An Update: We Made It!!

Greetings from my local internet cafe! After a whirlwind weekend, we have officially moved to Brooklyn!

Friday a photographer and stylist came over to take pictures of the loft (more on that soon!!). We finished at about 4 or 5 pm and then the packing began. We packed all Saturday and bright and early on Sunday, the movers showed up to load all our furniture and boxes. They ended up running out of room on the truck so we had to finish up with a Uhaul. I might never buy another solitary thing again. Ever. Why do we have so. much. STUFF!?! I feel like a stoop sale is in my future. I have more chairs and lamps and mirrors than any family could ever need. Any takers?

We finished unloading at about 3 am last night and we are beat. (Shout out to my sister, Heather, sister in law, Kenzi and brother in law, Matt - thanks for sticking it out with me and Michael, guys!!) The house is in a state of pure chaos because the painters are still working, which makes it hard to unpack, but overall I am happy with how things are moving forward. There are so many fun, exciting projects coming. :)

Speaking of paint, I thought I'd give you a little update on paints. Last week while we were crazily prepping for the photo shoot, I swung by the house to throw up some samples. I took this photo when the paint was still pretty wet, which was totally a rookie mistake. The pale blue sample is the Farrow and Ball Cabbage White that I have been obsessing over. It looked much more blue than I was expecting. When I came back the next day, the color had dried into a really lovely, fresh color. Much less baby blue and a little lighter. Very airy and totally PERFECT.

I picked a fun color for the girls room too- a pale lilac called Arctic White. I love it with these pinks and poppy reds.

Also making an appearance in the house - Farrow and Ball's Pink Ground, Down Pipe and Off Black (on the doors!!!). Stay tuned for the play by play. I've been taking photos of everything!



  1. Can't wait to see it all come together. Moving totally blows, but the end result is usually worth it!

  2. I am really loving the pale lilac with the bright pink paint strip. It will be beyond fun to watch you show us your progress on your new place.

  3. Looking forward to seeing the updates! Did you ever decide on the floors?

  4. Looking forward to seeing the updates! Did you ever decide on the floors?

  5. Really excited to read about your new place! I love seeing before and afters.

  6. Sounds exhausting! I can't believe you packed in such a short time span! Kudos to you and congrats on your new home! I wish you and your family all the happiness in the world in your new space!

  7. I remember that SO well about moving -- it makes you not want to own things ever again!!

    Cannot wait to see how everything unfolds, I am so excited!!!

  8. Moving is rough. I always feel unsettled until art is on the walls. I love the cabbage white. I was hoping you would choose that one:) the nice thing is, it'll look stunning with light or dark floors (I vote for dark, but I'm not the one who has to clean them:)

  9. You are SUPER woman! Good luck getting settled.
    Enjoy your new home!

  10. My kitchen cabinets are FB down pipe and I LOVE it!

  11. My kitchen cabinets are FB down pipe and I LOVE it!

  12. How exciting! Can't wait to see if all come together!

  13. I would DIE to own any of your incredible lamps or accessories Jenny! yess to the stoop sale :) so excited for all your upcoming projects!!

  14. OOOooohh....cannot wait to watch the progression. In regards to STUFF... it is unbelievable, especially when you have young kids. Every time I fill a car with "stuff" to drop here or there I am just disgusted with our consumerism!

  15. Yay! So much exciting stuff going on for you! Can't wait to read all about the projects.

  16. What an exciting time in your life. I have always wanted to live in NY city so I love your slices of life from there.
    Can't wait to see what you do with your new home. Congrats on the move.

  17. Recently experienced packing and moving to a little town 6 hours away, much kudos for packing everything in one day!

  18. We have BM Super White on all our trim, doors, and cabinetry and we LOVE it. It's crisp and sharp. In our previous home, we had a warm white and I always felt that it was yellowing or I had to clean it.

    I've been looking for a pale gray-blue for the bedroom. I'll have to try out FB Cabbage White.

  19. Are you kidding?! I would rent a U- haul myself & drive all the way to Brooklyn from Texas just for the chance to grab a few of your cast-offs! I love this blog. It's pure inspiration.

