Moth Prints

Pssst - Thank you again for your support with the Homies! We made it to the final round in two categories (hooray!) and the voting has started over again. If you have a minute to pop over and vote for LGN as best home design blog and/or best DIY blog, it would mean the world to me. Thank you so, so much! xo

Years ago, Anna Spiro wrote about the Australian artist Allyson Reynolds and her beautiful paintings of colorful moths. Pretty much everyone went bonkers for them and the large paintings were completely unattainable. I've since heard one of the galleries there in Australia occasionally has one or two up for sale (in case you're in the market).

Recently I happened to stumble across her book called Moth Song that the artist sells through Blurb.

It's pricey at almost $100 with shipping and taxes, etc, but there are pages and pages of beautiful images that I think are completely frame-worthy.

About half the book is moths and half is this series of black and white images. I love these too and hope to use them somewhere. The patterns are all different and would look so pretty in a series in a hallway or maybe a powder bath?

There are probably a dozen or more moths prints in the book and I knew I wanted to use four in Heather's room. I just used a utility knife and a ruler to carefully cut out the pages I wanted. 

This way, the book is still (mostly) in tact and the other pages can still be enjoyed without it being obvious that a few were torn out.

I picked up my trusty two-pack of frames at Michaels for about $7 and a couple of simple white mats to frame the four "prints".

They're not fancy frames obviously, but I really love how simple the white on white look is with all the crazy colors and the movement in the prints.

Heather loves the prints as much as I do. Aren't all those bright colors pretty on the dark green walls?

And I also like how they pair with the new (super affordable) wall-mount sconces I bought at Urban Outfitters. I decided to paint out the white cords with the wall color paint, just so everything not meant to be noticed sort of fades into the background of the wall (along with the corbel nightstands and the light switch plate).

Now I just need to pick a fabric for her shams so I can photograph the rest of the room.  I am dying to show you the giant art just to the right of this shot above! (eeps! so excited!)


  1. The frames turned out great! The colors really do stand out from that green wall. Thanks for sharing this idea. :)

  2. Sweet Jesus those are beautiful!! I am in love!

  3. They are gorgeous, love the colors and the movement. Can you have a post about hanging art? For instance, how did you decide how high over the bed did you decide to hang the pictures ? I know you have done gallery walls in the past.

  4. pretty. I could see white pique or mattelasse shams.

  5. I love this. i love you showing the different elements in separate posts, kind of like savouring a box of chocolates over a while rather that wolfing them all down at once...almost more pleasurable.
    Thanks for sharing

  6. gorgeous! And I love those light fixtures from UO. I want them so bad! But they don't have it on the european UO website :-(((

  7. Wow! Those prints look fantastic. I've had my eye on that artist for a while so I'm grateful for this post. By the way, I love the wall colour you used. It's so unexpected for a woman's room which I think is so great. Totally beautiful and feminine! Good luck with the homies! I'm rooting for you!

  8. Wow, what an awesome idea. Moths are so unexpected!


  9. The way the moths pick up the beautiful color of the headboard, it is like it was planned that way the whole time! Amazing!!

  10. I love how these look! The moth paintings are beautiful.

  11. I love how this room is turning out! And thanks for sharing about frames at Michael's--so affordable and let's face it, Michael's is a much more convenient trip than IKEA. I casted my vote for the Homies :)

  12. Amazing! So jealous of Heather's room.
    Such inspiration.

  13. P.S. It was fun to pick up the HGTV Mag this weekend and read the "Expert Do's & Don't's" featuring Jenny Komenda! Hooray!

  14. I'm so pumped on this tip. Thanks Jenny! I've long admired the moth prints and even thought maybe I'd try to replicate them but I'm sure that would be so much more difficult than I'd like to think. This is definitely happening. Love the way Heather's room is looking!

  15. Can I ask where you found those wall sconces? I've been scouring stores and the Internet for plug-in wall sconces for months!

    And congrats on being a Homie finalist. You have my vote!

  16. Wow, her room is turning out gorgeous! Those pictures are ah-maa-zing!

  17. Loving the color and the movement in the pictures!

  18. Ah, Jenny! That room keeps getting better! I kind of like that you're showing it to us in stages- every time I think it can't get any better, it does!! I love the idea of using prints in a book- I always love sourcing calendars for prints once they go on clearance in January ;)

  19. I *love* this project! The prints are beautiful, and the headboard and wall colors are amazing together. Such great inspiration!

  20. Jenny! Those look amazing! I ADORE the color combo in that room- it's nothing that I think I ever would have picked. P.S. are those overhead lights from urban outfitters?

