Artsy Family Photo Inspiration

I am headed to the Bay area with my team this week for a very special home install. I am SO excited to share this project with you. We've been working very hard to get everything finished and I'll be posting sneak peeks on Instagram all week, so be sure to follow along!

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One project that we're doing for the entry is a big picture ledge/wall hooks combo. We collected about a dozen frames and will be printing out black and white family photos to display. I asked out client to send us all of her favorite more relaxed and candid shots of her family.

When the subjects aren't necessarily looking right at the camera, or if the composition of the photo is really unique (like in the first image here), there's a good chance the photo will feel more like art than just a traditional family photo hanging on the wall. Here are some of my favorite examples:

This one's from Pencil and Paper Co. How GREAT is the mylar balloon idea!? The possibilities are endless here. So cool!

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Such a sweet tribute to mothers! I love the contrast here too with the black and white backgrounds.

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This photo was the homeowner's grandpa! So cool and artsy, right? But still so personal. I really love it.

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I love these portraits shot against foliage. It's a pretty way to incorporate the color and textures of nature as well as those sweet faces.

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I think the long horizontal formatting of these photos below is really fresh - and perfectly sized for that little wall.

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Every time I see this photo, I'm blown away. How cool to do an underwater family portrait!! You can grab a disposable camera for just a couple bucks here!

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Graphic prints in clothing are a fun way to add pattern to your walls!

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When in doubt, just off-center your subject in the composition. And babies are always a good idea. :)

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PS Some more family photos and display inspiration!

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  1. Great round up! Very inspirational. :)

  2. I love these all and have tried to replicate, but always get feedback that my file size is too small for a large reprint. Am I only left with engineering prints or is there a trick I am missing??? Would appreciate any advice as I LOVE this idea!! Thanks in advance, Jenny!

  3. of "centering the subject" is my whole insta theme! ha. great ideas and pictures here. i'm particularly fond of the underwater pic, and older black and whites. Aces!

  4. I LOVE this post! This is great inspiration! I always get freebies for photos and will be staging them on my walls. Thanks!

  5. This is such a great idea for a post. My dream is to have a summery ocean swimming picture blown up huuuuge in our living room (similar to one of the suggestions above). I need to make that happen this summer. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  6. Love these ideas - wow!

  7. I love having family photos on my walls. Some people have the philosophy that you shouldn't put family photos in public spaces in your home, but I just love them. My husband is a photographer, so we have tons of photos everywhere!

  8. Great ideas! I do not display any of family photos. Time to rethink I guess.


  9. I love the idea of a big portrait type picture like these. I've never been a fan of traditional "posed" family portraits (they feel cold and fake to me). I much prefer the candid "on the spot" pictures that display real life and emotions. Also I don't like having pictures taken of me so most of the pics of me are from behind or of me looking away from the camera. I think Staples prints "blue prints" size and quality pictures in black and white and now colours for a very decent price so I might do that for a statment wall soon (don't want to spend a fortune either)

  10. الجيزة الآن جريدة اسبوعية
    الجيزة الآن - جريدة اسبوعية
    تقدم لك جريدة الجيزة الآن كل الاخبار من الجيزة ومن مختلف محافظات مصر من اخبار سياسية واخبار عربية وعالمية ومتابعة كل ما يختص بالرياضة المحلية والرياضة العالمية ونقدم لك اخبار التكنولوجيا العالمية وما توصل إلية العلم الحديث وتقدم الجيزة الآن اخبار الفن والمسلسلات والافلام وماتوصلت الية هوليود وبوليود والسينما العربية ونقدم لقراءنا احدث المقالات والاراء والنقد من كافة انحاء العالم وايضا نقدم لكم بعض القصص القصيرة واختصارات لكتب علي حلقات متميزة وتري معنا احدث السيارات العالمية والمحلية وما توصل الية علم السيارات وتتابع الجيزة الآن اخبار الحوادث لحظة بلحظة مع اخبار الاقتصاد والإقتصاديين وتتميز الجيزة الآن في تقديم احدث البرامج التعليمية ومتابعة المناهج التعليمية الابتدائية والاعدادية والثانوية العامة وتقدم لكم الجيزة الآن موقعها حلوتي الذي يقدم لكم كل ما تحتاجة النساء , حواء , والحوامل الذي نتخصص فية خارج موقع الجيزة الآن الاخباري.

  11. I found some great old pix of my husband and I when we were both about 2 years old and on trikes/bikes (separately obviously - we didn't know each other then!)I had them scanned in and blown up to AO size and printed as engineer's prints then mounted on foam board. They hang behind our TV and look so great - everyone comments on them too. Love it.

  12. Very informative and unique tips dear. Thanks for sharing. Please visit

  13. Gustavo Woltmann loves DIY! This is a great blog!- Gustavo Woltmann

  14. Love the [photos and how it was displayed. It really was inspiring too. Good job!

  15. I looove the wallpaper on the ceiling in the last photo. Do you know where I could track it down?

  16. I love your blog! Your style is so sophisticated and fun and it's really inspired me. I have a question about mixing metals. We just built a home with all brushed nickel knobs and fixtures, but I really love brass and would love to add some of that but worry that it would look weird with the brushed nickel. Our house is mostly modern farmhouse style. What do you think about mixing metals?


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)