DIY Wire Console Table (or How I Got Tetanus)

Well, here it is. What we lovingly call the tetanus table round these parts. :) But more on that in a minute.

I really wanted a lightweight-looking console table under my whiteboard calendar, and I wanted to spend about $0 on the whole thing. I think I spent about $15 in the end (though, you can add a couple zeros on the end there as the hospital bills start rolling in! ha!). It ended up being a pretty fast project because I sort of made it up as I went. Don't you love it when things work out like that? I did have two inspiration photos in mind:

(I'm lacking image sources on both of these. Do you know them?)

I wanted a wire base and I was really feeling the hot pink look after holding up a little square of neon pink duct tape against the new blue wallpaper. Pink and blue are good friends, I think.

So I while I was buying sod a few weeks ago, I pick up one of these sheets of wire fencing for the project. I mean, isn't this just the *picture* of ominous?

I ended up scraping the underside of my arm pretty bad on the fence later that night as we were unloading the sod. We're 99% sure this is the tetanus virus entry site, since the symptoms of the virus usually show up about eight days after getting infected and it was on the eighth day I was hospitalized (almost exactly to the hour). Guys, seriously, please keep your boosters and your loved ones' up to date. It was really foolish of me to not stay up on mine. I looked back in my records and the last TDap booster I had was twelve years ago - just outside of the safe range. The past couple of weeks have not been fun, but at least I didn't die (grim, but that was a possible reality). There's some healing left to do (the doctors said I probably would have flu-like symptoms for about six months), but I am getting better every day and that keeps my spirits up. Again, thank you so much for all your well-wishes and support!  

Okay! Back to the good stuff!

So to make this cute table, do yourself a favor and buy fencing that you don't have to trim much (I used my new Dremel saw - love). And also get fencing that is rust-free. Not only for the above-mentioned issues, but because it is a pain to clean off! I used a wire brush and some steel wool to clean off most of the rust here.

Then I sprayed the fencing with neon pink spray paint. I wish pink photographed better. This stuff is intense in real life! The color is really fun. To get full coverage, you'll need to do about three thin coats with drying time in between coats. I used two cans for the table.

While the fencing was drying, I built a table top out of a scrap piece of plywood. I cut the scrap into planks, spaced them out a bit and drilled down two pieces of flat trim to act as sort of strapping pieces.

Then I bent the fencing to fit the general shape of the table top. It's pretty sturdy wire, but you can bend it with some work.

I had these neon zip ties in the basement that worked really well to tie the ends together to hold the oval shape.

You can still mess with the wire frame after tying the ends together. The shape doen't have to be perfect, just shoot for symmetrical. 

Then I traced out the oval shape, giving the table top just about an inch of a ledge. 

And then I cut the plywood top out with my Dremel saw, sanded it up a little and then gave the whole thing a coat of pink paint.

I don't have a photo of the underside, but I used another small piece of trim to strap the tabletop to the fencing, so it's nice and secure on there. Also, the base is surprisingly sturdy, for how airy and light it looks!

It makes for a pretty place to put out business cards and hold my dry erase markers.

I know neon has been trending for a while now, which means it's probably on it's way out of style, but I still think it's fun in small doses. I would have never advised a client to spent a ton of money to buy a console in this color. But a cheapie DIY project that requires just a couple bucks and a few hour's time? I say go for the neon! Plus, paint is a super easy thing to change if down the road my retinas start to burn from the pink.


  1. Oh my. Thanks for sharing just enough info to make me want a tetanus shot and a table in my entry! You always keep us surprised and coming back~

  2. I'm really glad you're doing better. I'm totally due for a booster and I really need to schedule it!

  3. I am so happy you are better...and I am grateful the sharing of your story which I will pass on to my friends everywhere....We (meaning me and all of us parents) would never think of letter our children's vaccines lapse, but we often do not stay on top of our own.
    This is a lesson. But I am SO sorry you had to endure it. Hang in there, take it slow and I know you will feel better every day. xoxoxo

  4. What a price to pay for a great table. Glad you are on the mend. I have never actually heard a tetanus story. Thank you because it is the good that t comes out of bad-- making people aware. I adore the wallpaper too!

