Holiday Decorating Plans

My husband has worked basically non-stop for the past three weeks. Thankfully, his project wrapped up yesterday and he's taking the rest of the weekend off. Yay! We're going to take advantage of this extra day with Michael to get our Christmas tree and decorate the apartment for the holidays.

Canadian House and Home

We're keeping it pretty simple this year, partly because I sold 99% of our Christmas decorations before the move (regret!!).

On the list to do: Kissing balls to hang in doorways

Martha Stewart Living
A wreath to hang on the entry mirror. I saw this huge wreath at Bloomingdales and I liked the tiny little bows all over.

I'm thinking about trying this in my (very normal size) evergreen wreath with 1/4" grosgrain. Probably mustard yellow?

Also we're doing a smaller, potted Christmas tree. (For a great post on this subject, check out Design Mom)

Evelyn is getting into everything these days, so I figure having a smaller tree up on a table is a really smart idea. Plus we can put the gifts under and around the table.

Country Living
Bonus: I have plans to trim up the tree topiary-style post holidays and either keeping it in our apartment (do you think it would survive?) or taking it up to our rooftop garden.

House Beautiful

Happy weekend!


  1. I really love the idea of putting your tree in a pot or planter or something like you have shown above, very unique. This is the first year we have had a tree so I want to be creative with it!

  2. I love all of these ideas. Holden (10 months) is into everything so I have been procrastinating on the tree. I may choose one of these ideas instead!

  3. Just a note, a live potted tree will last only 10 to 14 days indoors before you have to put it outside again. The heat and lack of humidity will very quickly take the life out of it.

  4. Love, love the Country Living tree! The bow tree is perfect.

  5. I love the idea of the potted tree! I did that before when I was in a tiny apartment and my mom planted it at her farm after. Can't wait to see it!

  6. the wreath with ribbons tied all in it is a great idea! I've never seen that before...good find! And the idea of putting the tree up on a table is great for the little ones!

  7. I love keeping things simple and that idea of just adding bows to a wreath is so much fun. Happy decorating.

  8. happy the idea of tiny bows in a wreath...might have to try that one!

  9. Enjoy the process....I know it will beautiful!

  10. I don't know that the tree would last long'll know as soon as it starts dropping needles that it needs to go out. Can't wait to see what you make...and enjoy having your family together this weekend!

  11. Have a wonderful weekend with your family!
    Love the potted tree idea---we do this frequently at Christmas just because December usually means tons of business and personal travel for the hubby and me. The potted tree is manageable (and easy to "clean up" after the holiday) and I think it's darling. I bet your apartment will be lovely all decorated for Christmas! Can't wait to see pictures!

  12. These are such great ideas! Are you going to get your tree outside of the city? I think we're going to to NJ to get ours. Those city trees are soo expensive!

  13. Okay, other people expressed doubt about this BUT...I bought a Norfolk Island Pine 5 years ago to deck out for the holidays. Since then, it has grown sooo big (indoors every winter, outside every summer). In fact, I can't use it for a Christmas tree anymore since the branches are so far apart.

    Anyway, it will look great the first year, but if you take care of it the tree might just take over your life!

  14. Absolutely beautiful! I love your style! Thank you for sharing! And remember, when decorating this season, always practice safety! Here are some tips: Happy decorating!

  15. So many great ideas. I love the idea of a tabletop tree! Happy decorating!

  16. use a green floor length table cloth on the table-
    do some of the tiny bows on the tree and then down onto the table cloth-

    john in nc

  17. I've always wanted a white tree. I think might be the year for one!

    Dreaming of Palm Trees

  18. I love the idea of a small potted tree for Christmas! And that wreath with all the tiny bows is amazing, I might have to copy your idea too :)


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