    Keep up the great work and good luck with the homies- you got my vote!

    Margaret Schaffer

  21. Love these prints and that room! You really are talented Jenny. Just voted 2x more for you on Homies! good luck!
    xo Nancy

  22. Dear Heather,
    Can I move into your fabulous room?:)

  23. What a sophisticated, bold and beautiful bedroom! It has so much color and is so lovely. I am green with envy over that wall color. What an awesome way to hide cords... totally doing that in our next house! love your blog! Can't wait to see how the rest of the place turns out.

  24. This room is amazing, I love it so much! I've long had an eye on that artwork as well - thanks for the heads up about the book! It's a gorgeous installation.

  25. This room is amazing, I love it so much! I've long had an eye on that artwork as well - thanks for the heads up about the book! It's a gorgeous installation.

  26. Great idea! I love the colour of the walls and the bedhead - it's beautiful!

  27. Voted for you in both categories! Love your blog Jenny-it's one of my faves.

  28. Lovely! And, I love the tip for the inexpensive frames. Thanks!

  29. Those are gorgeous!! Love. Those favorite frames you tipped me off to years ago went up to $12 at my michael's. Boo! Still a good deal though.

  30. Just voted. Can't image voting for anyone else!

  31. these prints are great and what a much more affordable way to have them in your home. love the green paint with the headboard too - looks soooo good. and going to vote now - good luck!!

  32. I'm so happy to see what you did with the cords on the UO sconces. I have the same fixtures and as awesome as they are (esp for the price!), I've been struggling with how to make the cord disappear, while keeping the switch accessible.

    I am sure you will come up with an idea for pillow shams that blows us all away. For some reason, I keep picturing this bed with Dwell Studios citron-trimmed draper stripe bedding:

  33. That book is a tad bit out of my budget, but I would love to frame those and put them in an office or something! Beautiful and would add nice pops of color.

  34. I like to color copy prints, too, saving the originals from fading, etc. If the spine of the book will cooperate, you can leave it intact and have an endless supply of images. Great touches for your room!

  35. Jenny,
    Wow, those look amazing! I love the colors and such a beautiful framed prints of moths.

    I've used these cord covers before - they look great painted.

    I think the Schumacher ming dynasty dragon in red would be awesome for your room. Maybe even a long rectangle bolster.


  36. Good Luck Jenny in the Homies. Have voted for you and hope that you win.
    Love the butterfly frames they look gorgeous especially against those dark green walls!

  37. Good Luck Jenny in the Homies. Have voted for you and hope that you win.
    Love the butterfly frames they look gorgeous especially against those dark green walls!

  38. Great choice. They look lovely. And I love those little brass sconces too.

  39. I am loving your slow reveals as you do your rooms! It's so much more pleasurable then one big room reveal.

    I gain insight into each element of the room. Really really awesome!

  40. GORGEOUS! I'm ordering the book now! Thanks for the tip.

  41. I love all the colors! And it was a genius move to paint the cords!

  42. Amazing. You make everything look so easy!

  43. I am officially obsessed with the moth prints. Your work is so wonderful, Jenny. I love that I found this blog.

  44. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Love it!

  45. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Love it!

  46. What a great idea Jenny. They look amazing!

  47. Hi Jenny! Those prints are gorgeous! Looking forward to catching up on what I've missed here in the last week or so since we got a huge wonderful shock- I think I mentioned to you that we're expecting #4 (we already have 3 girls like you) so we went to my 20 week sono last week expecting to find out that another little princess was joining our family and found out instead that we hit the boy jackpot- identical boy twins!

  48. Just love this idea, the moths are so pretty and they really work well with the dark green wall.

  49. So Very Cheerful! I also was charmed by the first photo's tables. I am searching for that size and style for an awkward corner I have in my nest. Do you know where I can find those stainless steel tables. Well I just need one. It looks as if they placed two side by side.
    Please advise.

  50. And that is why yours is the one blog I keep up with on a regular basis. I love everything you do.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. You've got my vote on the contest! LOVE the artist & your clever display of the art. This reminds me of a wall calendar that I kept from a few years ago with the intent of doing exactly what you did ... now where did I put that calendar? :-)

  53. Beautiful pieces! I love all the Moth series and always wanted one for my house, but I don't think there any currently available for purchase. Such a great find with that book!

    I've used those frames in the past with clients and they are great. So clean, clean and modern. They don't take away from the art, but make it look professional framed.


  54. so so so beautiful! they suit the room perfectly!

  55. I walked past a gallery in London today which had two of these in the window! I assume they were originals because they were £2200 each. Gorgeous.


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