Happy St. Patrick's Day

St. Patty's Day is a big holiday in my husband's family. He's part Irish.

I don't have a drop of Irish blood in me to my knowledge, but I love an excuse to celebrate and, obviously I love the color green.

When I was in the hospital having Claire three years ago, I was ready to start pushing at 11:50 pm on March 16. I was so determined to get her out before midnight so that she could have her own special day. I didn't want her to have to share St. Patrick's day festivities and be forced to have a green birthday party every.single.year.

She was born at 11:58 pm on the 16th and now I laugh at that story since Evelyn will have to deal with a Christmas Eve birthday. :)

Anyway, I think we're all happier with a little green thrown into our lives...

Michael Smith via Style Court

Peter Dunham

Mary McDonald

Garden and Gun

desire to inspire
carrier and co
Calico Corners


Steven Gambrel

Off to make green clover-shaped pancakes for breakfast...


  1. Can't argue with the color green - all the pics look fabulous! Happy St. Patricks Day!

  2. Particularly love the green chair in the BHG picture...just beautiful!
    Kerri x

  3. Love these pics and I have enjoyed reading your blog. Green is my favorite color and I have used green in my bedroom. BTW, my husband's birthday was yesterday, the 16th and my daughter's birthday is next Wed. the 24th!

  4. I too, love a little green in a home. The last photo is amazing!
    Great images.

  5. Happy belated birthday to Claire. Give her some squeezes for us! I love the green too. I hope green never goes out of style. I have big dreams of a green bedroom in Charlie's future (also hopefully he doesn't protest!)

  6. Great selection of greees. And how funny with the birth dates! My fiance was born on march 16th as well :)

  7. I love me the green too... I have the opposite story... my son was due on March 15 and when it looked like he was going to be late I consoled myself that he would be my little St. Patrick's boy, but he held out until the 20th.

  8. Jenny-thanks for the images, these were some I hadn't seen a while or were new to me. Sometimes I feel like there are so many recycled images...Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  9. the last image is my absolute favorite!!! those tufted green chairs are so gorgeous. happy st. patrick's day!

  10. I totally understand your story - my daughter was born the day before Valentine's day! Her parties were always filled with red/pink hearts. Really like that desktop photo - inspiring me to re-organize mine today.

  11. The molding in that last room gives me a warm feeling inside.

  12. I LOVE that green velvet bed. WOW!

  13. I love all those little green desk supplies. Happy St. Pattys' Day!

  14. now for a post on where I can get the perfect tufted green chair without paying an arm and a leg! I think I've got a new craving...

  15. Such pretty green decor...enjoy the clover pancakes- yum! :)

  16. I love green! It's my favorite color, my school color (michigan state), my eye color, my birthstone color, and my bedroom color! Just one slight correction on your photo credits — it's Garden & Gun, you have it flopped. I can't get enough of that magazine, the photography is gorgeous.

  17. cracking up a your labor stories!!

    love the pics and green clover pancakes!!!

  18. Whoops! Good eye, Shannon. Thanks for the heads up.

  19. Ha!That's funny!

    Love that green desk! and the bedroom under it!

  20. LOL! You were one determined pusher.

  21. love all of these. I heard a designer one time describe selected room schemes based on what color looks good on her client. I had never really thought about design through that lens. Green looks good on me, so I'll be saving these for my "one day" file:)

  22. I just saw your instructions for Roman Shades through a friends site and just wanted to say thanks for sharing! I haven't been really big into DIY projects myself but as I've gotten into this world of blogging I am seeing SO many awesome projects!!! I dare say I am soon to become a DIYer myself!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. Although my living room and dining room are filled with every shade of green, I had to search through my closet for a green shirt for work. I guess my love in green decor just doesn't carry over to my wardrobe.

    ps. loved the bedroom redo. it was my first introduction to your blog. i've been checking back on a regular basis since =)

  24. I love the color green - great group of images. The pug in the first picture is so cute! Happy St. Patricks's Day!

  25. Love green! Happy St. Patty's Day too.


  26. this is probably one of my all time favorite 5 posts from you of all time. love it

  27. the story about claire and evelyn's birthdays makes me smile. you are the cutest mommy in the whole wide world and i hope you and your girls enjoyed the st. patrick's day pancakes.

  28. Oh yes, green please!
    Lovely pictures, right along my idea of great style!

  29. green, is my fav color as well! and yummy green pancakes...love your blog!

  30. Green is always so fresh and spring-y, perfect for this time of year!!

  31. I was born at 11:55 PM on my grandmother's birthday and am happy I made it here before midnight. On the other hand, I have a March 17 daughter (born well after midnight) and I have to say that if you're going to have a birthday on a holiday, that's probably the best one. In elementary school she always has a class party on her birthday, but it's not the kind of a holiday where everyone always has big plans. And so far she seems fine with green-themed parties. After all, it's a wonderful color. :)

  32. gotta love the little pug in the first pic! and love that green headboard in the second one. yes please!!!


  33. Just had to share that I'm a St. Patty's Day baby, and have been telling friends this week that if you have to have a holiday birthday, it's really the best one to have! My Mom tried hard for March 16, but I held out and was born just after midnight, and grew up with green and shamrock themed parties. As an adult, though, when birthdays take on less importance, mine has become the one everyone wants to celebrate. Not so bad, after all! A good friend has a Christmas Day birthday and commented that now that she has kids, her day gets completely lost in the shuffle. I'll take my green b-day any day over that one!

  34. Love this post! Green is my new favorite color (if only I could get a client who agreed with me!)

  35. I adore green upholstery leather especially when it's tufted or paired with nailhead trim.

  36. Loved this post. I remember your news when Evelyn was born because I'm a Christmas Eve baby, too. Growing up my mother always made sure Christmas Eve was my birthday and Christmas Day was Christmas Day. Of course, as as adult... not so much! I'm just as crazy busy myself that time of year, so it doesn't matter now (mostly!). However, when it counted, I always had my special day growing up.


  37. no need to publish this comment, but thought I'd give you a photo source. The room with the green leather chesterfield, belongs to Pam Shamshiri of Commune design. I believe it was in an Oprah Home magazine a few years ago.

    i'm loving catching up on all of your great posts!


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