Cleaning up our wooden doors

This post is part of an ongoing series presented by Lowe's. Never Stop Improving.

Apparently the sliding doors in our living room that go out to the deck were installed about 15 years ago. The wood was never sealed or painted, so it was pretty dirty when we moved in.

Here's what it looked like when the bachelors lived in the house. Nothing like vertical blinds! ;)

In my original plan for the living room, I was going to paint the sliding doors black to match all the other interior doors in the house. But then the wood started growing on me (it sort of starting reminding me of the limed paneling in this favorite room). Plus the bookshelves are going to be framed out in black moulding, so I thought the contrast of stained wood and painted wood would be nice. Kind of what the mirror is doing here in my mock up.

I started by using a medium (and the fine) sanding block. It was easy to really clean the wood up! I love fast, rewarding projects like that!

After cleaning off all the sawdust, I wiped on some low gloss tung oil. I didn't want to change the color of the wood or the sheen, I just wanted to protect it and just make a little more finished.

See the difference? The tung oil is on the top half.

The putty color of the door hardware was bothering me so I thought about spraying them both with oil-rubbed bronze, but there wasn't an obvious way to take the hardware off. So I sanded the pulls a little bit, put on a rough coat and then a final coat of flat enamel (which is a hard-wearing oil-based paint.)

One of my cheater paint tips is to hold up a freezer bag instead of using painters tape. Fast and easy! And I like the way the black looks on the wood. I'll probably seal the pulls in a couple of days to give them extra protection.

It was an easy morning project to sand and seal the doors (with two coats) and paint out the hardware, but I think it's made a huge difference in the room. (I'll take off the screen door in the winter so we can get full sun.)

I'm usually all for painting out wood trim, but sometimes it just works. And if down the road I decide to paint the doors black, it's still an easy option. Now, I can't wait to hang roman shades and crown moulding and art and lighting, etc, etc, etc...


  1. Jenny! It already looks gorgeous and lived in, as if you've been there for a few years. Beautiful!

    Live Inspired,
    Heidi Chamoun

  2. I can't believe you've been there less than a month! I'm going to selfishly hope there is a pile of stuff just off camera ;) The door frame looks a million times better - updating the hardware helped a ton too.

  3. you have done wonders in the short time you've been there. my kinda girl. if a project is waiting, get it done!!

  4. It looks beautiful. And your bookshelves look smashing. Can't wait to see more pics!

  5. I am so excited about your new place! I can't wait to see everything that you are doing! Seriously if I only have time to read one blog each day it is yours; this reno is getting me inspired to finish my house! Keep the up date coming! The doors look awesome!

  6. Oh my, I am so in love what I am seeing right now! I must see more pictures of this space and this beautiful patterned sofa ASAP! :-)

  7. Oo I love seeing a sneak peek of your place, and your right. The doors are really a great shade of wood- the contrast will be really nice!

  8. Wow! I can't believe you have been there for only a couple of weeks...looks great already! Love the doors and may have to buy some of that Tung Oil for some unfinished wood projects I have going on.

  9. ohmygoodness you are killing me!! I can not WAIT to see more of your new home!!! So fascinating to me, since I live in a 1950's ranch in the south! LOVE seeing your lifestyle and beautiful home! Than you!

  10. Oh, it looks great so far. Can't wait to see more. I really like that you kept the wood. I think it just feels good to be in a room with some "natural"-type elements. And the bookshelves are fantastic. We need that kind of space for books in our house!

  11. Can you share what fabric is on that pattered sofa? I can't get it out of my head since I saw your post this morning. :-)

  12. It's all coming together SO fast! You're a Wonder Woman!

  13. I hate the gawd awful vertical blinds. We are living in a rental at the moment - and they were on both sliding doors in the sunroom - ughhhh!

    Amazing how everything was opened up in your space by taking them off and cleaning up the wood etc!! Gorg job!

  14. Wow, it's coming together so fast! Impressed!

  15. Looks like you've decided to drywall the nook and add a mirror?

    your posts always seem to be so helpful and timely. My mom has a window that's currently trimmed in un-finished wood. Now I know exactly what to do with it!