  5. WOW - fabulous outcome to a horrible situation. Love the neon for now....could always go gold later....

  6. What a scary situation! But what a lovely console!

  7. So I am so sorry you got sick from this project but it was almost worth it. This looks so fab. And you have now just scared me into making our family go get our vac's ASAP! I am the clumsiest person alive!

  8. It looks fabulous! So sorry you got so sick from it, but it turned out amazing in the end! Glad you're doing better!!

  9. I love it and am glad you're feeling better!

  10. Lady, what a vision you have! Glad you're on the mend...flu-like symptoms for 6 months? Oh goodness, thank you for the vaccine reminder.

    BTW, is that wire material actually concrete reinforcement mesh? Just curious. You've inspired me to create something similar and I want to make sure that I'm looking at the correct stuff.

    Thank you!!

  11. What a fun and easy way to throw a little neon into the mix!

  12. Jenny your optimism on life is incredible! I don't think there is anything that could keep you down and out. Thank you for the inspiration you share; your blog is the first I check out each day.

    That said, the first image that you were trying to source was featured in Lonny Mag Mar/Apr 2012, Interior Design by Kelley Carter.
    The second image can be found on the Dehn Bloom Design website, interior designer Allison Bloom.

    Hope this helps and stay well!

  13. It looks wonderful at least! DIY gone bad but at least you have something gorgeous to show for it! :-)

    xoxo Mrs. Châtelaine in Paris

  14. I bought a can of that color spray paint for a lamp...and I was just wondering if neon was still "in", you said, it is just paint.
    Love the table and I'm so glad you are getting better.

  15. Jenny, this is amazing! When I saw that table from a previous post, I never would have guessed you made it?! Really glad you are on the mend too!

  16. Glad to hear that your story has inspired others to get their vaccines up to date! As a former microbiologist, now Momma to 5, tetanus can kill up to 20% of people who get it. I wish you very much the best in your recovery. (And the table does rock!)

  17. First off I just want to say that I am so happy that you are feeling better!

    I remember seeing a photo of the table when you posted your whiteboard calendar diy - and thinking that it was such a cool table that I wish you included a source for it. I had no idea it was a diy! Looks great I love it -not "tetanus worthy" though ha!

    We were scraping down an old headboard this weekend that had old rusty screws, and I was definitely thinking that I am due for a booster - gotta get on it.

    xo Ashlyn

  18. Looks gorgeous and light! Glad you are on the mend. xx

  19. Looks gorgeous and light! Glad you are on the mend. xx

  20. This is a fun project and I love how simple it looks! Thanks for sharing and so glad to hear you're on the mend!

  21. You are so freaking creative and that is coming from someone else who is creative, so it's really a compliment :) I am not handy with a saw, though. Wish I was, but I'm actually afraid to use one, so I give those jobs to my husband.

  22. Jenny, Your table is fabulous!! Love the contrast of the pink with your new (lovely) wallpaper. I have an appt with our doc to get my tetanus booster next week; soooo sorry you have gone through this but thank you for sharing and encouraging us to get up to date. Mwah!

  23. The table is fabulous, but so sorry about what you've been going through!

  24. Genius! I'm sorry you've had to go thru all of that and I'm glad you are on the mend!!

  25. My MD told me that if you can't remember your last tetnus shot, it's time for another one! I still remember my last one because it hurt like HELL!

  26. Are you kidding me with this genius?!?! how do you continue to top yourself?!? that looks so great, and I love the color against your wallpaper...and of course you styled it fabulously. And I think this is the first time we've seen your nails you MUST have been sick! ;)

    funny you call it the tetanus table...several years ago when I was hospitalized with meningitis, we were convinced I got it from a ratty indoor carnival place, called Planet Pizza, where my kid's had attended a party. to this day we call it Planet Meningitis. Kind of funny, but kind of not.

    So grateful you had good medical care and are on the mend. xo

  27. I'm so sorry to hear about the tetanus ordeal! I wish we were still neighbors so I could bring you dinner! I hope your recovery is swift and smooth! xo Kirstin

  28. That table is so darn cute. And I'm completely in love with the little plate that holds your cards! Is it vintage or can it be purchased somewhere?

