Alt NY, MS Weddings and a Very Pretty House

This month might be killing me! Don't they say moving is at the very top of the things-that-cause-stress list? I've never been stressed much about moving before, so this anxiety level is a pretty new feeling for me. So much to do, so much to cram in to these last New York moments!

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Today will be a fun day though and all the cares of the move will be on hold. I'm co-hosting a crafting session at the Martha Stewart offices with the Brooklyn Bride and Mara from A Blog About Love (who is also my dear, dear friend). We'll be there for Alt New York. Are any of you going too? Please stop by to say hello!

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Also a little later this afternoon I'll be chatting with Darcy Miller from Martha Stewart Weddings on their Sirius radio station. My segment will start at 1:30 pm EST, so tune in and feel free to call us with your decorating questions. I'd LOVE to hear from you.

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(All images via one of my favorite blogs, From the Right Bank. The rest of this amazing Atlanta house tour here!)

 photo viaFROMTHERIGHTBANKDSC_1copy.jpg


  1. You have a right to be stressed. Moving from one state to another is a lot of work! (Even if you've done it before.) But all your readers are so excited to see what new projects you have in store!

  2. Moving does cause stress. We are moving in 2 weeks and I am not excited. At all... about the moving party anyways.

    Gorgeous images.


  3. I only moved 5 minutes down the road and I found that stressful! I can't imagine the move you're making.

  4. Thank you for continuing to update every day in spite of your busy schedule and all the stress. Moving sucks! Reading your blog is my favorite part of my day and I was afraid I would be going through long withdrawals while you get ready to pack up and move to AZ. Best of luck with the next few weeks!

  5. As a Mississippian, I thought you meant "Mississippi Weddings" instead of Martha Stewart! Such a huge fan of your blog and all your work. What an inspiration!

  6. Thank you for the shout out, Jenny! And of course it goes without saying LGN is one of MY absolute favorites! :) xo

  7. Such pretty images. I hope the NY stuff went well!

  8. Beautiful pictures. Can't wait to see the images from your event! Have fun!!

    xoxo PARIS BEE kids blog

  9. Best of luck on your relocation. New York is a dream, I always treasure my trips to the area! You will bring a breath of fresh air to Az.
    Happy weekend to you!

  10. S Preety House.. I love this post thanks for sharing this.

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