storm. Nothing like a natural disaster to help put your life in perspective.

  25. Definitely puts things in perspective, for sure. Stay safe this weekend!

  26. Hi Jenny... I understand what you mean about the way children change your perspective on life. Enjoy a relaxing weekend (hopefully the hurricane misses you) ... sending thoughts your way!

  27. I'm a reporter in Virginia and this week has been SO HARD. Your first instinct is to take care of your family but then you remember entire communities are relying on you for information about their safety. Very stressful! Do whatever you can to prepare for what you would do if you lost internet/cell service, in addition to power. Probably won't need it, but good to have a plan!

  28. I'm so happy to hear that quake shook some other people too (pun slightly intended), here in DC we're in the same boat. It's all about the family this week. In fact, just in case, today I put together a 'go bag'. Two possibly dangerous natural occurrences in one week is enough for me!

    Go bag checklist on my blog if you need one...

  29. I just moved to Cali from NC (and originally from DC) and can't believe all the crazy weather the east coast is having. Keep those sweet girls close and hope the weekend isn't as bad as they are projecting!

  30. I just moved to Belgium from Tokyo where we survived the mag 9.0 there just this past March, it was terrifying, I really thought I would die. I was home on the 28th floor of our apartment building and it swayed, creaked, cracked. Like being on a really rough sea. Then came the tsunami, thank goodness not in Tokyo, then the radiation issues which are ongoing as are the heavy aftershocks. A friend of mine moved back the NY recently from Tokyo, I immediately thought of her. And now the hurricane, my thoughts and prayers are with you all over there.

  31. That was a wonderful "chat"..:)Nothing is more important than family..sounds like you will be snug and safe in your home, and Sunday will be over with before you know it.

  32. Jenny-
    Thanks for putting your feelings out there. It is true that what we try to control can all suddenly be pulled out or shaken. I think these signs from Mother Nature are to find time to connect, to nurture and to take care of one another.
    The day we delivered one twin to his college, that was the earthquake day and in my mind, it was the big guy telling me to let go - to shake, rattle and roll with life.
    Pay attention to those little one's as the projects will always be there, but they on the other hand - grow fast and fly away-

  33. Jennica, go squeeze those cute girls and have a good weekend. It is amazing how we get caught up in the "thick of thin things." Thanks for the reminder of what matters most :) And you have such darling girls and are such a good mama. Love, Anna

  34. Praying for your peace. Hope your weekend turns out well.

  35. Peace and safety be with you and your family. We are fortunately spared here in Charleston, SC. This time.....

  36. good choice and the best to you--be safe!

  37. Crazy stuff up there! Odd thing was, I immediately thought of all my blogger 'friends' and hoped they were okay!

    Enjoy your weekend...and praying it's a safe one!

  38. I will be praying for you and your family! I know all about natural disasters (being on ground zero in Tuscaloosa when the tornado hit)! Stay safe!

  39. It is crazy how a few acts from Mother Nature can readjust our thinking & priorities. Totally hear where you're coming from Jenny! DC is feeling very similar to NYC. Stay safe.

  40. Jenny,
    I have been following your blog for a couple of years and really enjoy it. You have such an easy way of writing. I love your work also. It has given me plenty of ideas. I am sorry that a hurricane is headed your way, but you should know that there is no better city prepared to deal with disasters than NYC. We lived in NYC during Sep 11 and have an idea of what the city officials and the people are capable of doing. Hopefully the city won't get hit very hard. We also lived in the financial district and our ward was the 14 St. Ward. I am not sure what it is called now. I hope this hurricane does not scare you away from the city. It is the greatest place to be. Suburbia is no fun. It has a way of subduing the spirit. Stay safe! We'll keep you in our prayers.

  41. I've lived in the Midwest since I was in the third grade (California before that. What a change ^_^) and it's amazing--before the first big projected snowstorm of the year, everyone freak out and empties the stores. It's so nutty, it's like--you've lived here forever! You know what to expect and this snowstorm isn't exactly a surprise! :)

    I'm hoping everyone weathers the storm on the East Coast. My sister lives in Upstate NY and even they're projected to get some crazy storms spawned off of Irene. Best wishes from Iowa for all of you on the East Coast!

  42. I am from California,and am more afraid of Hurricanes. Bless everyone in the east coast and keep you all safe.

  43. praying for a gentle storm for you as well. stay in and enjoy a nice relaxing weekend. :)

  44. Hi Jenny! I can't imagine how hard it must be to prioritize all the opportunities you're blessed/faced with and to still balance all that with your family life.
    I've been finding it harder and harder to do anything blog related (and have cared less and less) since my 3rd daughter was born. Part of me wants to really dive in and see what I could achieve with my blog if I really work at it(could I turn it into something lucrative by the time all of my children are in elementary school and I'm ready to go back to work?) but a bigger part of me says it's not the right season of life for that right now and to just trust that the right opportunities will arise when the time is right...

    Anyway, hope you get plenty of time to hug those precious babies!


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)