  20. Yes please for the stoop sale!! I will be there, welcome to Brooklyn!

  21. yesssss! can't wait to see the play by play.

  22. Can't wait to see your new place! I used BM Super White in our recently renovated home, on all the trim & several rooms. It's definitely a brighter white, but just the crisp look I wanted. I don't think you would be disappointed if you go with that BM color.

  23. Gorgeous choices. We also moved not long ago and went through the process of selling tons on eBay, choosing paints and flooring etc.
    Now that we are in the new place I have started collecting furniture again... cannot help myself.

  24. Brooklyn Heights is an AMAZING neighborhood. Enjoy your new apartment as well as the area. YES please for the stoop sale :)

  25. Happy to hear you all made it to Brooklyn in one piece!
    Now, please do give us the scoop on that office chair - it's totally stealing the show in that first pic!

  26. I absolutely LOVE F&B off black. I love all the choices you are making thus far! Cannot wait to see the reveals. Good luck and congrats!

  27. I just moved too and despite declaring that I will never buy another thing again, if you have a stoop sale, I'm very much there.

  28. Jenny, what paint company makes Arctic White? I'm trying to find a pale violet paint to match with pinks and reds for our baby's nursery. BM Polar White seemed like a good contender, but it is too white.

  29. I love the pale lilac for the girls rooms! That is going to be very pretty, my room was painted in pale lilac growing up too

  30. Thanks everyone! So excited to finally be in here. Woke up early and picked up bagels from the little famous place around the corner, and now I'm working on the back deck while the painters do their thing. My arms and back are thankful for the short break from lifting more furniture and boxes! :)

    Emily - It's Ben Moore also! The next one down on the card, just below Arctic White is also really lovely, if you're wanting to go a little more on the purple. The Arctic White is pretty pale in a room that gets a lot of light, but I wanted more subtle here.

  31. Jenny, I have PTSD just reading this! We've moved four times in the past 10 years (and six times in the decade before that). It's the weirdest mix of excitement and stress anyone can go through. Looking forward to all your wonderful updates to come! - Paige

  32. super exciting about the move! & I'm always down for a good BK stoop sale ((;

  33. Please, please, please have a stoop sale once you are settled! Us Brooklyners would line up for it!

  34. I think picking paint colors is def the most fun thing about moving! I love all your choices.
    Oh, and I would totally crash whatever stoop sale you had!

  35. Congratulations on completing the move! It is amazing that you got so much done in such a short amount of time! Packing up everything in just 1 day! Wow!

    I hope you take some time to slow down and rest some before you are back at your regular pace :)


  36. Yay! Congratulations on making the move! I love the colors you picked out... especially the light lilac & poppy shades! So pretty. I recently painted my studio al ultra light blue and it's amazing how much it has transformed and freshened up the room. I'm excited to see your home as it transforms!

  37. I have FB off black doors and I love them. Congrats on the move, looking forward to seeing all of your projects, I'm sure they'll be phenomenal.

  38. Congratulations!! And YES YES YES to a stoop sale! Keep us posted!

  39. Congrats! Can't wait to see how the new space looks. If you do have a stoop sale, PUHLEASE let us know! I definitely need a mirror :)

  40. Can't wait to see the off black doors. You were kind enough to respond to my email about painting my trim all black and recommended keeping the white trim but painting all the doors black. I've yet to start on the project (maybe when things start cooling off in the Fall). I'm so excited for your move and can't wait to see what you do once you are settled in!

  41. Oh please have a sale! I'd be all over that! And welcome to Brooklyn, it's so wonderful here!

  42. Swoon! I will be following your every decorating move. (And rocking bathroom update too. Love your take on nautical. You make a small space sing.)

  43. Welcome to Brooklyn!! Can't wait to see what you do with the new place.

  44. Welcome to the best side of the bridge! Can't wait to see your new digs.

  45. I'm sure you won't have a shortage of takers if ever you wanted to downsize from some of your lovely 'stuff'. Count me in, but alas, I'm not in the USA. Sigh.

    I can't wait to see how you're going to pull this altogether; paint, floors, backyard etc. Especially, the backyard. My favourite space of any home.


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