    I am so sorry to hear that you may still have to deal with symptoms for such a long time, but thank God you'll be okay! What would we do without you?! I just had a checkup and my doc asked about my last tdap. I didn't know when it was, but now I'll definitely just ask for a new shot! I wish you didn't have to be the cautionary tale, but hopefully your experience will save some others!

  29. Hi Jenny-- I'm so sorry to hear about the tetanus ordeal- wow! I wish we were stil neighbors so I could bring you dinner. :) I hope your recovery is swift and smooth!

  30. I try to keep up on my tetanus shot because I do a lot of remodeling. We have tomato cages made out of that stuff - we call it the tetanus jungle.

    But my doctors (GP or OB) don't even stock tetanus boosters for adults - I had to go to either a pharmacy or the county health dept for all routine immunizations!! And I live in the Chicago area, not out in the boonies.

  31. The table looks great!

    So glad you are feeling better! I've used your story as a cautionary tale with a bunch of DIYer friends. We're all getting our boosters done as a result!

  32. Thank you for sharing that story. I skiped the tetanus shot when I was a teenager because someone told me it was very painfull and well.....I was a teenager so I was a bit stupid. I can't believe I've gotten away with it for the past 10years. I'm getting one as soon as I can.....(I'm super wary of rusty things right now).

  33. awesome table! i also was loving that first inspiration photo. i love the hot pink too...way to go bold!

  34. Thanks for the PSA. Tetanus lives in soil, so you don't need rust to get it; any small cut or wound will work. You got the double whammy of a scratch and working outside laying sod. I'm so glad you're okay!

  35. it is a really clever project! I totally have the itch to try it out & definitely adding a dremel saw to my xmas list. so glad you are on the mend, hope you are surprised by joy even in this journey...!

  36. So creative! Could you please tell me where you got that awesome colorblock handbag??? love it!

  37. That might be the saddest diy ever :( I'm so glad you are okay and I do love the table too!

  38. Hi Jenny,

    Great project. Jenny can you tell us, how did you treat your scratch from the metal? Did you clean it well at the time or did you leave it? I have read that as long as you give any cut like that a thorough cleaning at the time it should be enough to avoid tetanus. I wonder if you could shed some light on how you handled it. thanks. Love your blog as always. Patty

  39. Really nice project. I guess I need to get on getting my rubella vaccine! Somehow I lost the immunity to it.

    Glad everything will be OK.

  40. LOVE the table - I wouldn't have thought it was a DIY job either!

    Also, funny story - I gashed my forehead pretty bad in July and had to go to a minor emergency (it was on the weekend). They stitched me up and advised a booster. It really seemed like I had just had one, so I said I'd confirm Monday (which I did). The tone in my general practice nurses voice was pretty great though:

    Me: "Uh, yeah, when was my last tetanus shot?"
    Her: "May 2011. Do you need an appoitment?!" (she acted like i must have lost a limb)
    Me: "naaaah, that's all I needed to know. Thanks though!"

  41. I have a feeling many more people will be scrambling to get their tetanus shot - me included! I made my appointment for next week!

    The table is fabulous and so are you. Thanks for being such a good sport.

    Also... I just ordered that same tote you pictured from ShoeMint using the code you posted about (Rachel35). It was $23! Unbelievable great deal! Thanks so much!

  42. I went to get my tetanus booster today - thanks to hearing about your story. Glad you are feeling better....

  43. Oh you poor thing...darling table though. I am trying to remember my last tetanus...good reminder.

  44. oh Jenny! I am so sorry. At least you now have a real war story to tell your grandkids:)The table looks great!

  45. What a beautiful table! So sorry you had to endure such scary times for it, though!

  46. Hey, you should market that table design. But, er, don't call it the Tetanus Table in the catalog.
    BTW, tetanus is caused by a bacteria, not a virus. Big difference, HUGE. Not to be picky or anything but it's important for Americans to learn the difference.

