Book Art

I think this print by Alanna Cavanagh is really cool. I mean, who doesn't love a good Penguin classic? And in this world of Kindles and audio books, I sort of like a reminder of how good it feels to hold a real book in your hands.

image via a really fun online mag, Covet Garden.

I'm thinking about using this technique to blow up the cover of an old copy of Raise High the Roofbeams, Carpenters, which is one of our family's very favorite books. The cover is a great shade of goldenrod yellow (reminds me a bit of a yellow Albers square study print), and I love the quirky font Salinger always used.


  1. This idea speaks straight to my heart, and I'm sure all my fellow bookworms out there can relate. I love the simplicity of Penguin covers, but you made me think of my '50s Little Women edition... And maybe someone can do this with Osa Johnson's I Married Adventure?

  2. one of my all time faves, too. I'd love to see you do that.

  3. Love this! What a great way to incorporate a love for reading into your home!

  4. I've given consideration to buying a Kindle, but I don't think that I would read as much if I didn't have an actual book inmy hands, but I love this idea. It would be great in a child's room too.

  5. I love books! I'm trying to dig up fun (more personal) gifts this year, and I stumbled upon the artwork of Jane Mount- she paints personal portraits based on the subject's favorite books- the ones that made them who they are! Have you heard of her? Such a brilliant idea to be able to tell so much about a person through their books! You should google her, I think you'd love it! Or you can come see her over at my blog- I featured her yesterday!! Happy Holidays! Roxy

  6. wonderful. I really love book art and hope one day to have my art on a book or two.

  7. I love your blog! I have been reading for a while and have found many great tips on here.

    I want to do this with one of my old books but what do you think is the best way to go about it? Would you just take the book to a store and ask them to blow it up?

  8. Love, Love this idea! I went to Books of Wonder (fabulous children's bookstore attached to a cupcake cafe in flatiron district) the other day and they had the most amazing collection of vintage children's books. This would be such a great idea for a child's bedroom.

  9. I think that's a great idea!! And I am a huge fan of Covet Garden!!

  10. I was so excited to read the first words of this post, because I love penguinsso much!

    Then, I scrolled down . . . LOL

  11. What a great idea! I love for art to be so personal to the homeowner. Hope you're having a nice day!

  12. have you seen the penguin books at anthropologie?!?! they took the classic and bound them in the sweetest way ever...they're on my daughter's christmas list. She doesn't know it, but she'll love them one day!

    let me know if you want me to shoot you the link

  13. Hi Jenny ~ like this idea - just ordered that book from amazon to check it out. And, just wondering when you'll share some of your work with us? Love to see what you've been up to - especially that house in Boston (?) that you did. Thx!

  14. Hi Jenny,
    Thanks for the post.
    Alanna Cavanagh

  15. This has to be one of the best ideas I have ever read on your blog! I love to read so decorating my future office with some of my favorite book covers would be so wonderful! :)

  16. so glad to learn you're a salinger fan. franny and zooey is my fav...

  17. I have a large tea towel of a "Jeeves and Wooster" Penquin cover hanging in my office. I absolutely love it!

  18. Nice idea! Reminds me of a less-kitschy Postertext. They take the entire text of a book and lay it out in such a way that the design becomes a scene from the book. All good ways to show your love of the written word!

  19. Love Alanna's work. I bought her silk screen print of "A Room of One's Own" Penguin cover, complete with tea stains and it will have a special place in our new basement.

    I love the idea of blowing up a book cover that has meaning to you. Anything oversized really looks great, I think.

  20. I LOVE this idea ever since I saw it in Blueprint, but T will kill be if I buy one more thing to hang on the wall! I'll have to store this one away somewhere :)


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