eBay Art

I love to buy inexpensive art on eBay.

This is my favorite search:
Paintings, original, oil, pre-1800-1969, $0-$200.

Here are a few favorites up for auction right now:

floral still life

seaside scene

pretty landscape

un-floral floral.

Another floral. Love this one.

Village street

Painterly hydrangeas in a bamboo frame? What's not to love?

Tiny lovliness

Moody abstract

This oil is my favorite piece of art in our home. I bought it on eBay last year for almost nothing - it felt sort of dishonest, I got it for so cheap.

I love the lady peeping out behind the flowers. And the colors just sing to me.

I think it's from the 20s or 30s. The canvas is pretty crusty and a little saggy. It could use a professional cleaning and it really needs to be restretched, but all that can wait a year or two.


  1. What a great painting! I love that you included your search terms, too-- makes all the difference to have the right terms!

  2. I tend to buy abstract paintings but I am loving those florals! Great find!

  3. I've used dailypainters.com for small original artwork.


  4. The painting looks absolutely stunning with the floral upholstery fabric - great find!

  5. For some reason, I forget about eBay for art. This will be a nice alternative to etsy art. Thanks for the reminder!

  6. Thanks for the ebay search tips!

  7. Love, love, love it! What a great place to get art!


  8. so wonderful; love that piece. thanks for sharing your passion. I agree - original art makes a home.

  9. It's wonderful. I've never brought art from ebay. Thanks.

  10. Thanks for sharing your finds and I love yours too. I need to spend more time on ebay.

  11. Your posting is just another reason people should never have to buy art from Target (as much as I love 'em!) or any other type of super store! So many original and cool art out there! WHy not be different?! I love your dining room artwork!

  12. Yes, thanks for the shirt term tips. I never thought of looking for art on Ebay, but it's a great idea.

  13. Love all the examples you showed. I wouldn't mind sniping that hydrangea painting!

  14. The "un-floral floral" is so so perfect. I love that peacock blue. It's pretty without being too precious. Thanks for the Ebay search tips. :)

  15. Thanks for sharing. I love looking for art at thrift stores, but lately it seems that they've figured out how to price things based on what they're worth. Great for them, not so much for me. This option is good to know!

  16. Love all your picks. Exactly my style. Thanks for the link as I'm always on the lookout for something new (that's actually old).

  17. I love how much you think outside of the box. So many people (me included) would look at these paintings and think, "Ick". But you? You know how/where to place them to make them truly stand on their own. Bravo!!! love your Blog, BTW :).

    Cyndee Wanyonyi ><>

  18. Oh that "Moody Abstract" is my favorite. Thanks for the search tips. :D

  19. Jen, I love these! I've been on a vintage art kick & just finished up a salon wall using all my yardsale/thriftstore art finds & I'll be sharing soon.

    I love your idea of Ebay, I really haven't bought much art on there, but great idea to search. I have picked up so many great pieces out there scouring my fave yardsales.

  20. What an amazing idea! I'll definitely try ebay next time I'm on an art hunt :)

    I'm super in love with the un-floral floral painting. -sigh-

  21. Great tips Jenny, thank you! My dream is to own a few amazing original pieces that I can love forever and its nice to know I wouldn't have to spend a fortune :)

  22. Oooh, I want that "un-floral floral! Good pick!

  23. I've been watching the floral (off white flowers) since the opening bid ($9.99) and couldn't understand the sudden rise in price. We were w/out power over the weekend due to the Noreaster & I was finally able to check out my daily blog watch this morning....now it makes sense:( Why Jenny, why? It's now over $300 w/another day to go and no longer in my price range. Oh well...guess it wasn't meant to be. I'll bet one of your readers is the lucky bidder! -Inspired Living

  24. Bless you for including those search terms! That is where I get stumped. Your dining room is lovely and the painting sings to me too.

  25. I am FREAKING OUT right now over your dinning room!!!!!!! It is stunning!!! This is exactly the look i'm going for right now.

  26. Really I MUST see more of this room or your home!! On my way to grab your button now! ;)


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