  47. Love the table - thanks for sharing your tetanus story...the table is so great - keep getting better!

  48. As funny as it is that this table is now referred to as "the tetanus table" I'm so glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Luckily you're on the mend now, and have a fabulous table to boot. Love it!

    Feel better,

  49. That looks amazing!! So glad you are feeling better. What a story.

  50. genius!! glad you are feeling better!

  51. It looks wonderful. I'm glad you are feeling better. How scary! We have all learned a lesson - Brandy

  52. Wow that is such a story. And LOL everytime someone comments on your gorgeous pink neon table you'll have "the tetnus" story to tell. Just glad it had a a happy ending!

  53. When I had Ben 9 days ago they offered me a vaccination that had tetanus. I was totally thinking of you and gladly took it, nate is going to get one too!

  54. Wow, that looks like a beautiful room. I love everything about it - the wallpaper, door colour and the table! I really enjoy your work as I think everything you do is a little unexpected but looks amazing.
    I'm glad to hear you're feeling better too...

  55. You inspired me to get a tetanus shot... I got it yesterday. I hope you are feeling much better, and thanks for the tutorial!

  56. Such a cool and inexpensive idea! Thanks for sharing. What kind of plant is that on your table?

  57. What a cool and inexpensive idea! Thanks for sharing! What kind of plant is that on your table?

  58. So glad you are doing better! I love the table. When you originally posted my guess was a tomato cage for the base (I think that's the Mississippi in me:) ). I may try my hand at this one soon!

  59. You really got tetanus from this project? wow! I'm so glad everything turned out ok. I honestly thought you were joking when you first called it the tetanus table. At least it's cute, right? I hope you start feeling better.

  60. Beautiful table. I hope you're recovering well...I have no idea when my last booster was. I will definitely mention at my next doctor's appt. Thanks

  61. that first image is from ;) So glad you're on the mend!

  62. Is it weird that I'm thinking that table was worth catching Tetanus for?
    A little I guess... but that table is just amazing!
    I hopped on the neon pink bandwagon a while ago too, you can see my little tray table on my blog and on design sponge

    So glad you're on the mend!

  63. What a creativity! I am speechless.
    gorgeous. It looks just like a piece of design.

  64. Jenny, not only is the console genius which I love but the wallpaper is just as gorgeous, I love how you are always evolving. Keep the inspirations coming!

  65. As much as I love your DIY table I'm mad at him (yes it has to be a him) for making you so sick! How scary, I'm so happy you're starting to feel better! I hope you are feeling 100% sooner then 6 months!!

  66. As usual, another amazing project, Jenny. I'm so sorry you had to go through that - I had no idea Tetanus lasts in your system for so long - terrible! Please be well and take care. Just also wanted to say: everytime you have a new post, I get wild with excitement, expecting color and bold prints and DIY fabulousness. You never disappoint! Thank you :)

  67. Love this DIY! I saw the desk that Allison did for Dehn Bloom and was obsessed. Loving yours too. Such acute table and love the color.

  68. Genius! I'd love you see what you'd do with a white box challenge room using unusual materials.

  69. The table looks great! Love the neon!

  70. GLAD you are OK! Yes, this is a real risk with fence paneling like this - I grew up in the countryside, and these are commonly referred to as Bull Panels (strong enough to keep a bull in). Stay well, and so glad there was a happy ending (for both you and the table :)

  71. Love the table and very happy you are feeling better. Whew!

    I had a question which a reader comment inspired: Do you think it would work to make this table out of a tomato cage? I am looking for a small nightstand type table. Is tomato wire as sturdy as what you used? Also, if we don't have your trusty saw, how could we cut the wire -- wire cutters not enough?


  72. So happy you're better and back!

  73. Well, I certainly don't want to say it was worth it, but that is one damn fine table! I've been wondering about it since the whiteboard post, so thanks for sating my curiosity. Amazing work, as usual!

  74. So happy you're home and getting better! Your design style is so unique and creative, thanks for sharing!

  75. Tetanus table..hilarious...dangerous and adorable all rolled in one. Glad you are okay!

  76. This post has been somewhat of a revelation to me.


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