Serenity Now

Oh boy! Things are starting to look good around here! The painters/workers left for good yesterday and some mad unpacking happened. I feel bad for the recycling and trash pick up guys. There's about a million garbage bags and boxes and rolls of old carpeting waiting for them. :/ But the house is suddenly feeling bigger and brighter and more clean! A great feeling after living in a box cave for two weeks.

Monday I'll start sharing more befores of the new house. The projects have started and I feel better about sharing the ugly before shots when I know at least some progress photos are not too far behind.

Aren't this pictures from our loft shoot peaceful? I'm missing that settled, content feeling that happens when your home is clean and decently decorated. While I'm ripping out disgusting old carpet on the garden level in between coats of paint on the kitchen cabinet frames, I'll be thinking of the serenity that's hopefully headed my way soon. :)

Happy weekend!

(Photos of our old dining room by Nicole Franzen. Styling by Kendra Smoot - who says sunflowers are making a comeback! Love these black ones she used. And how cool are the figs?)


  1. I'm so excited to see the new place! And all these photos of the loft are so absolutely incredibly gorgeous - I'm floored!

  2. Sometimes I wish I could blink and all my projects would be done, but hey, what fun would that be?

  3. Love these pictures of your dining room. Those flowers are gorgeous! Can't wait to see how your new place is coming :)

  4. I love how the flowers accentuate your wallpaper panels. Beautiful shots! Although stressful, you must be in heaven...projects galore...what you're best at!

  5. I look forward to photos of your loft every day. So beautiful! As a mother of four, I have to are your sweet girls handling all the chaos and HOW do you manage to get so much done? My project progress always seems so slow with my little ones under my feet. You are amazing.

  6. WOW. Your dining room was so elegant! Did not seem "loftish" at all. Lovely pics. I love your table - was there a story behind that (probably missed that post). Happy weekend!

  7. The dining room photos make me want to set fire to my current set up! I'm dying to do the unmatched chair thing but my husband thinks it's odd. Perhaps one day soon he's going to come home to new chairs and we'll see how long it takes him to notice :)

    And the thought of seeing photos of your new place has me wishing away the weekend! Your eye for design is just soooo good!

    Happy weekend!


  8. Can't wait to see photos of the new place, I bet its fabulous!

  9. I love all the photos from your loft you've been posting.

  10. Sunflowers were ever "out"? Well,
    I am ahead of the curve if they are making a comback, haha.
    Teddy bear sunflowers are a favorite. Can't wait to see your before and afters.

  11. Oh I know what you mean. We moved into a new place in March and I have actually had crying fits when I've missed our old home. We put 11years of work into that place. I wanted a new project - so I have no one to blame but myself. We are working hard on the new place - it will feel more like home soon. A house is not a home until you have art on the walls and books on the shelves!

    Good luck! I can't wait to see all the new and exciting things you are working on.

  12. So gorgeous. You and Kendra make a dynamic team!

  13. ooo the dining room looks dreamy and the styling is divine! So glad the place is coming together.

  14. your dining room is just amazing! Would you ever share what the green fabric is on your chair. WOW, love it!

  15. Looking good and you are making progress.Luv it so far and soon you will have that ahh ha feeling!
    Great weekend,

  16. I can't wait to see pictures of your new home- your last one was decorated so gorgeously so I know this one is going to be a knock-out as well! Happy weekend!

  17. I love your green chair!! Where did you find that beauty?? :)

  18. Wow, those photos of your loft are gorgeous! Enjoy your weekend -- things will come together, don't worry! ;-) Hang in there!

  19. You'll get there soon- and be so glad you took the time to create a space that really fits your family. I love those black sunflowers... never seen ones like that before, and you're right, the figs are really striking. Good luck with the projects!

  20. love the choice of your dining furniture!

  21. Your decorating style is beautiful. Was there an earlier post about those gorgeous wallpaper panels? I'm a new 'fan!' I love your work :)

  22. I love your decorating style, I can't wait to see photos of your new place! My husband and I are about to move (wednesday!) so seeing these pics are inspiring me in decorating our new apt. I hate to be that annoying girl who asks where stuff is from, but just in case you happen to read this and want to share I would love to know where that beautiful green chair is from!

  23. I LOVE that chandelier!! Where did you find that? Thank you!

  24. Please, please share where that green chair came from. If it's vintage that you reupholstered, who is the manufacturer? The shape is exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you!


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