I Need Your Help!

Hi friends!

2011 has started out with a bang for me. If the past four days are any indication of what the rest of this year will be like, I think the major descriptive words will end up being 'Crazy' and 'Exciting'. How is the first week of the year going for you?

This month, I'm flying to SLC to be a speaker and attendee at Alt Design Summit. I am really excited to meet more blog friends and to get to talk with all of them about blogging communities.

Here's where I could REALLY use your help, dear readers. I would be eternally grateful if each and every one of you could take just a few minutes to answer this survey here about my blog. It's completely anonymous and mostly multiple choice. Pretty please, help a blog sister out?

Here's to a crazy, exciting and AMAZING year of decorating adventures together! Can't wait to share with you in 2011! Hugs and kisses all around.


  1. I'll be at ALT and I'm so excited to hear from you!

  2. I so so so want to go...and I live close. Do you know if there are any discounts on the registration? It's a bit out of my range right now :( But I REALLY do wan to go.

  3. De-lurking myself here. I am in the middle of the survey, but wish I could answer more than one choice for some of them already - and I wish there was an 'other' available for some. Like how I read blogs - through my blogger dashboard. Am I antiquated or what? Ha! Love your blog, and really hope I get to attend ALT another year, especially if you speak again. So bummed I can't go this year...

  4. So looking forward to hearing you at ALT...missed the chance to meet you when you were a Boston-area neighbor, so I hope to see you in Salt Lake!

  5. Hi Jenny - I just wanted to say thanks for trying so hard to get my necklace untangled! You are nice. I finally had to take it to a jewelry shop to get it back to normal. They charged me $7.50. Lame. But after what felt like hours & several people trying to get it untangled, there seemed to be no other choice!

    It was nice to get to know you a little the other day at Angie's! Hopefully see you again soon. Good luck speaking at ALT.

    - Lizzie

  6. Wish I could hear you speak. (And, now I know what survey you were talking about on Twitter.)

    I think your content is always good. I don't know how you get half the stuff done that you post about. People don't realize how much time is involved in providing original content--especially w/ kids hanging on your arms/legs/etc., while you're trying to do it :)

  7. Looks like the New Years eve ball! So pretty.


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)