Valley House Tour: The Office

One of the most exciting spaces in the new house for me is the office. It is open and bright and a pretty large space. I think it will be a perfect new headquarters for Jenny Komenda Interiors for another year or so. We might want to move out to an offsite office space a little down the road, once the dust settles around here (literally -- so, so dusty at our house!).

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The room is just down the hall from the front entry and to the right.

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(more after the jump...)

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This is the other room that needs to be skim coated, but the ceilings are so low in here that I think I can tackle this one by myself. Some crown molding would really make a big difference in here too, I think.

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Another place for a new ceiling fan. :)

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We're looking for a new desk right now, which I think will help me figure out the layout a little more. I think we're going to float a big desk in front of the bay windows and then have a second longer and more narrow desk against the wall.

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Can't wait to pick curtain fabric! I love bay windows.

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There's room for a big storage piece here, which will help hold a lot of fabrics and trims and samples, etc, etc.

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The closet will be the main storage area though. This will look like a fabric avalanche in another week or two when our stuff arrives. :)

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And then just to the right of the office in the hallway is the downstairs guest bath.

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Which features more of the lovely brick paver tiles.

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And the most ridiculous, huge tub in the world. I would love to take this out and replace it with a claw foot tub. You see straight into the bathroom and right at the tub from the front entry, so I think it would be cool to see the profile of an antique tub (rather than this beast of a thing).

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The vanity in here is not my favorite. The previous owner had all of the cabinetry in the house gel stained and it didn't absorb well in some places (as we learned in the laundry room redo - which I'll be sharing later this week!). We had to put layer upon layer of primer and paint to cover the stain in there. So when I tackle the cabinets in here, I'll probably opt to pull them out and start fresh rather than strip these back. They're not the highest quality around, so I think we can come up with something more sturdy and more my style. I like the idea of converting a dresser into a vanity.

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Almost done with the house tour! Last room coming up tomorrow - our bedroom!


  1. I love the your ideas for the guest bathroom, I would love a claw tub.

  2. Love those huge bay windows - that will be a great place for you to work! Can't wait to see all the "Afters" after all these "befores" :)

  3. It's great that you'll be able to have a nice big office now!

  4. Can't wait to see your office once it's done!!! I'm feeling oh so uninspired by mine right now. You always have the best ideas!!

  5. Question: do you even need a tub downstairs for your guests?

  6. I can not wait to see this transformation! This house needs so much work and updating I'm daunted and I'm not doing it!

  7. If you have people in your home skim coating the walls, just have them do your office now. You won't want that extra dust later.

  8. I am just loving this whole house tour and I am almost sad to see it come to an end, but it's completely overshadowed by my excitement for what you will do to all the rooms. Can't wait!

  9. Are you looking forward to having the hoarding capabilities that most Americans have? New York is so lovely, but think of the on hand fabric capabilities now! :)

    I've really loved this tour!

  10. so. much. tile. You are a brave woman to contend with ripping all of that out. I am beyond excited to see the house transformation.

  11. Wow! What beautiful windows, I can't wait to see what you do with it. I would have a claw foot tub in every bathroom in my home if I could :)

  12. Are you guys keeping anything that's already in the house lol? I'd probably just build a new house given that everything will be taken out and replaced!! Not sure how that works out in Arizona, though. I'd be so thrilled with having just half of that house "as is", but I'm not an interior designing extraordinaire ;)

  13. That's so much bigger than my office space! Congrats on your new place!

  14. I am obsessed with seeing office redos right now! That is a massive tub. A claw foot would be great.


  15. Love the idea of a clawfoot tub. Double slipper would look fabulous in there!


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