Make Every Day Valentine's Day

Here is some pink and red inspiration to get you in the mood for Valentine's Day. Lots of people think it's hard to decorate with pink ("too girly") or red ("too intense"). Hopefully some of these images help change your mind. The trick is finding balance in complementary colors.

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day tomorrow, shared with someone you love!


  1. Can I just thank you for this? Thank you for this.

    My little girl recently decided she wants a pink room. I've seen pink rooms, and I am not a fan. So I was kind of dreading this project for her.

    Now that I've seen some of the idea for how to use pink without making the room look like a princess just threw up pepto bismol, I'm more excited. I love the idea of using pink and white striped walls. So, so much cuter. Thanks for the ideas!

  2. Yum. It makes my Valentine's Day.

  3. oh that red tub!

    (i just accidently called heather, thinking i was calling someone in my ward. a lovely mistake, i just love that girl.)

  4. Happy to see you back.

    Found your blog last week and have really enjoyed it.

    I nominated you for a "200 best decor blogs" list and now I've forgotten where that is located. Hope you were added.

    Keep up the good work, you've got a wonderful future ahead of you.

  5. These right here could convert me to pink. :) Beautiful choices!
    Thanks for posting.

  6. Oh my gosh!! So many beautiful pink rooms!! My favorite might be the one with the pink DR chairs.

    Will have to bookmark this post. beautiful.

  7. Just found your blog...and loved, loved the images from this post! Thank you much!

  8. OK, now I am convinced, I have found a blogger with image files as numerous as mine. I am so glad to have found you! Just added you to my blog list.

  9. I found your blog courtesy of iVillage. This is a very nice blog. Thanks for sharing the wonderful & inspiring photos. They are all lovely.


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