On my mind

Hi friends,

I'm feeling a little under the weather, so I'm going to take a few days off. Here are some things on my mind right now, before I forget.

1. This post on Craig's List made my day (just imagining what a shabby Sheik would look like...)

2. I think I am in love with this china pattern. It's called Chinoiserie, made by Wedgewood, designed by Jasper Conran. Unfortunately I will have to sell my first born to afford 12 place settings.

3. Target is having a 50% off sale on their home design event thingy. I really like this faux bois side table. And some of the lamps are nice too.

4. Which reminds me that Target totally knocked off JCrew with this new necklace I bought for $14.99 (much better than $150, I say).

5. Make your iPhone pics look like a Holga (see above).

6. I like these 4 and 5 cent stamps at the post office right now. Makes me want to send some post cards.

7. Barbara Wiggins makes gorgeous and shockingly expensive journals and books out of buttery soft leather. Paper Source has a really great clearance section right now (you should stop by). I bought a beautiful address book for $5 (down from $75). I feel so organized when I have addresses and birthdays sitting together in a pretty little book on my desk.

8. Learning to quill has been on my long-term to do list for a few years now. It needs to happen this year. I want to make something like this to frame and hang in the girls room.


9. Did you see this Parisian house on the Selby? Did you freak out like I did when you saw all these incredible books?

After about a week straight of dreaming about them, I put my husband (aka Master of the Internet Search) to hard work, hoping he could find more than I did about these books with the gorgeous covers.

Turns out their from the French publishing house, NRF. Meaning all the books are in french. A language I don't really speak. And you know what? I would still buy them, all in the name of art. Or maybe it would be a good incentive to fully learn French?

10. For some reason I really like this 1957 bridal portrait of Gloria Vanderbilt. It's probably because I just finished House of Mirth and recently watched Age of Innocence. I think the life of a New York socialite is so interesting. Plus I love her wedding dress.

11. My friend, Lisa, who does speak french btw (she lives in Brussels), has a dining room/conservatory that looks just like this. Aren't you jealous?

12. And lastly, do any of you know of a really good and really cheap graphic/web designer (maybe a student?) who could help a sister out? I'm trying to start a new website and would love a little advice. Or maybe you have a book or website on the topic that you've used successfully? I would love to hear all about it.

Okay, back to bed. See you in a few days.


  1. Hi, I have only started reading in your blog in the last week and am already hooked. It inspired me to start my own (I'm an interior design student) - http://vanillawhimsy.blogspot.com. I don't have any qualifications for web design but I am in the process of designing two websites(www.suetilleyartist.com.au & www.tilleyfinancial.com.au). I did them using a software which writes the HTML script for your. The trick is to get the colours & layout right! I used Serif Webplus. Its fairly simple to use. Hope this helps!

  2. A student of mine (I teach Biology for non-science majors) who graduated last May has his own web design company:

    Check him out!

  3. hope you feel better soon! i would love a conservatory like that, lovely.

  4. jennica.
    I just did quilling with my 7-8th grade class in school and I love it. I will for sure do it more this year for myself.
    So pretty.

  5. I hope you get to feeling better

  6. Why is it whenever someone at your house is sick I immediately worry that it is a direct result of contact from someone at my house? I hope you feel better. I love the quilling too. Future Enrichment project?? I was just noticing the other day that Target really beefed up their accessory department. I almost got feather earrings. I don't think Josh would appreciate their coolness, though.

  7. jenny-

    i am in process of getting a website right now. i love who i am working with. i am uber picky and they are meeting my every demand. (fairly priced too.)

    email me if you want information.
    feel better lovely!

  8. Hi, I'm a web/graphic designer, and I'd love to help you out! Maybe we could trade web design advice for house design advice. Email me at design at zomigi dot com.

  9. Hey Jenny! How are you? Oh, and what a cute blog btw! I saw that you were looking for web design. It just so happens that's what my Chris does. I have no idea what type of a look you're looking for, how much you want to spend, etc., but they do all different types. Chris does all the design too, so I'm sure he'd make it look extra special for you if you went with them. http://www.fiftystudio.com/ Take a look and see what you think. Once there, I think you click on "Our Work" and then click on their samples. My favorite is the Keefa. Be sure to click on the link that says something like "visit the site". Good luck! Oh, and I hope you are doing well. Sorry for the marathon post!

  10. Woops. I was logged in under a different account "the benders" that I set up and forgot the password to. Weird. But it's me, Tenielle. Miss you!

  11. i hope you are starting to feel better. Also i just wanted to let you know my room post is up on my blog. Now you can see the matching pair of lamps!

  12. I know that I am late to the game on this but I just discovered your website a little while ago. I love it! I have friend who does amazing graphic design/web work. Her website is www.burleighdaydesign.com

    I'm adding your website to my daily rotation. Thanks for the inspiration!


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)