Vintage Scarf Pillow

Last weekend I found this amazing vintage Gucci silk scarf at the flea market. It had been ingeniously sewn into a pillow.

I am so inspired by the way they folded up the corners and sewed in a zipper diagonally. SO great, right?

The colors in the pattern are so incredible in person, and of course I love the drafting tools!

I want to pick up another pretty vintage scarf or two and try to make a pillow in the same way. I did a round up of some pretty scarves on etsy that caught my eye. Check them out here.

(PS Please send happy thoughts my way! Today we're flying to Hawaii with SEVEN kids under the age of six. Heaven help us, and grant our fellow passengers plenty of patience (and good noise-canceling headphones!).


  1. Love the pillow. What a great find. Safe travels - 7 children??? Brave lady.

  2. Love the pillow. I have 3 vintage Vera scarves that I have been wondering how I will use.

  3. I've notice some similar pillows made out of silk scarves lately. I think yours is very pretty and I love the drafting tools too! What a nice flea find! Good luck with the flight. I hope its stress free!! You'll be relaxed once in Hawaii!! Have fun :)

  4. You are a brave woman! Blessings over your trip and may your memories be amazing. Soak up some sun for your pasty legged friends!

  5. Amazingly beautiful. Hawaii will be worth it...good luck!

  6. Wow. I can't get over that pillow! What an incredible scarf, and you're right...the assembly is genius!
    Have a great trip!

  7. Love the detail of the diagonal zipper, as always thanks for sharing Jenny! Safe travels :)

  8. Safe travels!!! Take a lot of movies!! I love the pillow!!! Have a wonderful vacation.

  9. That pillow is one of the awesomest things I've ever seen:)Have a safe trip and a wonderful time, blessings to you guys!

  10. Yes, that is seriously genius they way it was sewn up in the back! My lines could never be that straight, sigh...

  11. What a find! Those colors are so YOU. Good luck with the flight — at least you have something great to look forward to at the end of it!

  12. what a great find! I love that diagonal zipper too!

  13. Wow - that's beautifully detailed. It seems like such a simple construction method.

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. I love this idea! One of Kind is always the best choice!

  15. that is simply gorgeous and such an amazing idea! If I was any good t sewing I would definitely give it a try!

  16. genius! I love this pillow.

  17. That Gucci pillow is amazing and I love how the zipper is on the diagonal - pure genius! Have a wonderful and safe vacation! Cynthia

  18. i did this with my scarves too, but left them the original size-30x30! they are big, and make such a great statement. i got the idea from kelly bennsimons house on the RHNYC

  19. What a great idea! Now I want to make a pillow out of a scarf. Why didn't I think of this before? :)

  20. love!!!

    Also, I am currently hosting a giveaway on my blog! I am giving away TWO $50 gift cards to! Enter to win!

  21. I have so many beautiful scarves I inherited from mom in law, that I don´t use. This would be ideal. Enjoy your holiday in Hawaii. Hope the 7 kids let you have a rest!!

  22. Fantastic! Been wanting to do this. Please post a how-to when you do this!
    Enjoy the trip!

  23. Brave, Brave, Brave! Enjoy your travels!!! I love the drafting tools! Neat idea with the zipper!


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