  16. love what you've been up to, and sooo jealous of your gorgeous chesterfield, swooning over here!

  17. love what you've been up to, and sooo jealous of your gorgeous chesterfield, swooning over here!

  18. Looks so good! Love your little design board too. :)

    I love your Eclectic Style. It's stunning. All of your pieces look so good together. Can't wait to see the finished product!


  19. So much done already! I can't wait to see the bookshelves head on.

  20. Hi Jenny--Reading your posts about your move/new place (looks great btw!) have me wondering if you have any tricks or tips on making sense of all the stuff we tend to accumulate as one moves around. We just moved out of state, and I'm particularly overwhelmed by all the stuff we rarely, if ever use (read: like 20 wine glasses). I'm no pack-rat, but it can be really hard to know what to keep/what to get rid of, especially when you know you'll continue to move around a good bit. I'd love to know any advice you've culled from your 22(!) moves...

  21. Thanks everyone! Lots of work to be done in this place, but the living room is moving along pretty fast! The moulding arrived today (hooray!) and Heather's room is basically done. So much to share! :)

    Sandra - the fabric is the original from a vintage sofa I bought recently - post coming soon! :)

    Anne - What a great post idea! Thank you! I think the best approach is the same thinking for organizing a closet. If you haven't used it in a year, there is probably no need to keep it in your home. We didn't have the chance to sort everything while packing so quickly this time around, so we're doing a lot of organizing while unpacking. Let me tell you, it is much better to toss things before bringing them into a new house! What a nightmare unpacking these random boxes full of a lot of accumulated junk! UGH! So excited to drop off my Housing Works donations! :)


  22. Nice arrangements! As soon as me and my husband transfers to a new house, I will copy some of your designs. Thanks for sharing! Have a very nice day.

  23. Hi Jenny, what program/website do you use for a mock up of a room? That would be helpful to know so I can see what a room looks like in advance. Thank you.

  24. I love that youkept the door wooden. The black doors etc. will pull out the color from the hardware and the wood adds such warmth. really beautiful. CTD

  25. Awesome job! I don't generally like natural wood but you did a fantastic job and it really looks amazing - especially with the dark hardware.

  26. The doors look super! Somehow, I just know further down you will paint them. For now, you've done a great job reviving them and what I see so far is making me jealous.

  27. It already looks amazing, but I'm so NOT surprised by that! Just inspired! I've also noticed wood calling to me more and more lately...

  28. Jenny -

    I will be so interested in hearing how you manage roman shades for your doors. We have doors like that and I've been wanting to do the the same thing but haven't quite figured out how to "attach" them. Our doors are metal which is a big problem for some of the hardware options out there.

    Can't wait to see more on your new house. Love everything you do and I know your new home will be great for you and your family, and you'll be so happy you made the move!

  29. Hi Jenny,

    Your house is incredible and I'm loving the tutorials of how you're getting it all done! As a renter as well, I'm wondering if you can give me some're putting incredible [and talented] effort into your home, but as you stated, its one that you're renting, similarly with the loft. Is the cost of fixing the doors, painting the walls etc, one that you and your husband accumulate or does your land lord pitch in? I'd love to be able to do similar things, but worry about breaking leases, losing more money, etc. Any advice is appreciated!


  30. Hi Jenny,

    Your house is incredible and I'm loving the tutorials of how you're getting it all done! As a renter as well, I'm wondering if you can give me some're putting incredible [and talented] effort into your home, but as you stated, its one that you're renting, similarly with the loft. Is the cost of fixing the doors, painting the walls etc, one that you and your husband accumulate or does your land lord pitch in? I'd love to be able to do similar things, but worry about breaking leases, losing more money, etc. Any advice is appreciated!


  31. Thanks for sharing these photos with us.


  32. Your ability to share Information is a talent and very appreciated.Thanks for another Timely Post.

    Appliance Repair Vancouver

  33. Hi Jenny! I decided to do the same thing to my wood trim. Besides, its a rental and I want my deposit back! I did paint the doors black. I love the contrast. Where are those gray roman shades from that you posted?


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