Umbrella Stands

I can't complain too much about the weather. It's been a lovely and so mild fall/early winter. We still have had a lot of rain lately and have been getting a lot of use out of our umbrella stand.

I monogrammed this one a year or two ago, but I feel ready for a change. Especially since I am picking out fabrics to reupholster that little settee I bought a while back. Our whole entry is going to get a facelift.

I'm not totally sure what I want to do with my umbrella stand (and part of me just wants to buy a new one (like this one maybe?), but I saw this big storage box thing at the flea market last weekend and I was totally drawn to the pattern! Black and cream and gold?! Love. I think I cold recreate this pattern on my old stand. It feels so Italian and chic and modern.

Do you have any favorites I missed? I really love a good umbrella stand. I think it is such a fun accessory for an entry, especially when filled with pretty umbrellas.


  1. Oh, I love the owl! How cute. You could even give it some pop with a fresh coat of paint.

  2. I collect little owl trinkets and found that owl umbrella holder at marshall's one day for $13!!!

    It makes me smile every time I walk in the door; I love it and the idea of painting it from the previous commenter!

  3. i snagged that asian-inspired one at marshall's the moment i laid eyes on it, and i loves.

  4. i also have the owl umbrella stand from marshall's, and i've seen it there recently (in colorado, at least), so it might still be available.

  5. I had an umbrella stand years ago, much like the blue and white one on your post...I got rid of it! Now I live in an apartment, no garage, and NEED an umbrella stand. Grrrr, but on the bright side, I'm inspired! thanks!

  6. I love the owl. I was just bidding on one on eBay and dropped out when it was over $50 + shipping. Now I'm off to Marshall's to see if I can find one for $13! Thanks for the tip ladies.

  7. Elle decor has a round up up of umbrella stands and a few have your name written all over them i think!
    Design sponge has a list of some neat ones too

  8. The koi one on Matter of Style Marketplace right now! I am in love with it, but expensive ceramics and little boys don't mix...

  9. Love the owl! But.. I have a thing for owls, so my opinion is biased. Really interesting pattern you're contemplating. I'd go for it! It would be so easy to do with a roll of tape and three tubes of paint :)


  10. I love the monogrammed umbrella stand. I wish it rained more here in Arizona so these would be more practical for me to have one!

  11. I fell for the white owl,and actually bought it! But for the whole other purpose - I keep my bread in there! Weird,huh? But it looks so great on my counter, and most importantly it WORKS for me!
    That Owl-mania surely got to me too.

  12. That red umbrella is super cute


  13. Go ahead and laugh: I have a beautiful blue and white chinoiserie one and it's kept in my guest bath as a toilet paper holder. I can stack 5 rolls in it and it's within easy reach for guests yet semi shielded from direct view. Saves people from having to look under the sink for a spare roll.


  14. I have a big steal vintage milk can that my grandmother painted and then did something similar to decoupage to create a little Amish couple snuggled up under an umbrella. While it doesn't "go" with our interior aesthetically, I remember adoring it as a child and just love having it now. A cherished keepsake for sure.

  15. I'm not joking when I ask, can I buy your old one? Re-do-part-deux?

  16. Love the owl!

    I don't have an umbrella stand, but I really need one for the all of the umbrellas needed for all rainy British weather!

  17. Funny, I am on the hunt for an umbrella stand as well. I was thinking of DIYing one with some marbelized paper.

  18. I have been hunting stands too! Love the pattern - totally you - I say go for it. Where is the bamboo one from?

  19. Don't change it! I adore the one you did!!! It's not like any other. I guess I'm in the minority on this, but I think the owl is overdone. Just my opinion.

  20. No real opinion here. You just brought back a memory of a stand my parents had, made of patinated brass, in the shape of a somewhat open umbrella. My father found it impractical but Mom and all us kids thought it was "neat"...

  21. No real opinion here. You just brought back a memory of a stand my parents had, made of patinated brass, in the shape of a somewhat open umbrella. My father found it impractical but Mom and all us kids thought it was "neat"...

  22. I have been in love with that owl umbrella holder for a long time! Living in Arizona I don't really need one though :(

  23. I love items repurposed for umbrella stands. Currently, we have an antique metal milk jug and it's so fun. It's black, but I've been considering painting it a more fun color.

  24. have you heard of purewow? Its a great little daily email sending you the latest trends and info! Well, they did one today on umbrella stands, how funny! Cute post, btw!!

  25. I made my own from an old trashcan someone had thrown out.

    Here's mine:

  26. I have the boots one from Z gallerie and I love it. (And the best part is that it can be used as a huge vase too)

  27. Just saw this and thought of you!
    I still like the one you did best though.

  28. I have had this white boot umbrella stand from Z Gallerie on my wish list for 3 years! I just need to go ahead and buy it.

  29. I had to check E-Bay to see if I could find my mother's old umbrella stand. I came close (Mom's was a bit more refined and had a less in your face handle), and while I would not want it now, it was a fun trip down memory lane!


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